Sorry. This must be confusing. It's good if your T can help you. But, I have found a very helpful T at a much lower price, personally. When we were paying out of pocket, it did end up being over $1,000 a month, but once we switched to insurance, it was much less. It doesn't seem like you have an intense attachment where it actually is extremely painful to leave this T, as you are OK looking around. Not that you WANT to leave him, but it doesn't feel like life or death if I'm understanding you correctly. I agree with what Cat said in your other thread and I think TN said the same. There are very many good Ts who don't charge quite so much or have generous sliding scales. If you keep at it, you might be able to find another who you feel you can work with. I happen to have gotten REALLY lucky that my H's T happened to be an excellent fit for me, but others here have tried multiple Ts before finding a good fit.