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*Not too positive. Possible triggers.*

Please know if I use the word 'you' I don't presume to know each of you or your is just how it flowed when I wrote it. I apologize in advance if I have offended anyone.

I wonder if Therapists are running a con on us... as I sent Therapist a text today and he replied...'busy...bring it up in session.' I am really rethinking this whole therapy thing. Do they really believe that our lives stop from the time we leave their office until we go back...we are supposed to neatly package everything back up...the pain, the hurt, the sh** we have to wade through, though we didn't do anything wrong and we are most likely there because of someone else's stupid decisions...

I hate this dynamic of one or two hours a week and then we are supposed to go on as if all the emotions that we are supposed to be 'feeling' take a back burner in our lives...even though we are in crisis.

I am thinking I could talk to my closest friend any time, day or night...and I would never be told to wait...or bring it up later.

We pay someone to listen to us and to help us sort out our 'feelings' and most of us are seeing a Therapist because we have tried to sort it out ourselves and we have not had success...Therapy was the last choice. For myself, I didn't happily choose therapy and to be honest, it's still a bitch to go. I hate that I am there because of other people's reckless decisions and I hate that I am the way I am because of all the trauma that I had to endure growing up...well, I don't know if I ever really grew up, that is debatable.

Further, the people that need to be in Therapy are the ones who treated us so badly...but NO, we are spending money to clean up a mess we didn't make...and we have no idea how to handle it because we never learned how growing we are at the mercy of a Professional who can see what we can't and help us dismantle the bad coping skills for better ones...

Does any of this make sense...let's look at this scenario...a child is abused for so many years, physical, sexual, verbal, emotional...they learn to survive by adapting to the environment of their abusers...and shed themselves just to survive...then, years later, with no thought of the past and how proud we are to have survived and moved on...something triggers us to such a degree that we get stuck in all the emotion from our past...somehow we are asked by the Universe or Life to be able to cope and as if we haven't been through enough already...we have to face ourselves...the way we are...our dysfunctions...and yet the fingerprints of the abusers are all over us...packaged in personality disorders...anxiety...depression...physical scars...flashbacks...

Frankly, I am sick of it. I was doing better when I pushed it away and acted like it never happened and it never affected me. Call it denial or whatever...but at least I was in control of myself and could pretend my past never happened.

I told him I didn't want to bring it up in session and I texted him back with a W (short for whatever) but I don't think he knows what that means...

He is a very busy Therapist and I am sure he would have no problem filling the time slot I go to...can you imagine if none of us went through what we went through...there would not be a need for Therapists. That would be a good thing.

Well, I may as well lay it all out there. You (I) never had a father or a mother. You have this longing for that...but you know that no one can ever fill that. Your sorrow is immeasurable, your hope diminished. You see others who still have their parents and think, "They don't know how lucky they are." You are jealous...trying to imagine what it was like just to be tucked in at night. Or to snuggle with your mother. To be told that your are beautiful...and you wish that you could remember the face of your mother so that when you looked in the mirror, you could see your mother's eyes.

You see Father's pick their daughters up and twirl them in the air...or sit on their shoulders...and you scan your had no father...

So, you become attached to the Therapist...wishing he was your father...or thinking how different your life would be if you had them as a father or a mother...but it's an illusion. It shall never be. The truth is knocks the breath right out of you...walking with a limp...

Speaking of a limp...I phsyically have one because I was born with club foot which means one foot is shorter than the other (my leg is too)...and scoliosis...oh, it gets better...born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...oh yeah, I was born drunk. We won't even go into how that affects a baby...I was pickled...Not to mention the other drugs and cigarette smoke that affected me...

So we are taken away from our Mother...who could not take care of us due to her addictions and not being able to overcome them...then placed in and out of several foster care homes...that last one for several years...the worst experience on earth... one chooses the home they were born into because all of those with such horrible experiences maybe would have chosen a different situation to be born into...and some say we can change the ending...yes we can...if we can ever recover from the beginning...

If this is too negative, feel free to delete. But honestly, this is all unfair. We don't ask for any of this...and I speak for myself who wants to do it on my own and figure it out for myself...I have had to ask for help. I don't like that. It pisses me off that I am in therapy dealing with all of this...while those who did this...carry on and oh, have the nerve to tell me that they have NOTHING to apologize for. Oh, and inspite of the HRS being called at LEAST three times...nothing was ever done to take us out of this last foster care home we were in. Quote: "I have nothing to apologize for." I don't understand how someone could be so cold. And yet, of all the families I got placed in, that's where I landed. Oh, the saying, if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all...yes, that's my life.

You stop talking because no one hears you anyway. You stop feeling because they don't matter to anyone around you. You stop being you because you become who you have to become to survive.

Yes, we have all heard the saying "Life is not fair." No, it's not. But, I would like a little fairness. Just so I know that someone is looking out for me. But, I don't believe that is the case. I have always had to look after myself. Protect myself. Figure it out myself. I am sure you can relate.

