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Went to study tonight at Starbucks which is located inside Target and looked over and there was the Therapist. At first, I was unsure what to do. I didn't want to be rude and not say hello but then I didn't want to intrude on his personal time.

I know he saw me and I think he knew I saw him. So, I decided on a simple wave and he waved back. I went back to studying.

I am wondering if I did the right thing. He didn't smile...not that he needed to. Now I am wondering if I was too forward in even waving. Maybe I should have just left him alone.

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Most therapist's have a policy not to acknowledge clients in public unless the client acknowledges them first. I'd say you did the right thing by waving, and your therapist did right by following your lead, offering a wave back, and both of you went back to what you were doing.

Remember, you're both human, and it is human nature (I think) to be cordial to others!
Well this is interesting. I think you did the right thing offering a wave, like I mean a wave is harmless.
Mind you I did have a similar event about 3 months ago when I was out shopping. I was walking in to the market when I noticed some one standing next to their car staring at me from about twenty yards away. Now just to bring you up to speed on things, not that I want to drone on to long but in short over 2 years ago I was in T. After a truely crap referal to a psychiatrist I went down hill and ended up in hospital for a month. In this time my T sent me a message to get in touch when I was let out... well then almost 16-17 months passed and their she was standing next to her car staring at me. I admit I was not sure it was her right away so in my bless and wise head and carried on withiout so much as a nod or a wave or anything. Till about 4 weeks after that and I finelly admited to myself who she was picked up the phone and made an appointment with her. Even odder when we sat down and started talking [well I started talking any way] we did not bring up the subject off my decideing not to acknowledge her at the market park.
PS I live in a small town and I am now 100% sure I did not imagine the whole thing.
I think you did great TAS. The wawing was a good choice imo Smiler Allthough i can relate to your wanting to hide instead. I`ve seen T MENY times outside his office - often when we`re heading to his office at the same time- and i still freak out a little everytime. It`s just something "wrong" about seeing him outside the normal context and without the fixed boundaries in place. It`s confusing and a bit scary.. and yeah- i guess that`s why and when we start bothering ourselves with these questions like "should i wawe or not? Say hi or not? Pretend that i dont see him, or not? Is it OK for him if i take contact?" etc.

I usually say a little "hi" if we pass each other in the street, and if he doesn`t see me, i switch direction in order to avoid running into him. Cool
Nigeldaniel... Smiler So glad you got together with your old T. Isn't it funny how things happen to kind of tell us what we need to do?

Frog...I just felt like dying when I saw him...I was thinking, "This CAN NOT be happening!" If I had thought he hadn't knew I had seen him...I would have got out of there as fast as I could. Seeing that he was sitting by the entrance and only one way out...I would have had to walk right by him...ugh. j

Thanks for your replies, each of you. I appreciate it!


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