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I talked with my T today about a traumatic event related to physical abuse and my father’s car (***that’s all I’m going to post about the traumatic event itself here because I don’t want to trigger myself about it.***) Here's the thing: I have zero emotional response to this event when talking about it now. I was talking with my T about it, and my total lack of having any real emotional response about it. She found it surprising I remember it really well, but don’t have any emotional response to it – not really. As we talked… she said it sounded like I had to deal with it alone at the time… and I did… and I have no emotions about that either. I’m not happy about that, but I’m not really sad either. I’m very matter of fact. We kept talking… and I shared with her about someone who did begin to see that things were not ok… and he taught me a board game with me once (Pente) when I needed a safe place and couldn’t talk… it is a board game I have brought in to play with my T even when I couldn’t share with her how it came about or quite handle any sessions talking a lot about me. The lightblub went on for her – I saw it in her face before she said it. She said “oh, and that makes sense… that game is really organizing and settling for you…”

I started to say, “yeah, it has rules that are predictable and I can follow them and be ok -” and then I lost it. I could barely finish the sentence. My body started to shiver and shake.

My T said, “yeah unlike (the traumatic event and family chaos as a teenager.)” As she said that, tears came to the surface, and I have had tears with my T before... but not ever like this. It felt so different than ever before.

Thinking of the safe place I had with that person and in playing that game, and then seeing my Ts realization of what I couldn’t say before but said today with her… it was too much.

I still feel flat about the traumatic event itself.

But I’m a mess still about the game and the person who was safe and predictable in the middle of when I was trying to survive chaos as a teenager. It really freaked me out to remember that and be in the present moment with my safe T now. It is still freaking me out… and I don’t understand why. Shouldn’t it be the traumatic event that stirs me up this bad? Not the safe good things like the safe person then and my safe T now? Why is that the thing that triggers grief?

I feel trapped and scared about this. I don't understand why. I really want to feel safe with people. I came in today wanting to tell my T about how much I wanted to feel safe with people, and feel sad about not feeling more safe, and somehow, before I got to that, this all came up.

After all of this happened, my T helped me contain and ground - we spent the rest of the session doing that.

I left and have been dissociative on and off the rest of the day today. I am going back and forth between numb and scared/hopeless with a ton of body stuff going on. I feel so terribly trapped and freaked out about anything safe. ugh.

what am I doing wrong?

I so wanted to talk to my T today about how much I am tired of how much I push and hold everyone away and freak out and run away from what feels safe with people, and how I realized I don't do this with horses (so can't it be possible I can attach differently to humans too?) and I want to be close to people too...

...and here I am freaked out about what is safe. I called my T and told her how it felt and that I wanted to cancel everything and never come back or... and told her but that's the very thing I want to change... so I'm not, but I have no idea how the heck to handle this. I told her to call me back if she thought it would help but that I don't think I need it or could handle it right now. If I try to remind myself it is ok, everything in me says RUN and I just want her far away as possible. In a weird way, I think that if I tell her I want her to go away, then she will. Which right now would be ok. But not really. This isn't what I wanted. I WANT TO LET MYSELF BE SAFE WITH PEOPLE ALREADY. Ugh.

~ jane
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Shouldn’t it be the traumatic event that stirs me up this bad? Not the safe good things like the safe person then and my safe T now? Why is that the thing that triggers grief?

I don't really know the answer Jd, but my first thought was that perhaps you are taking baby steps with this. Maybe you can process the memory of the board game and your safe person, and in time the other stuff will unfold and you will feel the trauma as you and your body can handle it.

As for me, I have very few memories of what happened to me- and I too was very matter of fact about the whole thing. My attitude- "shit happens- so what, everyone has shit- and then you move on- and then you die."
Slowly the "shit" unraveled bit by bit. My body could only handle so much anxiety, so I felt things slowly- little by little. Make sense? IDK if this helps, but this is what happened to me.
Be well, JD. Happy Healing.
really called my T and essentialy said (condensed pharaphrase): I'm freaked out about how safe you are, and I'd like to run from the memory of anything safe or you being comforting right now. I'm falling apart about this, but I don't think I can handle you calling me and helping me through this. Just letting you know though. This is the very thing I want to change.

oh dear.

