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I had a huge wake-up call today that has me a lot unsettled. Almost unsettled enough to leave my T a message, but not quite (I hope I don't reach that point, actually.)

We were in the midst of a class discussion about healthy eating and balanced diets (I teach 8-9-10 year olds) and one of my students, a wise little boy, raised his hand and commented "R2G, your meals must be really lonely." He then proceeded to explain that since I eat breakfast and dinner alone, my food time has got to feel lonely. I replied back that I do enjoy eating lunch with everyone at school, and I do have dinner with my parents and siblings once a week... and his comment didn't really truly bother me.

But now that I'm home, and it's dark, and bedtime is near, I'm really saddened by his observation. It's true. My meals are really lonely. It's just me. Yes, I eat with my family once a week, and no, I couldn't handle eating with them any more frequently. But my food habits, my meals and eating, they are pathetically sad. It's me and the TV, or me and my computer.

And to top it all off, and likely the reason I'm so stuck on this right now, is the fact that I have to go see a nutritionist because my dr. is concerned about my inability to maintain my weight with my depression. So I'm keeping a food journal of what I'm eating each day. And in reading it, it's kind of scary. Not only do I have lonely meals, I eat really poorly, too.

So for those of you that are living solo, how do you avoid the lonely mealtime situation? How do you eat for yourself? Cause right now, I am sucking at anything to do with food. Frowner
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Gotta jump in here with another wonderful website/application I've been using:

You can collect recipes from any site on the web in one place, and then generate a shopping list from the ones you are going to use in a given week. I use the shopping list from my phone but you could just as easily print it out. I LOVE this! I'm soooo not a cook, I'm a disaster in the kitchen, messy and grubby and I hate grocery shopping and I struggle to follow instructions - but this has made it really fun to find new recipes and make sure I have the stuff for them, and then cook.

H and I have been choosing recipes together, and then when we go to the supermarket it's easy to split the list up and go get things, instead of me trailing around after him wondering what the hell is going on. I can imagine it would make solo mealtimes more fun too, because if you pick out new recipes you are excited about it can make the mealtime something to look forward to.

I know the loneliness hurts though, R2G. It's too easy to get into same-old same-old with yourself - or with another person too - and miss the pleasure that food and nourishing ourselves can be.
Hi R2G.... I think DF and Jones had awesome suggestions. So I don't have much to add except that perhaps once a week you could invite a friend to dinner or to go out to dinner. I'll bet if you look around there are other singles that would enjoy a night out once in awhile too.

When I was first married I ate alone almost every night because my dh worked nights and I worked days. It was a bit lonely so I tried to reach out to do other things to keep my occupied. I joined a friend at work and we took classes in Wine Appreciation and then cooking, I had another friend who I would meet for dinner once a month after work and I would invite my sister (who was single at the time and living still w/my parents) to dinner every other week. I did enjoy being alone sometimes but I enjoyed the variety of having a guest or going out once a week. The other thing was... I would try to make myself a balanced meal almost every night. In my case I was trying to LOSE weight (a lifetime battle) and so I would make a protein, like chicken or veal or fish and a veggie each night and set the table nicely for myself. Of course, I did have TV for company.

Wish you the best with this R2G.


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