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Hi anyone. I am here. i and others can encourage you, but please write what you mean when you say you feel like you are losing yourself? What has happened to make you feel like you are losing your will power. I know you have had a doctor tell you some bad news. Is that something you would like to talk more about? Please post as much as you feel comfortable sharing. Maybe it will help to write. Taking steps to reach out to others is a very brave and strong thing to do. You are definately not weak and wimpy!

Anyone, please do not be put off, but you sound very depressed. Do you have a t that you feel safe with? Hopefully that is also someone that you can rely during such a hard time as this seems.

Please post as much as you feel comfortable, and know that you can and will get stronger.

Hi Anyone, I am so, so sorry that you are in such pain. I wish that I had words to take away that pain. You cannot give up. You do matter.

It sounds like beneath all of your pain, you really do have hope. I hear it in there. Don't lose that hope, Anyone.

You mention your Doc, anyone. We are all here for you, but I care about your safety too, and IMO, and others may or may not agree with me, you should absolutely call your doc and let him/her know how you are feeling now.

It is exhausting to feel how you do, it is no wonder that you feel so tired out, but please do not stop everything. There are people that care. You definitely are something, and you matter. Your life matters.

Anyone, I assure you we are all real, and many of us have been where you are right now. Is your 'doc' a therapist of a general practitioner? I agree with WAI, you should really talk to your Dr. about how you are feeling. But in the mean time I'm glad that you have come here and that you feel safe sharing your story with us.

Today is sometimes pretty shitty, but we have to look at tomorrow as a new day and hope that things will be a little better for us. Utilize your friends, any other supports you have (including this forum, that is like a family), and try to look for something bright to focus on outside of all the darkness and pain you are feeling. It's hard work, but if you are determined you will succeed! Every living being has a purpose, it's just sometimes masked and we need others to help us see what it is!

Keep coming here and keep talking Smiler

Hi anyone.

I'm sorry that things are so rough for you right now. I know that life must seem overwhelming to you right now. I hope you can find a little light here because we all are very, very real. We depend upon one another and are glad to have you if you choose to stick around.

I'm sorry you feel lethargic... but I do think you should talk to your dr. or someone. Remember, if you feel too low, reach out, maybe to a crisis line even, if needed.

You are worth fighting for and you are alive for a reason. If you have been abused and neglected and used, it hurts and sucks and makes us all question life, but it is up to you right now to say that you want more for yourself. No one on this forum is more or less deserving of life than you... you keep fighting and talking and listening to the inner part of you, no matter how small, that wants life. It's in you... you wouldn't have posted if it weren't!

Hi anyone,
i am glad you have come here to share with us and that you're allowing us to try to help you. That means you haven't given up on everything just yet which is fantastic. It does sound like you are in a very bad situation at the moment. Being as tired as you sound physcially and emotionally is never good, and it's something you really should talk to a doctor about to see if there's anything they can do.

Suicidal feelings don't normally persist right down into the pit of depression which is where i think you might be now. And that's because as you said, you are just too tired to even care about anything, let alone suicide. But if you start to come out of it there's a chance those feelings could come back and you need to make sure you aren't going to act on them if they do.

My fingers are crossed you get this place you are hoping for. Hopefully it will be the turning point you need. All you can do is keep going. Just tell yourself I have to get through the rest of the day, tomorrow is a new day. Take it one step at a time. And we're here for you every step of the way ok.

I hope we can help you feel safe here. It's so important to have someplace to feel safe.

If you can, when you are feeling overwhelmed, take refuge in the moment. Don't worry about the past, you can't change it. Don't think about the future, it can be overwhelming. But right now, for this minute, you can survive.

This helped me get through some times where I felt like life was just too tedious and awful to live, each terrible minute dragged on and if I started thinking about how many more minutes I've have to tolerate like this, it got overwhelming. But this one minute, I could deal with.

If you aren't seeing a psychiatrist and/or a therapist, I hope you might consider it. Having help is so important, whatever form it takes.

My warmest wishes,
When I asked everyone if you guys are real… I meant where you live and your stories are real…
Is anybody faking here? Cuz I am not…

I live in the northeast in the US. Everything I say on these forms is the truth, or what I believe is the truth so far as I can know.

People around me… They don’t want to change. They think they are perfectly happy and fine. Which is true, because if you talk about problems…it gets bigger… I don’t know what I am talking about….

When I get frustrated with people around me and their behaviors, my T always reminds me that I can't change them, only they can change them. The only thing I can change is how I feel and relate to these other people.

This morning… I feel hurtful, discouraged, feeling pains all over (Physical pains) I am dealing with tail bone issue which I can’t do anything about it. No matter how much Tylenol or Advil I take, the pain is still there I mean ALL THE TIME…

My husband has been in chronic pain for the last 27 years. So I spoke to him a little about what I might say that could be helpful to you.

First off, he has the same feelings as you regarding therapists. Whenever he was sent to a therapist, it was because some doctor had decided that his pain was all in his head. Then the therapist treats him in kind. This sort of invalidation of what your body is telling you can foster a deep distrust of doctors.

I'm assuming that you have continuous pain, if not chronic pain. If you have chronic pain, then your life changes. You need good pain management. Constant physical pain will wear you out physically and emotionally, but you know that.

If the advil and tylenol isn't helping, you may need something stronger. Don't be shy about getting what you need to get your pain under control.

No offence to all of you. I hate to hear someone saying to me “Talk to your doctor, Therapist, Counsellor”

The folks on this forum tend to be people who have struggled and grown and healed with therapy. I think many of us believe strongly that a good therapeutic relationship can be an incredibly healing experience. That's why we recommend it.

I, personally, will be happy to forgo discussion of doctors with you if you would like to keep talking. I would like it if you would keep talking Smiler
Hey Anyone-

Like Z, everything I say here is the truth as I know it. I try to be as real- authentic, genuine- as possible not only here but in my everyday life. Plus, this shit isn't something I could fake if I tried!

When I suggested the crisis line, I didn't mean to offend you. I just meant if you really need someone to talk to- to hear a voice- and no one else was available then it was an option. Sometimes when we get depressed we get tunnel vision and feel like we don't have options. I know some Joe Blow at the end of a telephone can't give you what you need, but it has a purpose nonetheless.

I can assure you that I will not judge you. Your life is what it is and you are where you are. Your voice is equally as important as everyone elses. What you will find here is accountability. We- out of genuine concern for one another- will ask questions and offer opinions and make suggestions. We will say hard things sometimes if we think that is what needs to be said. It's part of why this place is so very authentic and successful. It's why (I think) a lot of us keep coming back- to be heard, to be supported and to get perspective on what we may not see ourselves.

I believe you are safe here Anyone. I hope you will see that. And I'm sorry you struggle with physical pain. Some of that may seem more managable if you find some emotional relief too.

Well, I hope to see you around.


Please know that in no way did I mean to offend you either.. .I hope you can see from everyone's posts that people here are genuine, true, and that people care.

What you will find here is accountability. We- out of genuine concern for one another- will ask questions and offer opinions and make suggestions. We will say hard things sometimes if we think that is what needs to be said. It's part of why this place is so very authentic and successful. It's why (I think) a lot of us keep coming back- to be heard, to be supported and to get perspective on what we may not see ourselves.

CT said this better than I ever could. I agree--I wanted to communicate this to you...I am so glad you wrote this, CT.
I hope you will keep posting, and we will keep listening. There are people here who are real, who are supportive, and who do care that you have a voice.


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