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Hi guys! I've been wondering something lately and thought I'd turn to you all to get your thoughts.

Does anyone- with a history of trauma or not- find themselves abnormally fond of t.v. shows that feature abuse/violence/trauma/horrific stories? I'm realizing that the extent of my liking of these kinds of shows is unusual, but I can't pinpoint exactly why I like them so much. I'm particularly riveted by shows about true stories... documentary-ish... things that show real victims of trauma/pain/abuse. And I mean, these shows are graphic, gut wrenching, sad and hard to watch. But I can't seem to turn them off. I'm up into the wee hours of the morning watching show after show after show. It goes beyond a simple interest in this stuff... it's almost crucial for me. Anyone else feel this way? Any ideas?

I appreciate any input... even if it's 'no, you're crazy CT'!! Big Grin

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Hi CT, nice to meet you- dont think we "met" Smiler

I dont have much time now, just wantet to let you know your`re not crazy or anything like that at all. I`m not having trauma- experiences - nor a vilant history- but i dont find it weird at all that you find this shows somehow triggering or even enjoy them. I just take a guess here, but i thinnk it`s about some kind of katharsis, you know? It`s a fenomen ehere the victim (or whatever) feels a huge relief being the obejctive watcher. I dont find the right words here, i think i am tryin to explain the dynamics that victims of traumas or violence often seems to feel some kind of attractions to the same brutality that they once self was hurted/damaged by. To sit and watch shows like that from a safe distance, gives perhaps some kind of controll-feeling, and a "primitiv" katharsis-(=healing feeling) reaction- (katharsis is a famous psychologyial(?) fenomen that ascribes from the the greek-tragedy theatres, as the audience gets this satisfaction by watching the hero in the play bein destroyed or in pain and greef.) So, you see its quite normal and just simply A very human reaction. People seem to tend to "like" other peoples pain in a way.

Ok, i have to run. This was rambling, but i hoped it helped somehow.
All the best CT Smiler

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