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Hi everyone.... I just need to vent a little... and ask for some reassurance...

I have to see a cardiologist and I'm really nervous. Like, really, REALLY nervous. For the last several months I've had a racing heart, where my resting heart-rate is constantly in the danger zone (as in 100+) and I'm afraid of what the cardiologist is going to say.

I'm stressed. I have a lot of anxiety. I have some other challenges I'm dealing with right now. I don't want to add anything else to my plate right now!

(But at the same time, if the cardiologist can find something wrong and fix it... that would be really nice, too, I think?)

Anyone ever worked with a cardiologist before? Scary? Easy? Nothing to worry about? Quick fixes available?!
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I just wanted to encourage you that my experience with cardiologists has been awesome. My husband has atrial fibrulation and has been hospitalized a number of times for the condition. His cardiologist is my favorite doctor in the whole world (and right up there with my T Smiler). He's incredibly informed about medications and spends a lot of time explaining things to us and making sure we're totally informed about my husband's treatment options. He also responds well to me grilling him. Big Grin

There are a lot of really good cardiac medications out there now, so chances are very good that once they figure out what the problem is, they'll be able to treat it. It's quite understandable that you're scared, but it's much better to go now. The earlier you catch a heart problem, the less invasive the solution. I hope it goes well, I will be praying for you.

awww... Big hugs to you, Room to Grow!

Hang in there. I know this is probably really hard, but the best thing you can do right now is not stress about it. Read something you like, share a laugh with a friend, listen to a good song...
I sometimes look at traveling websites and plan out an imaginary vacation Smiler

Sending you warm fuzzy thoughts,

Thanks (((Cat))) (((AG))) (((effed)))

The cardiologist was really nice and patient with me. Once I was able to tell her what needed to be said about my "other" conditions, she was pretty sympathetic as well. It turns out there is something off with the way my heart reacts to stress (what a shock) and there is actually a med that will help, and help pretty quickly too! So while it isn't the quick fix, it should buy some time so we can get to the bottom of this anxiety issue without the fear of passing out again.

Cat - thanks for the clothing tip. I did end up having to have an ECG, so it was helpful to not be wearing leggings and a dress (which I had originally picked out for the day!) I have to go back in a month for a few other tests, and I imagine the ear plugs will come in handy then.

AG - she was pretty cool and full of knowledge about a few of my other issues! Did you know that cooking in a cast iron pan gives you a little extra iron in everything you cook in it? Considering I am likely soon to be on an iron supplement, I am kinda geeked that there may be another way to get a little extra!

effed - I ended up just plugging into some of my favorite music from my ipad and sat and listened to music and read a book while waiting. It wasn't too bad.

Now, if only something could be done about all the rest of my crap.... got home from work to get a call from my regular doctor that it's time to go see a gastro dr. When is this all gonna stop?!
Hi R2G,
I read your post and was happy to hear that your appt. with the cardiologist went well and you were able to pinpoint the problem. It must be a relief to find that there is a med to help and that it will help pretty quickly. That's great!
Sorry to hear that your next stop is now with the gastro doctor - I hope that goes as smoothly.

Glad to hear it went well. Big Grin I did know about the frying pan thing because my doctor told me when I was pregnant. I was also anemic at one point and my GP recommended using a cast iron frying pan as way to increase my iron. Plus, I must confess, I love cooking in cast iron. We have a HUGE cast iron skillet that is my husband and I's favorite pot.

I hope the meds give you some immediate relief and they can get to the bottom of what's going on. Sorry to hear about yet another doctor. I've been in that situation dealing with my health and it's exhausting. I got the point where if I left a doctor without two new appointments, it was a triumph!

Try and hang in there! And keep coming here for support, it's really a good thing that you are here.


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