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The PsychCafe
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I know I have not been around much lately. Part of it is because of this weird place I've been in with regard to my therapy and partly ... honestly... is because many of those here who I had a longer term posting relationship with have seemed to just disappear from the Board. I realize that people come and go here and that is how it should be... but for me "I" was the one who began to feel like a newbie again and it became harder to share.

So to catch everyone up on my situation...

I'm still working out the seating situation with my T. I have sat in the new leather chair a few times. Monday of this week I sat there and it was somewhat better than the week before. The week before I sat there both sessions and I was SO anxious and SO distracted (even when I covered the chair with my new soft throw)by the chair itself it was interferring with my therapy. So, yesterday I decided to sit on the floor again. My T never misses a beat and just drops to the floor across from me.

I have found this change to be really helpful for a few reasons. One is that he is sitting closer to me and I feel more connected to him. Eye contact seems to be easier and there are less distractions in my line of vision. It also seems less formal and it also shifts the power differential a bit. My T just seems less "imposing" when he's sitting on the floor with his legs in "pretzel" position. But he is no less effective! He is simply amazing.

Last week he noticed how anxious I was sitting in the chair and he spent a lot of time talking to me about how it was fine if I needed to sit on the floor and there was no time limit or number of times we could do that. I tend to self-impose limits about certain things. Like no more than one email per week or one phone call per week and I will check how long I was able to go without that outside contact and now I'm telling myself that even though I want to sit on the floor he is probably dreading it or thinking I'm being a pain in the rear and so I'm afraid to do it again. He wants me to recognize that these are my own arbitary rules that have nothing to do with him.

I had a two hour session on Monday. My T does not normally do longer sessions and we discussed that if I gave him advanced notice that we could arrange a few of them when I need them. I told my T I could foresee needing probably 3 double sessions over our time together to discuss more complicated issues/events in my life. And so I decided to take the least scary of those events and ask for the double session to have enough time to get through it. Ha... little did I know! Eeker

By the time I got to the longer session I was struggling with the thought that I asked him for too much, that I really had nothing important to tell him anyway, and that by the end of the session he would be pissed that I wasted his time! Thankfully, that did not happen. Nor did it happen that I could finish my "story". I was very anxious and nervous and I think I babbled for the first 20 minutes. My T is VERY obserant and he steered the discussion to calm and settle me. He also worked hard on getting me to understand that HE was attaching to me and helping me to open up to accept that. He knows it's frightening to me. We talked about what that meant... that he had an attachment to me. He said allowing this 2-way attachment is a true gift for him. How wonderful that we can have this kind of relationship!! The way he said it really touched my heart. That it really did mean something to him that I allow him to attach to me and was able to take it in and accept it. It was a gift!

Anyway... The topic was a previous "attachment" relationship that I developed with someone that ended badly (not oldT) and how this impacted me, the loss it left in my life, and how even though oldT knew all about what happened and my terror at getting close to someone again, he abandoned me anyway and treated me with such cruelty.

The reason I didn't get to everything I had planned to...was that T kept stopping me and asking me a lot of tough questions about what I was experiencing then and now. He slowed me down and took the time to really understand me, the circumstances and tried to analyze the type of person I was attached to (checking for patterns I would guess). And so I left on Monday in a sort of limbo place... yet anxious to get back to him and continue.

Yesterday I continued yet STILL did not finish working on this story of the former attachment person. When I questioned my T he said while the story was important and he wanted to hear it ... it was also important that we PROCESS what happened to me as well and he wanted me to experience what I was FEELING at that time. This made sense to me and it was a new experience. With oldT he would just let me rattle on and on and then seesion over! No processing. I didn't even know what processing WAS!

