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So... awkward moment of the day/year/life... I'm a hostess at a local restaurant that's pretty popular, and tonight (a day after a pretty tough session where there were many tears involved) her and her husband came walking in. I saw her before she saw me and I honestly would have walked away and let the other host seat them, but then she turned and it was too late. I said hi and she said hi back (I give her props for acting like she hadn't seen me have a breakdown the day before) and for the rest of the night I made every effort possible not to walk past their table. So awkward!!
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(((Rachel))) yikes! That definitely sounds awkward. I ran in to my T at a restaurant too (we were both eating though - still freaked me out). Right now I live extremely close... Very very very close to T1 and work very very close to T2. I can name anything I'm near and they'll know exactly where it is, etc. It makes my life hell trying to hide from every white SUV, black SUV or brown Chrysler I see. It's like 100 heart attacks a day.

Ts need to do what all my elementary teachers did which was exist nowhere outside of where I saw them.
I live in fear that I'll run into my T at work. I deliberately chose a T in the town adjacent to where I live to reduce this possibility. So while it's unlikely that I'll run into her in Aldi on a Saturday morning, I do work further afield and it's fairly inevitable what we'll run into each other at some point. We do have an arrangement where if we think it's going to be possible then we'll talk about it.

Brief moments I think I'd be ok with. Anything more... bleurghhhh. I'm totally down with the idea that T's need to go back in their boxes between sessions, much like teachers. Wink

It sounds like you handled it really well, Rachel.

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