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Hi All... yes I'm still alive... just been flaring (increase of disease activity for a period of time that causes more pain due to inflamation blah blah) and as a result not on the computer as much and when I am on, trying to catch up with endless emails I seem to get and need to answer (no, im not popular just obsessive about answering emails.. haha).

ANYWAYS, i digress.. today, to my real shock, I got a call from my ex-therapist Adrine. Big shock there. I thought I recognized the voice but I just couldn't believe it... lol. Anyways, she was calling to thank me for the music CD I had left for her awhile back with some hard rock/punk/ crazyness music that I adore. While I was seeing her, we had talked some about music and and she had said she hadnt been able to get into punk or hard rock and I had told her that 'she hadn't listened to the right thing' lol. So she liked the CD yay... Smiler

she also wanted to know how I Was doing and stuff like that. I basicaly said taking things one day at a time. DOing okay mood wise. She mentioned that she hoped things went well for me with my new therapist once they came and that she had hope I would really have great impovement and stuff. So I said yes that I felt once I was able to work with my PTSD stuff that things would be a lot better so we talked a tad about that. I mentioned gettign denied SSI totally forgetting I had called her and we had talked about it.. LOL.... and so she asked me if I had put in the appeal yet so I mentioned about my lawyer moving and so she encouraged me to make sure I was getting my needs met.. so on.

So I asked her how she was and found out it was her last day and she was turning in keys and such. SO yeh... I suppose thats quite nice that she called.. and again... this convo and the last when I had called her were actually really pleasent and soo much nicer than my actual 'closure' call with her when I had let her go. So guess she got over herself... lol... I know for sure she was rather mad about it and it came out but glad it improved.. or her attitude about it improved. I found muself wondering if I made a mistake firing her.. grr.. dumb questioning myself but I know I made the right decision and really glad I dont have to go through the whole.. darn loosingf another therapist thing right now...

so thought i would share...

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So good to hear from you, I was getting a little worried. That's really cool that she called again, I'm glad its ended with a better feeling. And you're right, I don't think you need to second guess yourself, I think you did the right thing. And probably helped out her subsequent clients. Big Grin But its nice you had the connection. Sorry to hear you're dealing with flare ups. It can be so frustrating when your health is such an impediment to living your life. Hope it gets better soon! Hugs.

Hello BW:

So glad to hear that you have been able to bring closure to things with Adrine! Wish there was something that I could do to ease the "pain" and associated frustrations related to your flare ups. I can only have imaginings about how difficult things must be for you. I am hopeful that a successful appeal will afford you the care that you so deserve!!

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