If this seems negative, and you feel the need to delete, please go ahead. I will truly understand. It's not enough for us to initially have gone through what we have gone through...we adapt to blocking things out...not feeling just to survive...and then we have to face our past to have a future. Double cruelty. And we go see Therapists (Sadists, perhaps?) We have to process something called feelings...and they are had to access and when you would much rather go back to being Spock, I know I would.

So, what's the point? The damage has been done. Your spirit damaged. You are hollowed will never be the same person you once were...there is nothing left of you...who you once were and you desperately search for that person...but you realize they are can't find yourself and you are told 'In time...'

And one sees how Time has never been kind to them. You try to grab on anything stable that you can but there is nothing. Your brain can't even handle the trauma and you are left with broken defenses and an ache that goes to your very core. You try to shake it, push it away. But it envelopes you.

Somehow, you keep going. You are not even sure what motivates you anymore. The things you once enjoyed more. Your bed is your safe haven. You can hide there. No one will bother you. All that you fought longer matters. You had this ideal that you would have your own family and that comes undone through the actions of another. Disbelief. Shock. You try to pull yourself together...but there you are, scattered into a million pieces...unsure of where to even start. The person who caused this says they love you...they will wait for you to get through want your family. It's all you ever wanted, and just like before, someone tears it apart and it is up to you to put it back together. Irony. Happens when you are young and you don't know what to happens when you are old...and you don't know what to do.

There are no easy answers.

I would like to believe that things work out and we become stronger after all of this. I think it is terribly cruel for a child to start in the world like some of us have. We try to find our way and it's dark. We can't see. Sometimes we don't want to see.

I keep looking down the road and saying, "I will be in a different place in five years. This will be worth it..." But, I don't know. I truly don't.
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Wow TAS beautifully written and very powerful - your words moved me very much . And I'm so sorry you've had and are having such a crappy time just to survive.

I do get what you're saying about it seeming like a big con - time doled out carefully and caring limited to being apportioned within specific limits - which to my way of thinking means no caring, but that's my attitude at the moment, it could change. I hope your feelings change as well, it's intolerable to be viewing the very people who are supposed to be helping us as at best indifferent at worst dangerous. Hm that applies not just to Ts I see.

I sent Therapist a text today and he replied...'busy...bring it up in session.

I can see how this would have set you off, it would have had me reaching for the nuke button Mad. I don't understand why Ts can't get their acts together and learn how to communicate in a more effective and considerate way. But I guess it's more the attitude behind the words that is flipping you out. I do think it's good that you are able to express some of how you're feeling through anger - that's a hell of a lot healthier than folding and blaming yourself. So give yourself a pat on the back for being able to stand up for yourself at least that much Smiler. Of course you may hate feeling angry, in which case my words will come across as patronizing and dismissive and if that's so, I'm sorry.

I keep looking down the road and saying, "I will be in a different place in five years. This will be worth it..." But, I don't know. I truly don't.

Neither do we all Frowner. But we gotta have faith it will be so, because there's no turning back. Once you know something you can't unknow it can you?

Sending you supportive hugs ((((( TAS )))))

Oh TAS. I wish I could wrap my arms around you for real...but this will have to do for now

I don't have any fabulous words of wisdom but just know that you are not alone. And I don't find what you wrote offensive at all. I think being able to get those kind of feelings out of you is very healthy. Keep writing about it. Weather it's on here or elsewhere....
((( TAS )))
TAS, that's so beautifully written. i'm so sorry for what you've been through and what you continue to go through. you're right, it's not fair at all and it's more than okay to be angry and resentful and express that.

You stop talking because no one hears you anyway. You stop feeling because they don't matter to anyone around you. You stop being you because you become who you have to become to survive.

i feel the same way. that's so real and so sad.

i don't have much to add. just wanted to lend some support. i'm glad you shared. take good care of yourself.
TAS that was beautifully eloquent and I would never even consider deleting it. And I hope you don't either.

I'm sending Hug two and I'm so sorry for the things that happened to you and that were out of your control as a child. It's unfortunate that we cannot chose our parents.

I just want to say that I don't agree with the response of your T. He is screwing with your attachment. My T does not like to process via email (and he does not text) but he would have said... I'm here, we are good and solid and we can talk about this next session. Remember to keep me with you" And it would have soothed the scared child and I would have made it to the next session. And so.... I think you need to tell your T just how that made you feel and how it disrupts the attachment you are trying to form with him. My T would never say he was "busy". He is a VERY busy T but even if he only has two minutes between patients... he is not too busy to reassure me... even for 2 minutes which most times is all that I need.

I think you should share this entire post with him. He needs to hear this.