Anyway, he was very kind to me and very understanding. I was shaking and shivering at the end of session and he gave me some additional time (yesterday was a regular session) to calm down and compose myself. We made some small talk and then he told me that he was going on vacation week after next!! Eeker He usually goes first week of March and now he's gong earlier and it was unexpected to me. So now I'm feeling really scared that we are working on this issue and he is going to leave for a week (I miss 2 sessions). I know it's not that long in the scheme of things but I feel a real loss. Especially now that things are moving ahead and I'm feeling closer to him. I'm afraid the separation will distance us again. He did tell me that on Monday we will finish the story and then on Thursday we will get me in a good place for his vacation.

The thing is that I am really missing him right now and I only have to wait until Monday to see him. The good thing is that the really bumpy, up and down, angry uspet relationship that we had last fall has now settled down again and we are doing good work. I just hope that having him away for that week does not thow us backwards again.

Thanks for reading.
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Hey TN, I love reading your stuff as I am always seem to be experiencing similar stuff to you. You always help me - even without trying.

Your T speaks to you and helps you like my T does. WHen I am telling a story - she stops me a lot as she is trying to get it right in her head. She also stops me at times and makes me feel what is happening - sometimes this annoys me as I just want to talk it and get it out. She is always connecting past feelings and experiences to current day issues so that I can make the connections of how I processed things before to the current day. It is always helping me understand why I do and think things.

We always talk about our attachment, my style, and my previous attachments to people. I am glad that she asks about it and that we discuss it because it is so crucial and I am learning all the time. Poor T is still trying to work me out. I love it how we can speak openly. Just me saying to her face "I really need you" - is such a big thing.

Since speaking about longer sessions on the forum a while back I asked T and she is super flexible. We have scheduled some longer sessions for me - this helps a lot.

I LOVE how your T said that he had an attachment to you. I think I really want my T to say those words to me. She talks about "our" relationship a lot but she has never said it like that. I think it would help me to hear it. When he said that to you - did it change anything inside you - was it a really poignant moment?

For what it is worth - I think that your T didn't give you enough time to prepare and process the news about his vacation. I would have freaked. I really get it when you say that you hope his vacation doesn't wreck your momentum. you went thru a rough patch and now you are back "together" in mind, spirit and soul.

About the chair issue. when you brought that thread up previously I told T about it and compared myself to your attention to detail - I said I never notice anything, never notice the decor, the furniture, what T is wearing and I forget her quickly. I thought of you during my session yesterday because I walked in, stopped and looked around. I saw this amazing and huge photo on the wall - and I asked whether it was new and... where did the clock go. T said - the photo is old and she has never had a wall clock. I had never even noticed either of those things before. I have been noticing what T wears and trying to look around and notice things. But I swear there was a clock on the wall before.....

Maybe when I start noticing things - I will start having some object permanence with T?

I also told her that one day I am going to sit in HER chair and she can sit against the wall.

So TN - not only do I read your stuff, I bring them up in my session, make the issues the object of some of my therapy AND i even though of you this week while I observed my T's room and tried to do a "TN scan". Keep those posts coming!

(((TN))) So glad to hear an update and how well your T is caring through this experience with you. I'm sorry about his vacation. If it helps, even missing a single session is destabilizing to me at this point. We are having to increase to three times a week temporarily, because I can't even get by on the two extended ones. So, I get how even two missed sessions can feel eternal. I hope you get to process through this particular story before his vacation and that you can retain the obviously healthy attachment/connection while he is away.
Loved reading this. I love how you had the courage to ask your T for longer sessions even though you were a little hesitant. I'm having that little issue with me and my T right now. I really need her more than once a week but I guess I hate feeling so needy, so even though I know I need it, I'm too scared to ask. Maybe though cos of reading this, I'll be able to just get with it and ask for an extra session. Glad you feel so attached and secure with your T. He sounds great!
Thank you everyone! BG it's good to see you. I hope things are going okay with you. I really am in good hands and that has made all the difference.

