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draggers - that's a hard, painful story. (a story to me, life to you so even harder) I'm very glad for you that ST was able to step in and help repair the rupture. That's huge. You're so good to not give up and to keep working through this. I know we all learn a lot from doing the hard stuff. So... I'm thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and love.
Hug two

Dude, you rock!! I am so glad that your T's supervisor was so engaged and present to help both of you get through this and repair what is a very significant relationship for you both. The cycle of rupture, remorse, true repentance and forgiveness is a really powerful one because it provides the crucial difference between a relationship being broken or being strengthened. You very courageously chose and walked the much harder, but more life-affirming path. Good on you! This was REALLY good stuff to read. Hug two Cloud Nine

((DRAGGERS)) I sure agree that you should be proud of what you have gone through and accomplished with flying colors. You definitely do rock!!! It is so important to feel and know that you have been heard and understood and validated. I can understand why you almost feel grateful for the experience. To get through all of that with a very positive outcome is powerful and healing.
first off, ms draggers, you are worth a lot to me. and sometimes holey teapots are good for other things, like planting a begonia. i'm sorry, tho, that you weren't able to stay thru the session. i imagine that you are in a lot of pain. i have confidence in you, ms drags. you have gone thru so much already. i know you have the strength to do what you need to get thru this.


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