When you talk about the damage we deal with and how we are hollowed out and will never be okay... that sounds just like what I told my T today. I told him I'll never be like those people who had good attachments and loving caring ATTENTIVE parents. He told me that I will get better but I will always carry a scar. He said what I have now is a gaping, bleeding wound and we are working on healing that and turning it into a slight scar. The scar is better than the wound.

I am out of energy now... horrific work day again and emergency calls to T....but I am here and I am listening and I am glad that you could sit and verbalize all those feelings inside you. I'm not happy that you have them or those damaging childhood experiences.... but I'm glad you found this place to talk about them and get support.

((((TAS))) for sharing and writing so clearly how you feel. Oh goodness I would rather not have a reply at all than one that said my T was too busy. Like TN, my T is incredibly busy, so am I so sometimes when I feel a burden I tell myself we are equal on that one Wink. Her saying that would have greatly upset me and made me feel such a nuisance, I can understand your hurt.

I am sorry too for all you childhood hurts that impact so much still, I wish somehow they could be healed Hug two TN's talk of a wound is very accurate, I pray that yours might reduce to a scar too one day.

A text like that from my T would have devastated me. I would have felt unimportant and confused, because like you said, in session we’re safe and feel cared about. He sounded blunt and dismissive. No wonder you feel like you’re scrambling and anxious to feel safe with him again. When I’m not at a session sometimes I wonder if he only cares about me IN session and if he would still care if I wasn’t paying him.

I experience situations now that remind me of past things that hurt me and I go ballistic and everyone bails out. My T said if they knew my whole story (like he does) they would stay.

I totally agree with you – it was better when I was a zombie in denial and could act like a regular person. Now it’s like my T shook a beehive in my life.

About your family – I used to protect them by not acknowledging that they suck. I would feel guilty for hating them. I always saw it was me doing something wrong that made them be mean. It’s only been the past month or so that I’ve been able to see that I’m not doing anything, they’re just mean! And I start wondering if in reality I actually never did anything wrong back THEN either.

Something that helps me a little when I feel bad about things that happened when I was younger: Giving my kids what I didn’t get. I tell my kids I love them every day instead of not at all. I hug them. I tell them when they’ve done something smart or if they look nice. Smiling at them instead of glaring at them. It heals my heart somewhat. The only thing that hurts is that they have these cold mean grandparents and a couple of mine were very loving.

TAS, you want to hear something wild?!? I have a club foot on my left side and scoliosis (bad) too. I was pretty much written off my whole life, like they never had any hope for me. It’s really hard for me to come from that learned mindset of helplessness to try doing anything. I also felt guilty that my parents had to cart me around to doctors a lot because they acted like it was a huge burden, and to me it always came across as they wanted to make me normal, like I was unacceptable the way I was. So now I’m an adult and I loathe asking for help because I don’t want to bother anyone. (Conversely, I love helping people! It makes me so happy and fly higher than a kite.)

I know it doesn’t seem fair that people treat you like crap all the time and get off scot-free. I don’t mean to sound preachy but God sees everything. You’re his child way before your parents ever came on the scene, and if someone was hurting your kid, you’d be livid. It does help me knowing he sees it all.

You stop talking because no one hears you anyway. You stop feeling because they don't matter to anyone around you. You stop being you because you become who you have to become to survive.

I get this, I really do. I’m struggling with this with my T because if nobody wants to listen to me, why should I believe that he himself would want to. Most of the time it’s like being coaxed to jump into a swimming pool for the first time – you hope like crazy that they catch you, and you take a deep breath and just jump. So I do have to say “I’m scared you won’t care, but ..” and then jump and say it and hope he listens and catches me.

I’m so sorry that your T isn’t doing a better job at being trustworthy (if that’s the right word). I wish he would have acknowledged your pain first somehow in his text. That’s what he should have done. That text would have triggered me and sent me into a tailspin like this too.

I just wanted to tell you I read your post and it moved me deeply. I honor and admire you for sticking with therapy in the face of what you have to endure. That is an act of courage that deserves applause. No one could fault you for not being able to go through it and using the old coping mechanisms. I sincerely hope and pray that the therapy will somehow help you. I'm in a similar place in terms of how I feel about it, so I really appreciated your post, you put words to how I feel, often. Many hugs,


Thank you for sharing this; and though you may not feel that way, you are indeed very brave.

I was very moved by your story and have been at a loss for words since I read it.

I hope you can find the healing and peace you so deserve; and that you can continue to work through the difficulty with your T.

Thank You Blu!

I really appreciate it. Yes, a bit of a rough patch with Therapy/Therapist right now.

Sometimes I find myself shaking my head and saying, 'How the hell did I even survive?' If it wasn't for my records, I don't know if any Therapist would have believed all that the first 18 years of life presented to me.

I know that some things are so deeply ingrained in me just for survival that are proving to cause more harm than good. I am trying, I really am.

Thank you once again for your kind words, Blu.

To Better Days,

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