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Mind is starting to think about the next session now. I want to skip the preliminaries and get straight into it.

The greeting will be something like:

There you are, and did you enjoy your holiday Sir? You don’t look worse for wear.

(Laugh) Yes, what more could I ask for than three meals a day and no bars on the window?

Mongrel! Don’t you ever do that again or I will kill you.

You were impressed with my performance?

Oh yes, these things always happen for a reason in therapy.
Pfft! Spare me!

How are things with you? Did you survive the ordeal?
Just! Dreams are….

Good stuff. Your so very close to final separation.
I've heard that one before Sir.

That was a shi*ful two weeks. I shut down when I found out you were OK.

I was so enraged when you were 'performing' Sir. I could have killed you there and then.
More hostile than dependent?

'm'! Yes Sir. I think I needed to see how much hostile dependence there was.

I need you to think about an alternative shrinkness in case you 'perform' again. What about your Doc?
(Blah's on)

I am more in the present than the past Sir.
'm'! Need a little stirring up to get things flowing again?

Yes Sir.

I remember where I left off in hypno. I was in a space scene again, and had no sense of body or needs. I was a tiny insignificant me, being propelled forward.

And mum was where?
Dunno! The back of Burke maybe?

Lets find out.


Cuppa first?
Of course.
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