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I saw my T today. I was able to bring up almost everything on my mental list.

When I sat down he was out on his break and I took my blanket and covered myself with it. He came and looked at me and asked if I was cold, because he could fix that. I said no I was not cold, I just needed my blanket. I noticed today that he always remembers to close the shades for me. We had a funny moment when I told him "T you know that I'm very black and white" and he smiled at me and was looking at me funny and then I realized I had on my zebra stripped top and black pants. I laughed and said "I'm LITERALLY black and white". He said "nah... your shoes give you away"... I had on my red patent leather shoes with the gold studs along the side. I said..."yeah, well that's my fiery side". He said he knew that. He had on my favorite pink shirt. When he wears that shirt I simply cannot stay angry with him LOL.

And so I told him that last week he said I was boring and this week he told me I was a pain in the ass and if that is his way of incorporating more nurturing into the relationship, then it would be better to forget the nurturing thing. He laughed and said point well taken. He admitted to saying the words but said I took them out of context and about the boring comment he meant it in trying to get a point across about not being so perfect and allowing myself to emerge in therapy. The pain in the ass comment he said was tongue in cheek and him just trying to be playful. But he realizes that I dont' always take it that way and he needs to be more careful and he apologized and said he would never want to hurt me. He said that in thinking it over he realizes that the woman probably gets the humor or the intended meaning but the little girl hears only the words themselves and she feels pain and hurt. He needs to remember the little girl who gets easily scared. I had told him that those particular words are what I heard from my mom all the time. He said of course he didn't know that and he was glad I told him and that I was so willing to give him feedback. He said it helps him to know me better. He moved in close to me and leaned in and looked extremely focused on what we were talking about.

Then I asked him if he was hiding his emotions so well and not showing anything because he didn't want me to feel like I was overwhelming... or... if he just didn't feel anything when I told him stuff. That maybe I was either not communciating my pain effectively enough or... maybe he just heard it all and had done it so often before that nothing I could say would have any impact on him. That he was tired of hearing the same thing over and over and it was just not interesting. So he said... well that just implies that I don't give a shit about you and that is just NOT true. He told me how he respects me so much and how far I have come. He told me again that he likes working with me and if I was really a pain he wouldn't even say those words and he would never have taken me on as a patient. And I need to know that he does not terminate patients.

I told him that I know he tells me those things but... well... I know he likes me TODAY ... but tomorrow is another story and he could decide tomorrow that he does not like me and poof I'm gone. I told him things were great with oldT in the beginning too and then one day he decided I had to be banished. I know he understood this and I got the feeling he was either sad or frustrated that it has to be this way for me. I got very emotional and told him that I just didn't think I could keep doing this, that I can't do therapy. That I'm doing it all wrong and that I feel like I'm carrying such a heavy weight into therapy and I'm so tired of it dragging me down. I told him that I just wished he was my first T and that I would have come to him without this stuff getting in the way of our relationship.

He told me that it will take time and we just have to keep experiencing the disruption or misunderstandings and then repairing them. We do this over and over and over again until I start to feel and believe that what we have is good, strong, solid and healthy. And with that I can go further in therapy and in my growth. He asked me if I noticed what he did when I told him about my concerns. I said yes, that he did not move away that he never got defensive and he was open and accepting. In fact, as I think about it... it's quite easy to tell him stuff because of that. He is kind and caring and I know it's so hard for me to feel that at times. The detachment... part of that is just me being unable to take in his style of caring and kindness. When he tells me he understands about whatever... I just nod... it's the words that just won't get past my cynicism I guess.

Then he said that he knew that I got something different from oldT and he knew there was something missing from our relationship but he didn't know what it was. He could not put his finger on it but he knew there was something and asked if we could talk about it. So we did and I kept adding more descriptive information and then he said... the thing that was missing or the thing that I got from oldT may not have necessarily been something good for me or healthy for me to have. As we discussed it further I think we figured it out. We figured out that when I saw the emotionality of my oldT, when I saw tears in his eyes or felt that connection ... it could have been not because he understood me but that he was experiencing the same pain that I was. That we both were suffering within our own pain of what happened in childhood and that I was a trigger for his unconscious pain. I mistaken thought it was empathy... and maybe there was some little bit of empathy or sympathy... but it was more that we connected as two people suffering in the same pain. Much like here when we can understand the pain of transference or attachment or grief in losing a T. He said oldT and I were more like a support group instead of T and patient. And while that felt good ... it was not therapy. I needed a therapist not a friend. I do think this is the truth of that intense attraction to my oldT. He was familiar to me because he was ME. He lit up my neural network and it created that connection.

