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**TW medical stuff**

Hi guys, I've missed you all.

I'm sorry I'm not able to be of any support to anyone right now. I feel selfish coming for help when I have nothing to give, my resources are so rock bottom at the moment.

I wanted to say thank you (((quell, TN, liese, lucy, s-b, draggers, mallard, erica))) for your kind words on my other post about taking a break.

Today was extremely hard. I feel like no one understands except for you guys, because the nature of what made it so hard just doesn't make sense to people who haven't been there.

I had to go to the Dr because I've been incredibly sick for days. It is a new Dr at a low cost clinic that I was forced to see for financial reasons. I've REALLY REALLY been putting it off because the office is right next to exT's clinic.

So I went to my appointment this morning, and had not slept at all last night, and was feeling horrible from being sick as well as being through the first week of being off my depression med. I kept looking out the window at exT's clinic and trying not to cry. Trying to remember all of the distress tolerance skills newT has been working with me on. (she has been awesome and very supportive, and is asked me last session if I would like to pursue reporting him, because she wants to!) Eeker

Anyway, I'm there trying to breathe, distract, self soothe. And I had half a grip on my distress until.... the nurse comes in. She was a *#$%&@& monster. I'm sure my reaction to her was exaggerated by how upset I already was, but still. (this is the part that might be triggering) She rushed in the room and told me the Dr wanted a throat swab to see if I had strep throat. She told me to close my eyes and stick out my tongue, then literally just crammed the q-tip in the very back of my throat without warning and REALLY hurt me. She was rough and unapologetic and could care less that I immediately gagged and jerked away from her in pain. She just left the room right away.

I knew I was going to lose it. For reasons I won't go into on OF, I could feel how massively triggered I was, but tried to keep it together until the Dr came in. "Breathe, breathe, breathe" I said. Little AH was working herself up to a full on panic attack. The Dr came in and I could feel tears streaming down my face. I hoped and prayed she would be a LOT more empathetic. She asked me why I was crying, and it an angry outburst I said "Your nurse really hurt me. My throat is killing me even more now, she was way too rough and I didn't like that."

She gave a very rushed and unfeeling "oh sorry" as she then proceeds to check my ears, and was almost worse as she stuck the light thing (whatever it's called?) in my ear and I felt instant pain and jerked my head away from her. She didn't care. Just hurried through the rest of her exam and threw a bottle of pills at me and directed me to the door like she was herding cattle.

I got to my car, and in a daze of numbness and anger and hurt I had a full on meltdown. I'm sitting there looking at two buildings of 'medical professionals' who so callously disregarded the most basic practices of human compassion. People I had to rely on to help me. People I had to see because I couldn't afford to go anywhere else. And I couldn't afford to go anywhere else because I can't keep a work schedule like I want to, because I'm so traumatized from the ORIGINAL people who I had no choice in being my horrible caregivers, my parents.

I cried from the depths of my soul in pain, I'm not sure I've been so triggered in such a long time. And what's worse, I feel like this entire thing would sounds like whining and I should just suck it up and be glad I have any medical care.

The child part of me especially needs some very very gentle hugs and reassurance, because she is feeling very hurt and alone and afraid.
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I'm sorry, AH, you're hurting so deeply right now Hug two
You're not whining at all and you most certainly do not need to suck it up. A lot is compounding your trauma - being sick, lack of sleep, and being off your anti-d. You need some gentle care and compassion. I understand your response to the nurse. I so get you. And the doc was abrupt and dismissive. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone.
Sending some lovin' your way
Oh AH, I would absolutely find all that really triggering too

You can see that those 'proffessionals', for whatever reason are NOT behaving with empathy, care or consideration. None of the reasons are YOU though - it's not personal. I bet every person going through their doors gets the same careless treatment.

Sending you virtual hugs and sitting nearby in an forum-y sort of way. Wrap yourself up all warm in a cosy blanket 'til it all feels a little better.

