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I am thinking of looking for a listening partner or organizing a support group-ish thing for those of us who are in school for counseling/therapy, etc. It's just to have a place to talk about the challenges we are having in school, or getting help thinking through choices like internship placements, etc. Please reply below if interested!
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Me! I would be interested! I'm in my second year of graduate school for counseling (MS-Community Counseling). Wish me luck I have my internship interview next week!

Rebuilding Me-I'm not sure where you are located and what type of degree you were thinking about obtaining, but there are 3 people in my classes that are in their 50's. Just to let you know that people that age are doing it.

RM, please do consider what Athenacus is suggesting. it is NEVER too late to live the lives we are meant to live (easy for me to say, but not necessarily live). please don't let your age dissuade you from living your passion. i have a friend who is 50 and is in school for law enforcement ... a life-long passion! baby-boomers are your age, and you can bet there will be a HUGE demand for therapists that can understand where they're coming from. just something to think about.

Athenacus, thanks for encouraging others. Also, i wish you the absolute best in your interview next week! you're going to do great!
Hope you don't mind me chipping to second what CD said. I am UK based and will be applying to do my postgraduate psychotherapy training next year..and will be nearer 50 than not. It will last up to 5 years til registration with UKCP. I was accepted for a UK well known organization's training (did not happen because of low student numbers) at 48. So I now volunteer with vulnerable clients (hold another paid job) and instead I will be applying to my preferred training organization when I will be nearer 50 than not. I have a friend who always wanted to teach, she took the plunge in 2012-13 and is now working as a qualified teacher and she has 5 years on me in age terms. Big Grin Go for it. Good luck to those already in t schools whatever your stage of training

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