We moved onto the police flashbacks. I tend to either experience panic or fear or have a flashback when the police are anywhere near my car. So I told my T that I wanted to talk to the cop that responded that day to my oldT's call. I was afraid my T would be against this but he readily agreed and saw no problem. He asked me why I wanted to talk to him and he said it was fine if I wanted to do that. He told me that he sees me much stronger now.

We were running out of time AGAIN... and I barely touched on the session ending routine or ritual that I needed. He was very receptive and said this is something we could work on together and that he certainly didn't wnat me to leave in a dissociated state. He told me that we did shake hands and he patted my arm and I didn't say anything stupid or silly on the way out. That I seemed fine.

Okay so we had a pretty good session. I felt we cleared up some stuff and that we had some good moments... and so I decided to ask one more question, which ruined it. I asked him if he would ever do longer sessions by prior arrangement and he very very quickly said NO. I guess I just didn't expect such a firm, final NO and I sort of shut down. He said that 50 minutes of hard work is tough to do and that he finds in his experience that longer sessions do not work well. I said well... sometimes what I need to say does not fit into 50 minutes and he said... well that is why we have two sessions a week... and I said... well that is not always helpful in that waiting days to see him again breaks the rhythm of what I need to tell him. I don't remember what he said after that and I said something like... okay well thanks and we shook hands and he made a remark that I was not happy with the answer and I said... well I asked you and so I needed to be prepared to hear a no, right? So I got a NO. Goodbye. He told me to have a good weekend and I said yeah you too but by then I was beyond the reception room and felt that I had to run out of there before I fell apart. Gosh... thinking about it now... it was reminicent of hearing NO when I asked oldT for those extra 10 minutes that day and he said NO. It is echoing in my head right now. I was truly not ready for NO.

And now... now I am thinking to myself then there are things that I will never be able to tell him about me. Because I know that there is no way I can tell him stuff in 50 minutes then and stop halfway through and wait 3 days to finish in another 50 minutes. I don't want longer sessions on a regular basis... only like twice for two major events. I just don't know how I can talk about this stuff and then find some containment from the fallout in such a short time. And beyond that ... his comment about us meeting twice a just makes me feel like a greedy, selfish, overwhelming, disgusting and ungrateful person.

And so that is where I am right now.

Thanks for reading.
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And beyond that ... his comment about us meeting twice a just makes me feel like a greedy, selfish, overwhelming, disgusting and ungrateful person.

I know that this isn`t true and I know your T doesn`t think it is true either. I`m sorry that he said no so quickly and you didn`t get to discuss it further. Maybe with time you will be able to approach those topics in 50 minutes sessions or your T will be more amenable to a longer sessions.

I hope you can hold onto some of the good things that happened earlier in the session like your T apologizing for his pain in the ass joke. He seemed to get why it upset you. Also it sounds like you had some good insight into what connected you with old T and maybe know you will stop looking for that in your relationship with this T.

Therapy is hard and it sounds like you and I are having similarly difficult weeks when it comes to therapy. I hope you can take a break from worrying about and enjoy the weekend.

Hugs ((((TN))))

I asked an old therapist for a double session once and he said no too. I was really hurt. It felt like a slap in the face. With new T, I find that my 45 minutes is enough although is always seems like there is so much to talk about that I can't imagine going back to weekly.

