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I have read occassionally that someone on this site has recorded their session with their T/P. I would really like to do this but am hesitant to approach the subject with my P.I'm afraid he wouldn't approve.
I was recently on an airplane and picked up the magazine in the seatback pocket in front of me. I saw a recording device that was very small and inconspicuous. Immediately I thought that I would like to purchase it and carry it into my P office at a session and record it without him even knowing it!
How many of you think this would be ok? Should I ask him first or just go for it.
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I don't think I could ever do it without asking myself, but I don't think I could ever ask...LOL, I'd be stuck! I have a lot of issues with my boundaries being violated, so I am super-vigilant about other's boundaries (even T) and feel the need to defend his imaginary boundaries by asking for permission for EVERYTHING. I think he is starting to get frustrated that I don't trust him to take care of himself, actually. Frowner
I do it because it is the only way I can recall our sessions, as my memory is next to useless at the best of times and in therapy virtually non-existent...all I come away with is vibes, mood and a few stand-out comments. it has been invaluable to listen to sessions, hear his caring responses, hear where I go wrong, hear where I have misunderstood and lost the plot in a session and just simply hear all his carefully chosen words and draw from them.

Wow- my experience is so similar, that I wish I had recorded sessions. I think it would have helped me a lot. I was always so scared to ask T for that, though. I think he would say no.

Holding on- I'd go for it! What do you have to lose by asking? ( Eeker )

I recorded a session without my T knowing- I actually got the idea from a book. I have an ipod touch with an external mic and I just put it in my bag. I guess I thought, what if I can’t stand hearing my voice and I never want to record again? But I ended up loving it because there is so much I miss during the session, and when I’m listening to my sessions somehow I can believe everything that my T says and really let it soak it. When i’m sitting in session for some reason I can’t hear how much love there is in his voice until I’m listening to it again. I told him that I recorded our session the very next week and asked him if I can keep recording. He was VERY happy and said it was great! He said that this (meaning therapy) is my time and I can do with it what I choose. Now I spend about 2 hours every week listening, processing, and journaling my sessions.

Since I’ve had such a great experience with recording sessions, I would say DEFINETLY ask your P! But I obviously don’t know what your P will say or if you will like hearing your own voice. It’s up to you, but I don’t think you have anything to loose in just asking.

I have recorded the last two session and last two phone calls with my sweet P and it is helping me so much and it was his idea. I find it brilliant.I am recording the phone calls. I have not asked him about that and now I feel embarrassed to say that I am, but they are so deep and he says things that I need to listen to several times over.
I know if I tell him, he will say it is fine, so I just have to pluck up courage,
I asked my ex C if could record her and she said no and as most of you know, she and I did NOT get on, in the those last few months and I just threw back at her that I could record them secretly anyway ( not realistic - I could not have done that with her) and she took that as a threat and almost searched my bags as I came in.
I want to record a session with T, so I can really "get" the care that I gloss over when I am blanking out. I'm afraid to ask, not because I think T will object, but because I tell H everything about what goes on with T. When I told him I was thinking of sitting on the floor, he made me feel like I was very strange for wanting that (He's like, "I've heard of weirder things on the internet, but yeah, that is really f---ing weird." GRRR). I can't imagine what kind of stalker he would act like I am being if he knew I had looked up T's picture on the website for one of the centers he worked at or recorded T's voice to listen to. Frowner Stupid H!!!
Thanks for the reassurance, you guys. H can be very judgmental about strange things, considering he can be very weird himself. I do feel like I want to be as transparent with H as possible. H says he doesn't really care, as long as I know I CAN be. T thinks that me doing that is very good. I told T, frankly, that because I am being so vulnerable with him (T), I want to make sure that I am being equally or more vulnerable with H to preserve my emotional intimacy. There is a lot of hurt over his condition and the incident that happened, so it would be very easy for me to disconnect now that I have found another person who I feel "safer" with right now. T supports me in this, thinks I'm a good wife and brave, I guess, for making the commitment. I guess I need to learn not to be quite so compulsive about it, though. H really has been my best friend since before we started dating in 1998, so I don't want to lose that emotional closeness along with all the intimacy struggles we're having because of his condition and my trauma. Maybe I worry too much about these sort of things...

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