I would say that it's going relatively well. I've learnt a lot about myself and hit a lot more milestones than I ever thought I would in my life! Looking back, I am happy at the clarity I have found in myself so far.
What's not so clarified is what I feel toward my T.
Last session was a weird one. I started talking about something pertaining to a situation when I was a child and I was aware that she was watching me. Now before, I would have been aware anyway but I cut her out whilst I was talking I think. I garbled on as if I was repeating the habit I had got used to where I would talk to myself (and still do). Only this time (and it's happened a few times), I become acutely aware that she is watching me, listening, hearing all I have to say.
I started really forgetting my train of thought and I didn't know how to react to it and her watching me speak. I started laughing nervously and didn't know how to behave bodily. I felt silly, awkward, confused. 'What do I do?' runs through my mind when this happens. 'How do I be..me? How do I talk, behave?'. It got confusing. I looked at the floor, laughed and said 'I'm sorry, hahaha, I don't know..I'm loosing it. One second. Wait, hold on. *more laughter*. It's because your looking at me. Wait, okay, I'll get it. What was I saying?'
The more concerned she was and interested in why I was becoming disassociative, the more I didn't know how to react because I knew that at this moment, she was analysing my behaviour and how I was reacting my own memory loss.
The 'reality' of it made my mind react weirdly. After a few minutes, as I was talking and had gathered my thoughts (with a LOT of concentration to be had, Lol), I looked at her and she seemed unreal. My mind registered her as an alien or a stone. I couldn't recognize her as a human being who was listening to me. I couldn't 'see' her, for those few seconds she just wasn't real I think. I remember looking at her eyes whilst I was talking and her eyes didn't seem real.
I'm not sure what to make of it. But do any of you have any weird sort of, mind experiences like that where in session, a perception becomes distorted which throws you a bit?
A friend of mine said that I was not associating with reality at that moment. She could well be right. But what bugs me is that maybe I was associating with reality...the reality of her watching me, everything about me and perhaps, my mind could not take the truth of such a matter and detached from the reality. Maybe the reality of that moment was too hard to deal with?
I have, like a lot of us here, a history of emotional neglect where my needs were not taken care of well and where hugs, affection was very rare.
I really just don't know what to make of my relationship with T. Several times I've told her that it feels a bit surreal. I don't know if it feel surreal or the concept is surreal or the idea of it is surreal. The word 'surreal' just comes up in my mind as a word that fits the whole nature of the therapeutic relationship.
Sometimes I feel I love her so much like a lover. Other times I'm not sure. I'm confused by the nature of all this.
I think I've been cutting her out of my mind lately because of trust issues. Ha. But my attachment style has always been a mix of anxious/ambivalent with a prevalence of avoidant/dismissive if I sense things arn't going right.Funny thing is that when I've avoidant/dismissive the attachment is still there but has been buried underneath all these 'I hate you' thoughts. But if the relationship were to end, all of the attachment would suddenly splurge and make me feel very desperate for her to be there forever.
Lately I think of her very often though I cannot remember what she looks like or what she sounds like. I've been angry and frustrated with her. So I still go on talking my thoughts aloud and I imagine sitting in front of her talking it. The attachment is there, but the 'feeling' is gone. Muted. Whatever.
Any thoughts on this would be great. Any personal experiences. Ever been confused when starting therapy, especially to those of you who have not had a good attachment figure for most of your lives?
I'd like to also hear from you guys who been in therapy for many years. AG, I know that you've been in therapy for a good 20 years. I wonder if you could shed light on some of your experiences .
What worries me most is 'am I THAT worried about letting people in?'. Will I turn into a sociopath? Will I get violent if I get intimate or too close to someone? I've never had a relationship of love. I've not yet been in love with someone who I've been with so I don't know. I'm just worried that there is this a mini me that is a monster that will turn into a big monster if she is too intimate with someone. I don't want to recreate the cycle of violence that I experienced. I don't want my mind to start doing weird things and start registering T as weird things and then me not knowing how to react to her or reacting to her badly. I don't want to hurt her. She is lovely. And I'm worried.
I hope this is not too confusing or silly or much to ask or whatnot.
Hope you are all doing okay.