SD... Oh, your post made me so happy that I was able to help you in your own therapy. It sounds like your T has the attachment knowledge that you need her to have. It's important when telling the story that you also FEEL the emotions connected to that experience which is the part that was missing with my oldT. He didn't want to deal with emotional me and would just skim past the feelings and emotions connected with the past trauma. And I was frustrated, knowing that just telling him this stuff in my "reporter mode" was not the way to heal. It was not processing. Anyway... I'm glad that my experience has prompted you to talk to your T about seeing her and seeing the details around her office. The trauma you experienced over the ending with your former T had a lot to do with that. You just can't take in any more stimuli and also just SEEING the T reminds you that you are not with the T you had before. I remember it was SO hard to look at my T and how I had no object permanence and could not recall his face at all. It is only very recently that I can conjur him up in my mind. I think that is because some of the trauma wore away and also because I have spent more time just looking at him. I definitely think you will be able to improve holding your T with you in time and in being able to look at her more directly and not through the haze of fear and trauma. I'm so glad you discussed this with her and I had to crack up about doing the "TN Scan"!! Big Grin

Thanks for posting Yaku. I do know you are in a very difficult place and need the additional support. I do hope you can accept it and allow T to help you. Keep in mind this is not forever... you will become more stable in time and you can lessen the support then.

Echoes...Ha LOL... Mr. Super T... yes that is my T. You know how hard it has been for me to establish this relationship... inch by inch, tiny step by tiny step until my Super T has won my heart and mind. Thank you for saying that I deserve him... I don't know how I got so lucky to find him. And thank you for sharing how it has been sitting on the floor for you and what F thinks about it. It makes me feel like I'm not imagining that I feel closer to him there and it's easier to talk to him. As for his vacation... I'll probably be haunting this place a lot more while he is gone!

jenny...the road to the longer session was not so smooth...I asked him many months ago and he just said "I don't do longer sessions... I don't believe they are productive" That sent me into a downward spin. I was really SO upset. So I think I sent him an angry email about this and he came back to me saying that having them every once in awhile for a specific reason was fine with him and to just give him some notice. This is the first time I took him up on that. As for seeing your T more... I see my T twice per week. It keeps me stable and it has worked well. If you need your T then just tell her. Or send her an email if you cannot verbalize it. There is nothing wrong with seeing a T more than once a week.

Lovely to hear news from you TN and I am so glad that your therapeutic relationship with this T is back on track and going so well. He is so sensitive. I love that he talks about his attachment to you. Wow. I wish my T would do that. I had a long conversation by phone today with him where I am asking what I can do to make him care about me more - which was almost hilarious. All my old stuff about trying to get my parents to care about me. But he does not say he is attached to me. Maybe that kind of phrase just has not hit therapy circles here in the UK? He does say he cares about me deeply and that I am in his heart. I think I am going to ask him does that mean he loves me. Duh. Of course he loves me but it will mean directly using the L word. Gulp.

YOu seem to have a silver lining to the chair issue, - I brought cushions so that we could sit comfortably on the floor and he has to store them somewhere. LOL

Take care, TN, and I am sorry you have an unexpected break coming up. Hard. And do keep posting. I know it is hard to post when you are not sure if people here want to hear but I want to hear and I find your posts helpful and moving.

I got warm fuzzies when I read that your T plopped down on the floor too...and then my heart melted when I read that he said he is attached to you as well. That is very sweet. I am jealous! But happy for you that your T is so open. He sounds like a real gem. I am so glad you found him last year after all that happened with oldT. This situation is so much better for you and although you have some struggles in your attachment to new T, I can see that you are in much better hands.

Like the others, so glad to read about your sessions. I always love the detailed way you describe your thoughts and sessions. I was also happy to read that you asked for and got a double session and that it WAS productive. You've probably got him changing his thinking about a lot of things!

I'm tempted to think it was a really good thing especially with the impending break coming up. I agree that he didn't give you a lot of notice.

So great he sat on the floor with you. I know how nice it is when your T sits close. I had that experience when we did the puzzle together and I really liked it. It does help the connection.

