My T has been working really hard to make me see that I have not wasted this time and that I worked hard and that work is MINE and I am different now than I was 3 years ago. I struggle with feeling like that person I was becoming died when my oldT abandoned her. I have been struggling with even wanting to find her again or bring her to life because she brings with her so much of oldT and that is horribly painful.
My T has been wonderful about meeting me where I am in this process. He is patient when I am unable to speak of things. He is there for me when I feel angry or when I sit and cry. He moves closer to me when I'm in pain... he does not back away from my tears and that is so important to me. I think last week when I was trying to fight through the feelings that I wanted to give up and that I could never do this all over again and got so upset and cried and he moved in towards me and leaned forward and I felt him. That was when I really felt him there with me. It was as if he hugged me.
On Monday we spent the session talking about how we need to end a session since I have had trouble with this. He was very open to anything I could suggest to help me. We talked about how I dissociate and it's probably due to my separation anxiety at leaving him. He worked to reassure me that the connection does not end when I leave him (I told him I'm too scared to even ADMIT there is a connection at this point LOL). He told me he would be there waiting for me when my next appt comes around and everything will be fine, no matter what I tell him. He reassures me he can handle anything I throw at him and together we will work through it. He keeps emphasizing how important the relationship is. He says the process is the relationship.
When I told him how my oldT backed away from me and would go cold and detached when I would talk about our relationship and how I had to force him to admit we had a connection... he said that is the "holy grail" and what makes him the happiest to hear... that he patient is attached and connected to him. He delights in that. Well, I'm feeling closer to him lately but I haven't really articulated it to him because it's still so scary for me. But I know he knows LOL. Of course he notices everything and I'm sure he knows I'm allowing him closer to me and it's okay. It feels good. I do sometimes email him and ask if we are okay. His responses are spot on and lovely.
Right now I am missing him... (looks around... did I say that? ). Yes I'm talking about my NEW T not the oldT. I long to talk to him about other things. I miss hearing him tell me good things. And I really like discussing psychology with him. I gave him a new article the other day and he read it and told me it was from an interesting journal that he never heard of and he thanked me. We also talked about it a bit. He knows how oldT never read anything I gave him.
I have been through a hellish time in the past six months. I really never thought I would come out the other side. Things were so dark and bleak and hopeless. Then I found... or was somehow led... to this wonderful man who has taken me in and protected me and is slowly nursing me back to life. He is truly my light. I am so grateful that he is in my life.
Sorry for the ramble... I just needed to say these things.