I just imagined my T calling me back, and got physically sick. I really do not want her to call me back at all, let alone have her call back and be her normal kind self.

Frowner Frowner Frowner


I was kind of wondering the same thing myself, about if feeling safe is so scary it hurts? Does that make sense? It's as if the safe feelings makes you realize how unsafe it all was? I have some traumatic events from childhood that I can recall without any emotion. If you asked, I could give you the details and probably even tell you it didn't bother me. But it really SHOULD have bothered me. I want to feel safe with people too. It's so frustrating that it seems to take so long. It is what it is, I guess.


Liese ~ thanks, I think you might be on to something
It's as if the safe feelings makes you realize how unsafe it all was?
yeah, maybe that is it... I played the game, and it made sense (unlike the trauma) and played it with a safe person who didn't invade... which is what I should have had all along...

I feel like I have been run over by this. I push everyone away for so long...

I think something that has hit me about the safe person when I was a teenager, is that I never told them about the trauma I was enduring. He knew I was struggling, but not how and what - and he could have helped... but I kept him so far away. And I still keep people far away. It hurts. I am so scared to be close to anyone. I have learned how to survive on my own, and depend on myself. Thinking of depending on others makes me feel awful, but facing all the years I have done it all on my own, alone (just as my T said), hurt like crazy... it's not what I have ever wanted, it's just what I have known to do. I didn't really see any other option and all my experiences up to being a teenager taught me to do it on my own. However, I am an adult now! I have had a good decade of practice and I am not trying to do everything on my own, I just can't stand being close and depending on people, yet I desperately want that... I'm sad of how much I have blamed me for all kinds of things that were not mine and I'm sad that I have held everyone so far away from me. It didn't even work to keep me safe...

~ jane
I just can't stand being close and depending on people, yet I desperately want that... I'm sad of how much I have blamed me for all kinds of things that were not mine and I'm sad that I have held everyone so far away from me. It didn't even work to keep me safe...

Oh, Jane, this resonates so strongly with me.

On safety in therapy...I really cannot help feeling safe with my T. He is steady and available and shows he will not be changed by my hurt or fear or what little anger I can muster. And the safer I feel, the more I am able to approach and connect...yet the very fact that I feel safe with ANYONE puts me on red alert. It is a confusing, trapped sort of place to be. Safety itself is unsafe. I keep saying it. I wish I could make it not so in my life, and yours.
((((Jane)))) I'm sorry. It's hard working, letting someone in when we've been shut so tight for so long and everything beyond that giant steel door has gotten dusty and out of repair. We just want to run in there and tidy everything up before we let that person into that space. It is exhausting and painful to walk through it with them and see them accepting it.
I look at it is as... I'm more likely to cry for the gifts I do receive, than the ones I don't (ie: if someone writes me a thoughtful card I'll probably tear, but I won't tear if they don't write me one). I can't cry for the things I didn't have growing up: safety, love, acceptance, rights to my own body and mind. But when a part of me gets what is deeply needed, a need which has probably gone completely ignored and neglected by me, the relief gives me the space to feel.

I think DF has explained it perfectly here...or at least, I can really relate to this in my therapy experience and my few very close relationships.

My T just told me something and I'm trying to think of how he phrased it, something like either I will be healed or it will be healing for me when I am able to reach out to people when I am in distress. It hurts too much and its too hard to do, though I know it's good for me to do that. It's as if the end result is the thing I need to help me get there but to get there I need the end result. Does that make sense? that might be a little convoluted.

I get overwhelmed by the pain and and feel angry for not signing up for this. I also get really frustrated that it's not going faster. I just want to get it done with so I can get better and get on with life. Unfortunately, this is all a part of my life and I have to learn to live with it, make peace with it somehow. Still working on it.

Hope you are doing better today.

I'm sad that I have held everyone so far away from me.

