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I hope it's ok to jump right in and post something without introducing myself first. I have been reading here a lot in the last few days trying to find help with my t situation and then having just got home from a very difficult session I signed up because I am desperate for some outside help/feedback.

I've been seeing my t for two and a half years. The first year was really good. There was something about her that was different to anyone else I'd ever met and I felt this deep trust for her and faith in her that I've never felt for anyone before. I also felt very loved and special and important. All this time in the back of my mind I was thinking that I had finally found the person who would give me everything my mum didn't. I really believed that there was a good chance she would let me in to her life in a real way. I wasn't even consciously aware of this thought but once I saw it I realised that I'd been thinking it almost from the start. So a year and 3 months in and she says something fairly innocuous that suddenly brought it all crashing down on me. I saw what I had been secretly thinking and realised that I'd been going along feeling great but part of that was based on this lie I had been telling myself. This led to a terrible year last year of constantly telling her she didn't care which I eventually got past at the end of the year and realised that she does care.

Interspersed with this were times of trying to bury all this wanting her to be my mum stuff and trying to deal with other things, which is also what I've been trying to do since the end of last year, but it just keeps coming back up. I realised that I am holding out very strongly for this mothering that I thought I was going to get in the first year of therapy. I haven't wanted to accept that I won't get it because it's too painful to even think about. I said this to my t at our session last week and then over the last 4 days have just been crying and crying about it. So on some level I guess I am trying/beginning to accept it a little.

I saw t today wanting to talk about this, wanting her to accept where I am - to deal with the loss of the things I can't have and not focus so much on what I do have from her (the love, caring etc) but it didn't really go the way I had planned. I couldn't let her in. I talked to her about it but it was like I was there alone. She said I need to let her in but for some reason I don't want to. She thinks it's because I don't think her caring is enough (which to me it isn't enough) so I just drop down the barriers and don't let any of it in. I know from reading posts here that other people are able to let their t's be there for them, are able to let in the caring even when they're talking about wanting t to be their parent and all the feelings around that. I'm just wondering how people do that and is it really worth it? I did say to t that there was no point letting her in because I just get abandoned in my pain over and over (ie every time I leave a session) and she said that would be true if it wasn't for the fact that we have an implicit agreement that I only see her for 2 hours a week. She said if she had promised to be there 24 hours a day and then walked away after an hour that that would be abandonment but this isn't because I knew this would happen from the start. Which is true but I can just feel the little 5 year old inside of me saying 'I didn't sign up for this, I didn't know what I was signing up for'. Frowner
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Dear Belle,

Hugs to you. Its an awful patch you're going though here.

You are just starting to touch on the grief of not getting what you needed as a little girl and that can be extremely painful.

If your at was there for yiu 24/7 it would create unhealthy dependency and you wouldn't be able to learn the skills of self care. You need a T who is consistent, accepting and holds good limits. And technically you are deling with yiur pain on your own but the difference is tat adult you can be there for the little one inside.

A far as letting in care, I think part of it relates to building up enough trout and repeated good experiences. It took me 3.5 years of 3-5 times per week therapy to get to that stage. And it was so worth it because I know without a doubt my at loves ad cares about me very much. And being able to accept tat means I can also take in love from my hubby and friends. I also hold a warm and positive image of him in my mind so I don't go through the abandonment panic that I used to.

Hope this helps xxx
Thank you for your replies. This is so hard. I keep getting hit with the realisation that there are so many needs I have that will never be met - or at least not in a full way. Deep down I really thought my t would take me in as a part of her family and meet some of those needs. Which sounds so stupid when I write it down. Every time it hits me I think 'I can't believe it' but I suppose I am believing it a little bt otherwise I wouldn't be so upset. I know it's probably progress to be allowing it to start to sink in a little bit rather than living in a fantasy world but it hurts so much.

My t has been aware of it for a long time - it was probably nearly 2 years ago that I first brought it up. I don't feel as though I'm being brave in bringing it up. I think I just feel so bad and so desperate for her to meet those needs that I can't help but bring it up! I want to be able to let her care in like I did the first year so that I don't sit there feeling like I'm going through this completely alone. I've been trying to figure out why I am so resistant to letting it in. Maybe she's right that I won't let her in because her caring doesn't feel like it's enough. Maybe I am still holding out thinking if I keep resisting what she does give me she will cave and give me everything I want.

I still don't understand why a t meeting all your needs would led to unhealthy dependency. Couldn't it be like a re-parenting? Meeting your needs but then gradually teaching you to meet your own needs? I know that happens in therapy to some extent anyway so I don't see why it couldn't work if a t meet more of someone's needs. Obviously most t's don't want to do that but apart from that I really don't see why it's a bad thing. I struggle with seeing the logic of it.

I'm sorry you all have to go through this pain. It's so unfair to have been alone as a child and then have to look after yourself when you get older. I've been looking after myself my whole life. I don't want to do it anymore!

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