((AH)) so sorry to hear about your experience there Frowner I once had a Dr make me wait AN HOUR shut in the tiny exam room after I saw the nurse. I froze and panicked for anwhile, cried, called my T, eventually opened the door despite being so triggered and the nurse said 'on he's always this behind'. When my 5 seconds with him finally happened he didn't even apologize. It's often like in busy offices it's more about $ and plowing people through them actual attention. I had a P like that, too. I'm angry on your behalf!
AH is absolutely understandable that you would be massively triggered by what happened to you at the clinic and more so because it was so near to oldT's place. I used to get terribly triggered when I had to drive by oldT's farmhouse and worse if I saw cars outside (other patients) because I was banned and they were allowed there. I felt like I was "bad" because I was treated this way. But it was HIM not me. HE was bad.

I'm sorry you didn't have a choice on where to go for medical help. This time of year when everyone is sick those places do tend to herd people around with little regard for them or the ability or time to offer a bit of compassion. It was inexcusable for the nurse to treat you like that. And the doctor should have had some empathy.

I'm sure all things combined... you being sick, off your anti-d's, the treatment and the memories of oldT have you reeling. So let's just break this down into you first getting yourself physically well. Take the meds, rest, and do a bit of self care so you can get physically strong and this will help with you dealing with the emotional turmoil and pain you are in.

I am so glad that your T is continuing to be supportive. I was very close to filing a complaint with the licensing board against my oldT. My current T thought I had a good case and he was supportive and told me he would come with me and testify for me that I was traumatized by oldT causing me PTSD. I didn't pursue it because after I had that "closure" meeting with oldT after a year of waiting, I just wanted to move on with my life.

I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about supporting us. This is your time to take in the care and nurture. You will give back when you are doing better.

Thank you all for being so understanding and supportive Hug two

It is really hard for me to practice self care, and stop myself from going 100mph processing everything inside, and giving to others when there is nothing left inside me to give. I'm struggling to suppress everything that's bursting at the seams, but I know it has to wait awhile longer. I know I have to be strong enough, healthy enough physically to go back into the emotions.

I'm really holding onto the idea lately of 're-parenting', and realizing that for me it not only involves trying to soothe and comfort the younger part of me, but also involves disciplining myself enough to eat, go to bed, take medicine, etc. So hard...

(((lucy))) thank you for getting me and for the hugs and love and support. I feel a lot less alone now and you've helped with that so much

(((s-b))) I'm very grateful for the hugs and sitting nearby makes me feel less alone too. I so much appreciate hearing it not being personal it helps me to not think of it that way

(((draggers))) Thank you for the hugs and wishes to feel better, I'm thinking of you and hope you are doing ok too

(((pengs))) I've been thinking of you having to go through your appointments, you are so strong pengs. You really are right that feeling like you're invisible and your body isn't your own is THE most triggering aspect. Nail on the head!! you are right, the experiences matter and deserve gentle care.

(((cat))) that would have made me very upset to be left in a tiny room so long too, I'm sorry you had to go through that Frowner It really is sad when the money takes over the care and compassion people have a right to. I hope you don't have to go back there anymore! Thank you for feeling angry for me and understanding

(((TN))) For sure a huge huge part was being so close to exT. It was a big reminder that the once source of comfort and attachment was right there, and now when I needed comfort he was not only unreachable, but also someone I wanted to be 1000 miles away from at the same time. It adds so many conflicting feelings to an already painful situation. I'm so sorry you've had to be so close to oldT's place so often Frowner I just can't imagine how hard that would be. I am going to have to do a lot of deep thinking about a complaint, because I don't know if the process would do more harm than good. NewT agrees that it could just be more traumatizing, but said she would support either decision. Thank you for being so understanding and giving

(((RM))) I appreciate so much the big hug and letting me be taken care of, it means an awful lot. Thank you RM

I want to give a big hug back to each and all of you

I'll be back around soon, just have to build myself up a bit again. Thinking of all of you, I know you are going through so many struggles and hard times and I am rooting you on. Please keep hanging in there. And I truly thank you for helping me despite all the tough things you are each facing

Hug two

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