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I am sorry you feel the way you do about the
apology posted by dragonfly but I do think you
are wrong. I dont know what occurred yesterday
nor do I really want to; but the apology from
dragonfly WAS sincere and heartfelt and nothing
more. Please reconsider what you have said
in your posting and give dragonfly the respect
she deserves here.

I fully accept what you say that I do not know
the full story and maybe it isnt my place
to comment. But I truly believe that EVERY
member here has nothing but the greatest respect
for EVERY other members feelings and that
NO ONE here would be knowingly malicious
or hurtful to another forum member. We all
know how easy it is to inadvertantly trigger
another member and I am sure that we all do
our very best to remember that. I truly do
believe that we ALL have the deepest respect
for each other and each others pain and healing.
Wow I am sorry this has happened, but I agree with Avoidant. I have never experienced Dragonfly as anything but sincere. Though I dont know what occured I see that apology as sincere. it doesnt seem like shell be sticking around and I find that very sad. Everyone has bad weeks. Most of sadly were tramuatized in some way, so do we have to do this to each other?
Okay everyone. I can't believe I am jumping in here because I do not like to get involved in other people's quarrels and I'm probably gonna regret this, but anyway.

Why must we be so quick to doubt fawn when she says there is missing context? This whole scenario *reeks* of missing context and the fact that this is not obvious to everyone bewilders me. Furthermore, fawn-xoxo has consistently shown herself to be balanced, insightful, and caring. I don't think there is any need to go invalidating her perceptions on no stronger evidence than the fact that we all like Dragonfly.
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