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Hi everyone.

It's been a while. I need to catch up with all of you.

This morning around 10:00am I have to get a biopsy to rule out cancer. I have read horror stories about these biopsies. Also read that they aren't that bad. Don't know what to expect but I am scared. I am not scared of the outcome but rather the potential pain.

Anyway I am up and anxious.

Thanks for your thoughts etc.

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Hi Jo,
I'm not sure what type of biopsy you're having but I just had my second cervical biopsy and although I wouldn't do one just for fun, it really wasn't that bad. The worst part is a major cramp when they open the cervix which I would compare to a medium to strong menstrual cramp which is fairly short lived and takes a little while to fade. A suggestion that my doctor gave me, which was really helpful was to take two Aleve or four Advil before you go to get the biopsy. You also feel a little dizzy afterwards, and there's a bit of fatigue. But I had the biopsy at 8:30 am then went to work and was fine. So no horror stories here, just some discomfort (and the usual fun of being in stirups Big Grin ). I hope it goes well for you and that the results are good.



Thanks for your responses. I fell asleep after I wrote to you guys which is good! I hesitated to say which kind of biopsy it is because I know there are some guys here and didn't want to make them uncomfortable. I am to have an endometrial bx today. So your message helped me a lot AG. (as usual! You're always so helpful) I can handle cramping as I get that severely with each cycle anyway. I have unabated bleeding for the last 6 weeks. Probably due to hormonal imbalances but they need to rule out cancer or precancerous cells. If it is cancer they will have caught it early and it is very treatable at this stage. To let it go would be potentially lethal so my Doc is INSISTING I get this done. She said it would be tragic if in two years I came to her dying because I didn't do this biopsy.

Wisdom, my heart goes out to you too. I hope they can do it with an MRI as that is less invasive. Please keep us up to date on what you learn okay?

Thanks Shrinklady. It helps to know that you are keeping me in mind today.

Hi Jo,
Sorry, endrometrial was the kind I had after the same symptoms, 40 straight days of bleeding. I had the first biopsy 9 months ago which was completely clean, then took Provera for six months and my doctor just did a follow up biopsy last week which also came back completely clean. I'm 48 and my doctor seems to think this is all pretty routine but also thinks its important to keep an eye on.

Hi Wisdom,
Here's hoping for the MRI also, although my sister had a biopsy done and said it really wasn't bad also. In her case it also came back benign.

The worst part is a major cramp when they open the cervix which I would compare to a medium to strong menstrual cramp which is fairly short lived and takes a little while to fade. A suggestion that my doctor gave me, which was really helpful was to take two Aleve or four Advil before you go to get the biopsy. You

Yeah bleeding for about that amount of time with severe anema to the point where if it gets any lower I will require a blood transfusion. Anyway I am off to deal with this crap. I am absolutely positive I do not have cancer but want to resolve this bleeding once and for all.

Hi Jo

I'm sorry you have to go through this. I have never had that type ob biopsy but I have had two of them done. One on my wrist and one on my breast. I know it can be scary and painful but it is always better to have it done then wait. I had a cysts in my wrist and having it taken out is what saved my life. The modern marvels of medicine now days is good. It is good that you are having it done now and not waiting. I will be sending you healing thoughts and I hope you get better soon.
Jo....and Wiz....I'm sorry both of you have had to go through all of this....especially the stress of it all. I think the stress is worse than any of the procedures.

I too know what it is like. I have to do an endometrial Bx every time I have a pap. It's not fun...and I often put it off for as long as I can. My Dr. hates that. My breasts are not really an issue, since I had a reduction done 10 years ago and don't really have much breast tissue left. My mother had breast cancer...but is in her 7th year without a recurrence.

I've had several other biopsies as well. My liver and kidneys. Also...not fun...and even more stressful. My liver is bad (cirrhotic)...but I don't have cancer...I have Hep C and my kidneys failed as a result of treatment for that.

They..."the mystical they" say...that the liver is the seat of anger/rage. So...maybe it's the anger issues I need to resolve? Hmmm....Even so....I doubt that doing that will be the cure for HCV. If it were...then everyone would be in therapy...instead of that horrible 2 year chemo regimen that kills everything and leaves you with no resistance to normal ailments.

Because of my HCV hepatologist told me that unless I did something...drastic...and soon, that I had 18 months to 2 years to live, without a transplant. And then he went further to say...that I was not eligible for a transplant unless I dropped at least 100 pounds of weight. Eeker That was a little over 3 years ago. I was in shock...and denial....but went ahead and made arrangements for the "drastic" step I was to take next.

It did almost kill me...but after a week in a coma, 30 units of blood, a second surgery and much resiliency. I am alive to tell you all, this story. It was eventually...a successful gastric bypass, and I have lost 120 pounds and will soon be doing the workup for the transplant list. BUT....I have to go through another surgery first to take out my gallbladder and have a huge hernia repair...both resulting from my bypass surgery. I have had quite a few successful surgeries...but now...I'm really scared.

After a traumatic is so hard to surrender your body to such invasion. But we are is our do just that....survive. Ya know?

We just keep doing what we have to do....even though we are terrified at the thought. I know it's an extreme longshot to even get a liver...if it comes to that. But what am I going to do? Waste all this good therapy....and just die?
I think not!

Anyway....I am so glad that you are going to be ok. Even if it were the big C...with early detection...endometrial cancer is often completely is breast cancer.

You'll both be in my thoughts...I am sympathetic to your resonates to my very core.


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