Maybe you can explain to T next week that you would only want it once or twice

But I also want to share something with you that my last therapist told me. The parent you blame didn't hurt you as much as the other parent. And, so maybe the things you are sad about and want to talk to T about aren't what really caused your difficulties. Those implcit memories aren't really available for recall. It will be through the interaction with your T that will trigger those memories and then your healing will begin. Does that make sense?
fwiw- my T preferred to work with long sessions, for the very reasons you mentioned here, not leaving me alone in it, supposedly. When I asked for weekly sessions at 50 minutes as opposed to bi-weekly sessions that were double in length, as what I could afford in my budget- he was very reluctant, and always tried to bring it back to the other way. I think it just depends on your T and how they prefer to work. My T was not good at managing the time in shorter sessions, so he preferred to work with longer ones, bi-weekly. I think it was what he was used to in terms of managing the time frame. IMO, they should made more *effort* to work with what works for *you.*

I had the same problem trying to get everything in to one session. I asked my T for longer sessions too and sometimes my T can work it out and at times not. One way I have helped solve this problem is in emails. I sit down and just write and email to my T-I do not edit it,I just write and get it all out. My T realizes I need to do this and so many times I have thoughts after a session-so this really helps.

Maybe this would help you. See if your T will let you send email.

My T came through for me via email. He just does not disappoint me with his consistency and reliability.

I emailed him last night to clarify my request and to apologize for bring up this subject as I was leaving and we didn't have enough time to discuss it. I actually didn't realize at the time it would need discussion time. I told him I didn't want to change my current wonderful twice per week sessions but that I was asking if at some point down the line I could have a longer session to address a very specific issue/life even that would require more time. And I wanted him to know that I was very grateful and appreciative of what he had given me in those standing appointments. How they were so helpful and stabilizing.

I also told him that the "black and white" moment had me smiling and wished him a happy Father's day.

He wrote back that I was right it was too long a dicussion to have at the door and that he is always willing to discuss anything that I need or feel would be helpful. That he normally does not do longer sessions because of the client and not him, because clients in general cannot sustain such a long session and it can be a waste of their time and/or too difficult emotionally for them. Then he said he totally understood how for certain topics and discussions a longer session would be appropriate and that we could discuss it further. Then he said the black and white moment was really good and also that I did really well with him yesterday.

So this helped me because it tells me he is open to hearing me and in addressing my needs and even if he says no, at least we can discuss it and he will explain his reasoning. So some of the shame and guilt and horror at asking him for this has subsided.

He also told me we need to discuss 4th of July week because he was taking some time off and he wanted to have me on the schedule which will be limited that week. I will probably only see him once that week (which I'm sure I can handle) and it makes me feel really good that he is thinking of me and wants to ensure that I get an appointment. I know that he knows that some of his clients won't care about skipping a week but that some (me) will be upset and he is aware of that and does his best to see me.

I'm so glad I reached out to him in the email and that he was so kind in his response. I know we will discuss this more on Monday but in the meantime I can calm down and enjoy the weekend.


I enjoy reading your posts and seeing how your new therapy is going. It makes me glad that you have such an amazing therapist to work with now. Smiler

It really hit me when I read the part about you two discovering that what you had in your oldT was something that you did not need from your T. Seeing the two of you as being 'fellow travelers' dealing with similar pain made me wonder if that is what I have with my own T. She too has attachment issues in her past and also had at least one relationship with a teacher (like my several attachments to teachers), and although she hasn't gotten teary on me more than 3 times in our 21 months together, I wonder sometimes if my attachment to her reminds her of feelings she felt herself at some point in life. And last session she said she wants to do what's best for me, not just as a professional because it's her job, but as a friend. I was taken aback by that comment, as my journal entry she had just read out loud to me said something about how we will never be friends. It was almost like she was telling me in an indirect way that she IS my friend. Confusing.

Anyway, I appreciate you sharing your sessions with us. It's helpful and so good to see you getting the care you need and deserve. Smiler

Thank you for posting yet another really insightful helpful post - I suspect your T would give you a longer session if you asked. Sometimes it is necessary and even essential and i know you know that. I can feel his care for you. I really can. I had a session with sweetP today but just don't have any energy left to post, I was trying to say sorry for not writing more,
I'm so glad that the longer session deal got worked out a bit more. I was surprised at how he reacted to it in session, so it was really great that you emailed for more clarification.

I suspect there's going to be a lot of us who are T-less the week of the forth, yours truly included. Smiler Frowner

Anyway, take care..thanks for keeping us updated. (((hugs)))

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