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I have some questions related to "physicality", healing and therapy. I'm curious about the topic. Mainly from a female perspective but the men can feel free to chime in.

1. Do you consider yourself good looking?

2. Would you say you are objectively good looking?

3. Did your mother tell you were good looking? Did you believe her? Was there jealousy in either direction about appearances?

4. Do you have issues related to your appearance? Issues connecting with your femininity?

5. Do you do physical things to improve your mental state like working out? Have fitness and or "dieting" been a part of your "healing process"?

6. Is your shrink objectively good looking?
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1. Not at my age, I just looker like someone of my age.
2. Not especially.
3. No, my mother was jealous of me so people told me.
4. I was often told that I was very pretty when I was younger but I often felt ugly and used my hair to hide my face. Sometimes I thought I looked quite attractive when I took care of my appearance though.
Yes, femininity was a problem until I fell in love, then I tried hard to look like a girl for my loved one.
5. I take care of my health and wellbeing by eating good food and doing daily stretches to keep my muscles and bones in good shape and I walk so that my heart stays healthy.
6. I am not sure what objectively good looking means exactly, but my T has features which I like, ie colour of eyes. I will look at him when I see him this week to see if he is good looking and let you know.
I'll answer my own questions

1. Yes (I was a great looking kid, awkward/ugly teenager and good looking adult)
I've been a little overweight since high school. I've been uncomfortable with the attention I get when I look good especially from men as I get more fit now I have to deal with this..
2. Yes
3. Yes she did. No but my grandmother was very good looking and my mom was somewhat overlooked
4. Yes, I am more and more comfortable.
5. I've been working out a lot lately. It feels great
6. My current shrink is gorgeous (former model) but thankfully not my type Smiler
Last edited by laurak
1. Do you consider yourself good looking?

Not especially, probably normal but I judge myself harshly

2. Would you say you are objectively good looking?

No ~ normal

3. Did your mother tell you were good looking? Did you believe her? Was there jealousy in either direction about appearances?


4. Do you have issues related to your appearance? Issues connecting with your femininity?

yes - many

5. Do you do physical things to improve your mental state like working out? How fitness and or "dieting" been a part of your "healing process"?

eating organicically and taking vitamins and supplements help me feel better physically

6. Is your shrink objectively good looking?


1. Do you consider yourself good looking?

I'd consider myself OK looking most of the time.

2. Would you say you are objectively good looking?

Objectively I'm probably better than average.

3. Did your mother tell you were good looking? Yes. Did you believe her? No. Was there jealousy in either direction about appearances? Probably not, but maybe a little.

4. Do you have issues related to your appearance? Not really. Issues connecting with your femininity? Nothing major.

5. Do you do physical things to improve your mental state like working out? I go on long walks and eat well. How fitness and or "dieting" been a part of your "healing process"? Nothing in particular.

6. Is your shrink objectively good looking? I would say average.
1. Do you consider yourself good looking?

2. Would you say you are objectively good looking? Absolutely not.

3. Did your mother tell you were good looking? Not once I hit adolescence. Did you believe her? Nope. Was there jealousy in either direction about appearances? Unsure.

4. Do you have issues related to your appearance? Yes.Issues connecting with your femininity? Not really.

5. Do you do physical things to improve your mental state like working out? When I can.How have fitness and or "dieting" been a part of your "healing process"? They haven't really... they've been more a part of the problem.

6. Is your shrink objectively good looking?In my eyes, T is beautiful. Is she a model? Not even close. She's a well put together, classic, yet stylishly dressed, person who takes good care of herself.

7. No, she doesn't ever compliment my appearance or anything of the sort. Sometimes I wish she would, but I know she intentionally avoids those types of compliments.
Last edited by room2grow
1. No
2. No
3. No to all
4. Yes, yes deffo
5. Yes, she was a fashion journo in her pre-therapist life, so is one of those classic well put together types, immaculate and tidy and always co-ordinated
6. No, I tend not to take care of myself physically at all
7, Yes she tries to compliment me if say I am wearing a nice scarf but I am so not used to not hearing compliments I tend not to respond

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