He's a great T. I know it sounds a bit perverse but imagine if OldT hadn't terminated you and you were still with him, doing ineffective therapy and getting nowhere. That's a scary thought.


Howdy TN...I'm not around much these days either, but I wanted to pop in tonight, and see what's up with the old crowd...I miss you. I feel like a newbie here lately too- lots of lovely new faces, and few old friends still around too, I see. I'm glad that your T is still as steady as ever. You've been through such a turmoil, and it's good that he's there for you in such a steady way. Keep hanging in there- it takes time, but the steadiness of your T will help to heal you.

I'm so glad to hear that the connection is still there, and that he is a source of confort and healing for you. Slow and steady wins the race. I've had few bumps, I suppose, with my new T too, but he always seems to be what I need when I need it the most. I appreciate him, and I hope that it won't be as painful to leave him as it was my old "guru T." I'm glad that he is accepting of all of your conflicting emotions It's so nice to have a place where you can just be yourself, without fear. Ahppy for you, and wishing you continued healing and growth...



((sneaks hug to BB too))

I'm glad for the update. I'm glad you and your T are processing things while you tell about them, that's good! Hard work. I'm sorry about his vacation coming up. My T schedule is all messed up for the week after next too. I'm always happy to hear when things are settled, I know ups/downs happen but it's so nice when we rest on a mesa for a bit and have that consistency feeling.

I'm sorry that you have been so anxious lately and that telling him something has scared you into thinking he isn't going to be there for you. It is so painful to feel like you need to talk about something and that if and when you do it will ruin the relationship.

I agree with the others and think your T can handle whatever you tell him. He is committed to working with you and he'll be there but only time will show you that is true. I hope you call him if you need to connect with him.
((((Cat, Liese, Mayo, incognito)))

Thank you for your encouragement. I will page him tomorrow if I need him. We have been working on discussing an old attachment relationship that I had years ago which ended very badly for various reasons. I had told old T but we never processed it and the feelings that go along with it and it just got really intense today. I was freaking out as soon as I walked in because I didn't know where to sit. My T nicely asked where are we gonna sit today? and that upset me because I didn't know. Plus I was still anxious from last Thursday and I think his looming vacation is really unnerving me because this discussion over the old attachment it taking longer than I thought and I also thought that T was not going away till first week of March. So I figured I had at least 3 more sessions than I do have now that he is leaving this weekend and I'm so terrified to see him on Thursday because if it ends badly and I'm super activated like today, then what? He is gone and I have to shut myself down somehow until he comes back. I just have really lousy timing.

BTW, I told him I was gonna sit on his couch today (which is leather Brick wall). He seemed so shocked that I felt like running out of there and back to the safety of my car. It took me some time to pull out my throw and he had my blanket on the other chair which he went and got for me which made me want to hide because he had to do that for me and I was such a pain today. Then I had to fix the pillow behind me and he turned his chair around to face me and by then.... I could not talk. I was breathless from anxiety. I told him I just wanted to sit there and cry. That I didn't want to talk just cry. So he moved closer to me and told me it was okay I could cry if I wanted to. Then he asked me... no actually he asked if "she" was afraid of him (meaning the inner kid that is always scared of something). He reassured me that he would never want to hurt her. I took a breath and told him that I knew that. We were not scared of him, just of all the stuff that had to be told.

And so... then.... I asked him if he watched the Grammy's last night! He didn't. I told him that I love Adele and I was glad she won and that there was a lot of girl power there last night. Aside from Bruce and Paul McCartney there was Katy, and Taylor, Rhianna, Jennifer Hudson, Adele... and let's not even talk about Nicki Minaj (what WAS that?). He laughed and then I was able to relax enough to go back to the serious stuff.

The time went so fast and he has even been giving me an extra 5 minutes. I was thoroughly exhausted when I had to leave and shaky. When I shook his hand I guess I was looking away or at the floor because he stopped me and asked me to shake his hand again and told me to look at him to keep the connection. I swear he can read my mind at times. I was thinking over the weekend that on Thursday we shook hands and I had no memory of his face and again could not FEEL that handshake. It was like my hand was numb and I felt nothing. Old T had the best handshakes, long and slow enough that I would calm down enough to be able to look at him.

