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Lately a lot of family problems have arisen and I asked my grandmother to sign me up to see a psychiatrist. I don't have any problems like substance abuse or child abuse or anything like that. I've just always seemed to be a depressed and angry child. My childhood was just really wacky. In all honesty I really can't recall anything from before I was about 12 with 100% accuracy because I wasn't able to tell the difference from when I was dreaming and when I was awake. I do know that I always felt really alone and as if no one really cared for me. My family tells me that I was a really violent child when I was younger before mellowing out. The mellowed out period was when I began bottling up my emotions at 13. The emotions are now too much to bear and I can't keep hiding them so I've pretty much stopped trying. I've been so angry and depressed and frustrated all the time because it feels like I'm just being an ungrateful bitch but I can't seem to shake the stigma that everyone seems to have about me. I can't talk to my family because I feel like they won't take me seriously or, in my sister's case, will just throw it back in face when she gets angry. I don't want to burden my friends with this because they've got problems of their own to deal with. I just feel really lost. I can't make my own decisions anymore and I'm really drowning here and it doesn't feel like anyone really cares. I've been feeling this way for a while now and then yesterday, one of my classmates who was literally the light in every room committed suicide. I keep defending her because I know how it feels to want to end it and I hate that people are calling her stupid or ungrateful because I know how much that darkness can change your normal thoughts. I don't want to end up like her.

I was going to ask the forum's opinion on whether or not I need therapy, but now I'm pretty sure I probably do.
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First let me say I'm sorry for your classmate. I too understand those dark feelings. Most people don't have a clue.

As for therapy, I think you've made the right decision, all on your own. I hope you find someone great who can help you out.

Just to let you know, I care that your here and I'm sure everyone else does too.

Hi there,

So glad you posted .... It's always a good thing to do ... All of us here know what it feels like to be in emotional pain .... and it sounds like that's what you are experiencing .... my family bottled up their emotions too and blamed me for their problems .... so I can relate a lot to what you say .... I couldn't talk to anyone in my family because, well, they usually just hurt me with their words .... and they were never really there to help me .... It sounds like your family may be a little similar that way .... so a therapist or counselor is a wonderful idea .... Emotions can be frightening but they don't have to be ....

Good luck and keep posting!

I am sorry that you are struggling so much with all your emotions. I am also so sorry to hear about your classmate Frowner. It sounds really lonely not being able to talk to anyone about this.

It seems like you have already come to a decision to seek out therapy...I wish you luck in your search for someone who can help and keep posting here as you need.

Welcome IM,

Yes to all that has been said. Most of us (if not all of us) have benefitted from therapy, so you are in the right place.

I am very sorry to hear about your friend. You can use this forum to express how you are feeling about that too. The people here are very knowing and supportive, as many have been where you are right now. Keep talking, keep posting, and the benefits of therapy are immeasurable.

Welcome IM. I look forward to hearing about how you get on in therapy, it is the most helpful thing to do, especially when there is no one else around who hears you.
Someone I respect said to me a few days ago:
Each of us deserves to be fully heard, listened to and met with unconditional love. That is the job of a good T.
There will be reasons why you feel the way you do, and when they are seen and known, and sometimes just the feelings felt and seen without judgement, things change, insights come and being loved just as we are, changes so much.

I am sorry about your school friend, though sorry seems an inadequate word. It is devastating for those around her including you, so please be extra gentle and caring to yourself right now.

And welcome too, it was courageous of you to post.
Hi IM,
I just wanted to say welcome to the forums and that I hope you can find the understanding and support you're looking for here. And I am so sorry about your friend who died. It's incredibly painful to lose a friend, and the circumstances have to make it even more painful. I commend your courage in defending her. I have struggled with suicidal thoughts on and off through my life and I agree with you that sometimes it can just be so dark and painful, that dying can feel like the only way to escape the unbearable pain.

I don't think you'll end up like your friend because you've already done the most important thing and talked about your feelings.

I volunteer for the Contact crisis line in Syracuse NY, which is confidential hotline that you can call and talk about anything that is bothering you. All of the volunteers are trained in discussing suicide and how to help someone (one of the first things they teach you is being able to talk about it is so important to NOT doing it). Although I do want to make it clear that suicide isn't the only reason to call, actually its a very small percentage of the calls. You don't have a location so I'm not sure if your in the US but if you are and need someone to talk to the number is 315-251-0600. The line is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, there is always someone available to talk to. The volunteers are wonderful people and if you need some immediate support, this can be a really good resource.
I'm including a link to the website below in case you want to learn more about it. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Contact's 24 Hour Hotline


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