That is the paradox, isnt it Jd? Holding people far away is a habit because it was safe for you. That is the wall that kept you safe.(me too). Letting them in scares me to death, but in doing so- you reap other rewards. So try and take the risk- very slowly. This is so so hard. It involves a heap of trust.
Hi all,

Thanks so much for the kind words and feedback. I feel so much even 36 hours after my appointment with my T. I feel a lit
tle like I would feel about a tear jerker moment in a movie… only 1000x more so… complicated by a ocean of grief that I feel like I am swimming in.

Something about this also makes me feel rather quiet. I’m not sure why.

Yaku ~ yeah, it is tough, and confusing. I think right now I actually want to make a mess of the room, and close the doors and never let anyone in again. (*Jane says to herself: I am not running, I am not running, I am not running…*)

DF ~ thank you so much for the encouragement.

Yeah, it’s like ok, the trauma I can handle. But I become undone about the kind moment that sneaks into my heart.
I can't cry for the things I didn't have growing up: safety, love, acceptance, rights to my own body and mind. But when a part of me gets what is deeply needed, a need which has probably gone completely ignored and neglected by me, the relief gives me the space to feel.

gosh, now that I think about it, I think I have been actively ignoring my needs with others too. Especially the needs that are not met, and trying to meet all of them on my own.

I have been also constantly protecting against anything that might possibly be unsafe. I have become adjusted and used to it. I have forgotten, in some ways, what safe even felt like… and I have ignored how much I have needed it in the past… It wasn’t safe to even need anything. Then to remember a moment where I had needs, and they were met… ouch.

I'm so sorry you struggle with some of this kind of stuff too. It gives me hope though, because I have seen you change a lot over the past year alone. (it's so easy to have hope for others, but for myself? sigh...) I'm not sure how this all changes, but it helps to know I'm not completely alone in it.

Liese ~
It's as if the end result is the thing I need to help me get there but to get there I need the end result. Does that make sense?
makes complete sense to me. It’s so hard to write and describe how it is – but I think you said it well.

I think the worst thing is that I’m scared of my Ts because I sense that I am beginning to really trust them, and that makes me want to run… (to what? back to what is familiar? to what is NOT safe? to exactly the opposite of what I need to heal? sigh.)

It doesn’t make sense to me – and yet it does make sense too.

And the pain of this process… it’s like what the heck? This is not what I expected. It makes me angry and frustrated too.

I hope this gets easier for both of us.

Mayo ~ thank you for the encouragement. Right now I think the next step is just simply for me to not run away… You are right, it takes so much trust – in my T and myself. I’m not very good at trusting (my T or myself or anyone else). It's very painful to also sit with the grief of so many relationships I have held far away from me.

~ jane
My T called for a check in call today. It went way longer than I expected, and the same kind of tears came again as did during my last appointment that I posted about here. I felt like I was beginning to do better this morning and then my T calls and now I’m a mess. I’m not even sure why.

After the tears started to come, I told my T about how I have some kind of urge or desire to do things that when I think about them, they push people away or would at least be confusing, maybe even mean. I couldn’t say to her that I felt like doing things that would push her away, I could only phrase it as “people” – and it is more than just her, but she is included in “people.”

It’s not so much that I am trying to screw up the relationships in my life and withdraw and isolate or radically change things. It feels like I am simply trying to not feel trapped and have *something* change. I think I feel desperate to feel like something is changing.
My T assured me she thinks a lot is changing for me, but it doesn’t seem like it to me. My life just feels like a hopeless mess.
I start to compare myself with others I know in my life, and that leads nowhere good. It just hurts like crazy right now to be where I am at in life. How could I do this to my life? How can I change things? I need something to change, to be different and better…

I realized this past week that I have been in a car accident one way or another during the first part of April 3 times in the past 4 years. Last year was the year I did not get in a wreck, but I was in intensive treatment the first part of April and out of state where I was not driving any car. I wondered why the around the same time… I don’t get tickets or anything the rest of the year. But then I realized something traumatic happened when I was a teenager that had to do with a car 14 years ago at the same time of the year, and then something traumatic (not involving a car) happened 5 years ago - again at the same time of the year too. It seems like since that event 5 years ago, I have been having some kind of anniversary reaction every year and even to the extent that I'm getting into car accidents one way or another, and I'm just now realizing it.

