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I understand the philosophy of why it works and a little of how it works. I do not understand how a session goes. I read here that some people have had somatic therapy sessions? Somatic experiencing? What is the session like when doing that kind of therapy?

You can expect to be asked where and how you feel things in your body throughout the session. You can also expect to be asked to track what is going on in your body over time. You might be asked to do physical things such as pushing your feet into the floor, or expanding on small body movements you have made in the session. Of course, you can always say no to any of these things.

FWIW, she sounds really good to me Smiler

Thank you for the encouragement. Therapists are so weird!
Can tell you a secret (not so secret now I've put it on the interweb) Lost, I think all T's are weird, seriously, they spend all talking about feelings and what is worse, they don't just talk, they bloody well feel Eeker I find it totally nuts, but secretly kind of attractive as a lifestyle choice ashamed (which I guess is where a lot of my discomfort comes from)
I can relate very much! I think it is one of the hardest jobs there is, and I wish I could do it! Kindness is weird for me too. It is almost scary, and it makes me feel anxious.

I went to see T today. It did not go how I hoped it would, but maybe it is ok anyhow.

I am very independent and I work very hard to figure out everything on my own. I have had to do this to survive, but sometimes I am too independent. I thought about this on way to therapy office. It is not like I have any better options of therapists. I am still going to look, but I decided this: unless there are big huge red flags, if this therapist is willing to have 3 more sessions with me, then I will stick it out for 3 more sessions. I picked 3 so I would not run after 1. Then I will re-evaluate if it is right fit or not. I am tempted to post the videos here and ask, is this weird? But then everyone they will know who my T is! This feels so alone and scary and hard. I am very glad to be able to come here and write out my thoughts with people who understand what therapy can be like. It helps to read what everyone else is going though and I am glad for the support here. Thank you everyone.

I think I will come back later and post what happened in session. I hope that is ok.

Oh Lost,

I can feel your fear as I read your words. That had to have been awful to be grabbed and pulled down by the guard after just having been assaulted a few months ago.

I am so glad your new T called you back. She sounds like she really knows what she is doing and really wants to help you. I don't think you can do therapy wrong but I can absolutely agree that it is scary stuff!

Just wanted to let you know I heard you.

Thank you. I hope I can have courage to tell T her kind listening is hard and makes me cry.

This is a great idea too - I agree!

Edited to say can we reframe 'too independent' I don't think you can be too independent but maybe its possible to be more practiced at accepting vulnerability and needing and accepting assistance?

I have read articles of many deaf people who get treated badly. I have had people tell me they surprised I can read. But this security guard, he did not know I was deaf, just think I hear when I did not. I will try to find Janedoes posts. It was not at ER but just an office building with doctor offices and financial offices but still scary. I'm ok. It was the same office building I was attacked outside of this past summer. The T thinks it was trauma reenactment, more than misunderstanding or stupid horrible misunderstanding and I think she is right. The doctor and security guard have apologized and ask me to go back but I will never go there again. Thank you for your suggestion.


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