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Hi All,
I just wanted to post a quick update. I'm so very sorry I haven't been around much, I kind of swoop in when I can grab some time and I miss being around more and not always being able to respond.

I'm still working OT although I think the end is in sight (we're redesigning one of the new features at the last minute and of course, it's one I've already completely documented. Big Grin).

Things have been kind of difficult as my OT is putting quite a strain on my whole family and I've continued to fight with the sinus infection. I went to my doctor last Friday and convinced her to put me on a really strong antibiotic for 14 days in the hope that I won't be sick again all winter like I was last year.

It's been a little lonely because the schedule is such that I don't have time to stay really connected to my relationships (this forum being a case in point. Big Grin) and that's on top of not seeing my T. It will be seven weeks tomorrow since the last time I saw him. There's been one phone call, one email and I stuck a VERY short note on my last check I mailed to him.

It's been very clear to me that I really was ready to leave therapy as I seem to be holding my own even through all this stress, but I also really miss him. Not being able to have that focused time has fed into the feelings of loneliness. I am definitely grieving about it, but it seems to come in small but intense waves, so I'm able to grieve but without the feeling that it's taking over my life.

But I'm tired and I'd like to get back on a normal schedule and pay some attention to my neglected relationships. It's also hard to sort out what I'm feeling about leaving my T from the stress of the overtime, so I'm looking forward to getting back to a more normal schedule so I can actually know how I'm doing (if that makes sense Smiler )

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Hi AG,

It's always good to see you around, even if it's just a little bit here and there. I'm sorry you've still been sick! You've got a lot on your plate right now, and it's admirable how well you're dealing with it and that you still can know you made the right decision leaving therapy. I hope things slow down for you soon so you can get some well deserved rest. Smiler

Take care,
It is so nice to see you, always! I too am sorry to hear about your troubles with sinus infections and too much work...that's alot to deal with... I hope that you are able to get everything sorted to your satisfaction, and feel alittle less hurried in your eeveryday functioning, can take some time for you and your family.

Thanks for the update...I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing...



I'm sorry to hear that you are still battling a sinus infection! I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully things in your life will calm down soon and you will be able to get a firm grasp on where you are at. I have a feeling that you will find that you are doing pretty darn well! I'm sure that you are going to miss your T and that is to be expected, but I'm also sure that you have such a strong sense of him to carry around with you that you can tap into that when you need to.

Thanks for the update!
It's really good to hear from you...I have been wondering how you have been getting on. I am sorry to hear that you are still struggling with the sinus infection Frowner....also that all the OT you are doing is putting a strain on your family. Good to hear that there is an end of sight...I hope then you can have some time for you.

I know how the lonliness feels (((((AG)))))

Take care

Thanks so much for your generous concern, I know that you have been in some dark places. I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you. But I do want to tell you now that you are not making it up, so much of what you’re saying about how your feeling and your memories (or lack thereof) sound very familiar to me, as does the feeling that you are somehow overreacting or making it up. I do not know what happened to you or what it was like for you, and I wouldn’t want to make assumptions but I do believe that your feelings are legitimate and deserve to be heard and understood. I know this is really hard, but please know that healing is possible.

You are also being very kind and generous, thank you, as I know you are also in a difficult passage, and you’re another person I feel bad for not responding to. Thank you for thinking of me, and know that even if I’m not posting, I’m thinking of you with love. And everything I said to Kashley also applies to you, especially about healing.

Thanks for the encouragement! I do have a very strong sense of my T ( I would be embarrassed to admit how many imaginary conversations I’ve had with him. Big Grin) and when I remember to reach for that, it can really help.

Thanks for your understanding about the loneliness, I know you know how it feels. It’s good to hear from you, I have been wondering how you’re holding up? ((((Butterfly))))

Thanks so much! It’s really nice to hear that everyone has been thinking of me, it’s sometimes difficult to fight off that out of sight, out of mind feeling. Smiler

Thanks so much to everyone, it really helps to know that there are people who care about me.

love, AG
Hi AG .... Thanks for redirecting me here .... How would I have found this? Where would I have looked?

It's so encouraging and uplifting for me to see you've tackled your issues and come out on the other side .... Even though you are struggling ... - the struggles don't end after you leave therapy because life is stressful ... always something to deal with ..... - you are recalling those conversations with your T and it is helpful .... I'm not so sure that's anything to be embarrassed by .... I guess I'm thinking that if you had won the parent lottery and you had all those pearls of wisdom from Mom and Dad stored in your head and then they died .... wouldn't you do the same thing? Reach back and say, okay, if Mom were around, what would we talk about and how would we resolve this?

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