(There are a couple of other patterns like this that I have realized - this one with the car thing is huge, and the others seem to big to even try to write at all. I would just fall apart trying to write them to myself even - yet they are there.)

I feel so desperately trapped.

I really don’t want to admit this, but somehow, as I struggle with the trapped feelings (and reality of my life) it is almost like I am drawn to hate me, hate my T, *hate* everything. I just don’t have reasons to hate my T… and my own self hate doesn’t help anything. Hate never really helps anything… I don’t want to be that way…

Yet I feel so disgusted with my own skin, where I live, and everything about my off line life. It sucks. I hate it. I honestly do.

How could I do this? How could I destroy my life like this? How could I now want to push out the good things in my life, like my T? I so want to just run away from everything. I do desperately want to cancel my appointments with both of my Ts this week.

I don't know what I am doing wrong or how to change my totally messed up life. I have ruined my life in so many ways and I just don't know how to even keep trying to put it back together again.

I don't know if I should I keep the appointments with my T or if should I cancel as an outlet to run in a small way. I just want another option than that.

I want my life to get better. I am so devastated by what I have done.

I'm sorry to be so negative and ranting. I am trying to somehow keep this from running me over and hope that maybe if I post it here, it will get it out of my head a bit. Any feedback is totally welcome. Thanks just for letting me post this here.

~ jd

Replied more in the other thread, but wanting to send you ((((hugs)))) here too. You don't have to be sorry for sharing how you are hurting with us. I hope things will let up for you and there can be some gentleness and peace in your night, your week, this next month, your journey in general. You absolutely deserve it. You are not a ruin! You are hurting and that is completely understandable. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of your care surely knows what a beautiful, graceful spirit you have as you move through it all! ((((hugs))))

First, love the new avatar Smiler

Second -
I'm freaked out about how safe you are, and I'd like to run from the memory of anything safe or you being comforting right now. I'm falling apart about this, but I don't think I can handle you calling me and helping me through this. Just letting you know though. This is the very thing I want to change.
So brave of you to say this to your T!! I am so impressed!

I didn't really see any other option and all my experiences up to being a teenager taught me to do it on my own. However, I am an adult now! I have had a good decade of practice and I am not trying to do everything on my own, I just can't stand being close and depending on people, yet I desperately want that... I'm sad of how much I have blamed me for all kinds of things that were not mine and I'm sad that I have held everyone so far away from me.

It’s not so much that I am trying to screw up the relationships in my life and withdraw and isolate or radically change things. It feels like I am simply trying to not feel trapped and have *something* change.

I really don’t want to admit this, but somehow, as I struggle with the trapped feelings (and reality of my life) it is almost like I am drawn to hate me, hate my T, *hate* everything. I just don’t have reasons to hate my T… and my own self hate doesn’t help anything. Hate never really helps anything… I don’t want to be that way…

Yet I feel so disgusted with my own skin, where I live, and everything about my off line life. It sucks. I hate it. I honestly do.

And it is those sneaky safe things while I'm not looking that shoot right in to my heart like what you're talking about here.

I'm more likely to cry for the gifts I do receive, than the ones I don't (ie: if someone writes me a thoughtful card I'll probably tear, but I won't tear if they don't write me one). I can't cry for the things I didn't have growing up: safety, love, acceptance, rights to my own body and mind. But when a part of me gets what is deeply needed, a need which has probably gone completely ignored and neglected by me, the relief gives me the space to feel.

I could keep quoting your posts on this thread, and others responses, but... All this is so applicable to what I am experiencing right now, it's taken me quite a while to be able to respond to this thread.

Keep your appointments with your T. Move through the pain of allowing yourself to receive the safe help. The only way out is through. And yes, I'm saying this to you as much as I'm saying it to me...


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