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**TW: Talks a bit about experiencing a flashback, but with limited detail**

I needed help processing session today, on what to do... I feel lost. And eek, I wrote to much so I edited this down.

Today I was deeply triggered by my T right at the beginning of session. I'd been feeling so young, vulnerable, scared and in some sort of undefined fear this weekend. She said something that brought all of that up.

I was shivering on her couch, crying, in a ball.. this stuff is still unusual to me, because I could contain things much better in the past. T said I went to the stars and back I was so far.

I was transported back in (mental/emotional) time I could see, hear, feel, smell and touch the past all around me. It felt like I was trapped in a corner, it felt like I was being hurt and someone (T) was just looking on, not understanding the fear.

T was talking but I couldn't understand, her voice sounded like she was talking to me while I was under water and I was so afraid to do anything she was suggesting.

T felt so far (like the room divided) and eventually I was floating above both my trauma memory and her. We had to do some talking where I repeated her words, and also a pushing exercise (if anyone needs more details on how that works just ask). It helped that one flashback go away, I could sort of pick me traumatized me and feel compassion after but...

She said she was with me. She said she would help protect me. She said her own words to my trauma situation. She strong, and safe.

But she's not here right now.

I got home and was so afraid all of a sudden, triggered and having the same body memories and fear I did the entire weekend. Well, I knew how to do it WITH T... but alone I felt overwhelmed and unsafe... naked almost, raw, ineffectual. So, I had to sort of 'imagine' myself a protector, or remember a safe experience. It's "helped" but I fear a measured response to what I did today... I feel like I'm going to be punished for protecting myself... that... my mind is waiting until I'm about to sleep, or vulnerable... and then it's going to get me Frowner

Any idea on what I can do? I feel a bit abandoned... I know I need to be there for myself, to protect the part that I worked with today from all the other crap she has.

Does anyone get this? When T helps... but then you're alone and it's just awful. It's like I'm building one sort of 'new way' to move some stuck parts through the trauma but alone I don't have a way yet.
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Hi Cat...just about everything you've said in this particular post are feelings and experiences I can so identify with.

Do you know what instantly comes to mind? Now that you've exposed yet another emotional "layer", you may need to put a protective bandage around yourself for the next while. By that I mean cocooning in a favourite sweater or blanket. I know what you mean by being by yourself again. "What?!!! Whadya mean I gotta do this again but on my own??!! Are you mad??!!"

Unfortunately, I have no real words of wisdom for you, except I know from personal experience it will NOT feel this raw and intense and overwhelming forever.

Sending gentle and warm hugs.

The Kid

That sounds so painful and harrowing.

I am sorry you have to do this kind of work to get better. I know that feeling of T being there and then gone yet you're left holding the bag.

Right now my T and I are not doing this work. We are working to get me to a point where I can handle it so that I don't fall apart when we do do it. So all I know to tell you is to try to take a break from it right now if you can. I don't mean in therapy but while you are alone with it perhaps if you can get away from it for a while that may help. I know, easier said than done. My T would be telling me to splash cold water on my face and take deep breaths etc. Along with that would probably tell me to go outside or go somewhere that is distracting etc. I don't think I am good at giving advice here but that's what I know to do so far.

Tomorrow I will have to employ these tactics as I have a medical procedure that triggers me badly every damn time. So I am holding on thinking I better have some of these things to fall back on...

Sending you heaps of warmth and hugs. I was wondering if it would help to have some sort of 'avatar' for your protector, a soft toy or something, that could keep watch while you sleep and/or are vulnerable? Something physical to help you remember that you have that part and it is there, and you have your T too and she is not far away.
((TK)) i like the metaphor, yes, it is like needing a bit of a space to repair. Generally this means transference with my Ts (negative), but I'm not experiencing that right now which is at least a good change! I'm afraid that because she helped, something worse will happen... precisely why I'm not a big fan of help. So, this is a new experience in a way. Thank you..