And so I see him Thursday and then he's gone.

Thanks for listening

The grammy's were great, weren't they? Adele is the best! Did you catch the Beach Boys? I loved them.

It doesn't sound like you said anything bad. It sounds like you have some heavy stuff going on and the timing of this vacation really stinks. It kind of reminds me of how I felt right around Christmas. I got really angry about something the second to last session before the holidays but didn't want to end it intensely because I didn't want to stress anymore than I had to and I didn't want T to stress anymore than he had to. So, that's when I came up with the idea of the Christmas party. I stuffed it all. And then the next week, I only saw him once right before New Years and it just wasn't a good time to get back into things. So I stuffed it all again overall for two weeks. It was such a wierd time and I felt really disconnected from him but I didn't know what else to do.

So, I totally empathize with what you are going through. And here you carefully chose this time to have the double session and get into what you needed to get into. Then he tells you he's going on vacation and you have to disconnect from all this stuff, which also feels like you are disconnecting from him.

So, I'm just sending you some big cyber hugs. Keep the connection with us over his holiday. We'll be here.

Will you have email access while he's gone?

(((TN))) I'm sorry it's so difficult right now. Sometimes I think anticipating the vacations is worse than actually getting through them. On the upside, I think it is a sign that you are forming a strong attachment and allowing your T in that leads you to have such a difficult time with him away.

I am also sorry that what you are sharing is so difficult. It really can be quite hellish healing from this stuff. But I trust two things completely. The courage and strength I know you possess to continue working through this. And your Ts steadfastness and expertise in being there to guide you through it. He will not abandon you.

But your fear is completely understandable after what you've been through. I do believe that trusting him and talking about your past will get easier as time goes by, but I know it can feel impossible at times.

And so I see him Thursday and then he's gone.

He will not be gone, he will be away. It's an important distinction. To be away is to also be returning. He will not forget you, nor will the connection be severed by his being absent for a short time. He will be back and your connection with him will be intact (no matter how much it feels like that will not be true).

It is good as always to hear your news and get updates.

I know the gaps/vacations are hard, but he will try to make it as easy on you as he can and you can ask him to think of easier ways. Do you remember when I asked my T to write two notes that I could open one a third the way through and then the other a bit later on and it 'shortened' the gaps of not being in contact with him. He gave me them and I still have them and treasure them. You could ask him something like that. I am sure he would do it.

He would do anything reasonably possible to help you with the gap.

I feel for you. The run up to a gap can be hell, and then when it starts, it is like the awful bit of having a tooth drilled, it has started and so I just do what I can to make it bearable whilst it lasts, but then eventually it is over. All the feelings you have around it are important. He will want to know them and you can always write them down as though you were talking to him, because if he WAS there he would want to know. Then you can read it to him when he comes back.

thank you for your sharing yet again.
Hi Liese... yeah I saw the Beach Boys too. I have always loved them. I don't know if I will have email access to him on vacation because I have no idea right now where he is going. But if I ask I know he'll tell me and he's always been open to email before (if he has access to it). I guess we will talk about all of this on Thursday. He usually gives me more notice than a week so I wonder if this was last minute. I guess that whatever we don't have time to deal with will just get stuffed as you did.

AG thanks for writing. Yeah I must be getting strongly attached because his vacations are getting harder not easier and I miss him more. The first two times I was so mired in trauma and grief I barely noticed. Thanks for believing in both me and my T. You are correct... he is not gone, he's just away but holding that connection is so challenging, especially when you are working through some yucky stuff and fear he will leave forever.

Hi Sadly, you gave me a good idea and I'm going to email T now about it. I'm going to ask for for a quote or affirmation written on a piece of paper to keep us connected. Thanks!


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