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Im new to this and have recently had an episode that I would like to talk about.

I read some where that sometimes a hallucinogenic can sometimes trigger a repressed memory. The first time I had this really sickening feeling was at a rave on several ecstasy pills. I've done e before and alway had awesome experience but this night I had this awful feeling that something had happened to me, that people were not telling me what had happened, I know its a bad trippy experience and later I knocked it up to a bad trip. A couple weeks ago I was on this cold medicine Mucenex and didnt know but appartly it cause some hallugentics. It wasnt really like shrooms or e it was more subtle and that dark feeling came back to me, that something happened to me and that I couldnt remember at the entire I was just battling in my head trying to figure things out. And I got stuck on the memory of this gy that lived with us when I was 4/5. I dont have any specific memory of anything wrong or tramatic but the next morning i finally told my dad that I think kevin did something to me if there was something they were telling me and then this huge uplifting emotion and finally I just cried nonstop for like an hour hitting myself telling my dad i was sorry and that I didnt it was wrong and I had never cried so much ever and never felt such emotion and aa weight off my shoulders.

I have had really bad anxiety all my life, sex scares me a little, I am gay, dont like to be touched, have went through bulimia, anorexia, cutting myself, a really bad drinking which I am still batteleing (3 months sober) and all of it has been dirupting my life with law school. Im 28.

I guess my really question is can you have the emotions of a repressed memory surface without the actual memory? Does anyone know anything or been through something similar. I have never felt so alive and ok with myself than i have from after this release of emotion and I want to know whats going on with me.
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Welcome to the forum Dan. Yes you can have memories while under the influence of chemicals and they are considered real.

I know what you mean about not wanting to be touched. I am the same way. Sex scares me too. I am gay as well.


I guess my really question is can you have the emotions of a repressed memory surface without the actual memory?

Yes!! Absolutely! In fact the emional memory is the repressed memory. You can have visual, physical, emotional or all of the above kind of memories. I find the emotional memories to be the most difficult. They seem to side swipe me out of no where.

Are you seeing a therapist right now?
Thanks for replying. I have seen a theraist twice since, she tried to do some Eye movement therapy but whenever it felt like i might be remembering my body would start panicking and make me really uncomfortable. I haven't been back since, mostly because on a medical leave right now from law school and dont have insurance.

That experience I talked about was very, very intense, like nothing I have ever felt before. I am really glad it happened its just now I have all these follow up questions. The therapist said she believes that something happened from what I told her and this experience and intense feeling and past habits. Im in this weird place that since then my parents have just forgotten about it really, I dont know I still feel deeply affected and dont know what I should be really feeling or doing.

Are there more threads on this subject of people's triggered experiences?


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