((turtles)) Sometimes I leave that bag on my T's voicemail... I might do that tonight before sleep. Just call and mentally put everything in a yuck-sac and sorta leave it in the therapy-phone-capsul. I do like your suggestions... I was in DBT twice for my ED stuff and actually, to be reminded of the grounding stuff very much helps. You're great at advice, thank you - even just hanging out here with me is helping. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping the medical stuff goes well. Maybe try to start them early, eh? That's the biggest challenge I have... I won't use my coping until I can't cope. Big Grin

((Jones)) Ah my friend with the gentle words of wisdom Hug two I do have a sort of avatar we installed w/ EMDR therapy... Cool he's admittedly pretty bad ass. I hadn't thought of employing a teddy bear but I may have one or two or five.... around somewhere... I feel a bit like I'm fearing trouble for having my T that close to that part of my processing... so keeping her 'closer' with a proxy is risky but maybe after today will have some unconscious calm.

I feel so... confused. I think... sorry to ramble... but something scary too is that I really sort of lost it. What I'm going through emotionally in therapy is so peculiar. The intensity... I didn't know I had it in me.

With somatic therapy I'm more scared of what will pop up than when I talk... that non-verbal stuff is hard to deal with. I told my T today that I don't know how to protect her in my mind, nor me because it will make things worse if "we" go in there together. She said she would be fine, that I would be safe... and I told her 'You don't know how big my monster is' after I sat there for who knows how long salting my cheeks Roll Eyes I think I'll color before bed... get a stuffy bear army... call my T to leave my monster to be babysat... and if he escapes I'll make sure I have my kettle out for hot tea so I can calm myself down.

That or I'll cry... or both.

Thanks again for the help and support
((SP)) thank you kindly for the hugs and thoughts.

I talked to my primary T about this today... and she had some insights. There are certain 'rules' that are just... cemented in my memories. If someone else tries to protect me I get in trouble, or they get hurt - and a few other 'rules' it's like mental programming if x then y but I know how it works and try to interrupt it. So it feels like I'm waiting for my internalized abuser to come back, just when I'm relaxed, or while I think I have protection, or something will come back even worse because I was so foolish.

T related it to the fact my parents are coming in a few weeks. So there is that 'waiting' for consequence. We could also connect it to my urges for SH (that the consequence of 'punishment' for divergence from 'rules') were related. She had a plethora of examples of my doing this. It's hard to remember much what else was said because I was still a bit out of it. We talked about ways to protect myself from.. myself.. it makes my brain fail.

We also talked about me cutting off things during session to compartmentalize and that I had to sorta shut stuff down. She was asking about... I dunno stuff I could do. She challenged me on how to work with the rules and said when she heard me talking like that she knew... it was going to be a die-hard part we were dealing with.

Hm. I'm glad I typed this out... because I felt like we did nothing today. I'm also feeling like my T hates me... but, I know that isn't true. Lately I've been feeling in a heart-way disconnected and far from my Ts but... that's probably me putting them in boxes too.

I promise my posts are only going to get nuttier as it's closer to my parental visit... Frowner if anyone can think of what I can do to mentally protect myself for THAT I'll be forever appreciative.

I tell myself this won't traumatize me... but honestly... I don't know how I'll react when I see them... i'm so horrified of what I'm going through right now that I'm not sure if I'll suck it up and be okay (whether I hold my boundaries how I'd like to or not) or if I will see them and have a mental breakdown and be institutionalized for life.

Anyone else just sorta 'wing it' like you don't know what's going to happen but you just... have to go in and see how you react lol.

Anyway I'm tired Frowner dunno if anyone can relate/help.. blerg.

How long are the 'rents going to be visiting and what are their arrangements? Are they staying with you or at a hotel?

Trust me I know where your at. I totally failed to hold my boundaries when my dad was here. I paid the price for it in compensatory ED behaviors. Can we help you brainstorm some ways to get peace when they are here so you can try to maintain some balance?

Just thinking out loud.

Take care hon.

Brainstorming would be awesome, Jill. What I am most afraid of is not employing solutions and failing.

((((Peng,joy, Jill))))

Just popped on briefly... the parents will be here a week and sTaying in a hotel.

.... I just feel so awful being worried... I'm not sure how to react or how I will react and so ashamed it is an issue.

Just mentioning it made me feel ill. I'm suffering very bad anxiety with my therapy. I feel so distant and rejected... yet have not been distanced or rejected... and it feels like my Rd are going awAy from me Frowner I know I'm causing this but don't understand for sure

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