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The PsychCafe
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Hi all...just wanted to give a bit of an update on what T had to say and what started to happen (again) during our session with her this afternoon.

Given everything that's been happening lately, she strongly suspects li'l one is making her experiences known to me by way of flashbacks. Given that we seem to be triggered at the drop of a hat and our emotions go from one extreme to the next in less than a nanosecond, she believes things are coming to the fore in flashbacks.

The situation with my parents, on many fronts, has been destabilizing me in ways I still don't fully understand. Living alone, the only way I know how to get back to my comfort zone is to dive under the covers. That small, isolated cocoon is the only thing right now that's providing me some sense of stability. Anything outside that just feels too overwhelming. I'm over-stimulated the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning to go to work. I end up going thru the day feeling like I'm constantly walking in a war zone. The wrong sound, the wrong smell, the wrong touch...doesn't matter.

I actually started to hyperventilate while I was trying to describe how I was feeling at the beginning of the session. We ended up going for a walk around a few blocks - the left, right, left, right motion part of EMDR therapy. Did it help? Yes and it's something I need to make a concerted effort to do when I'm on my own. Easier said than done.

She said what we need to work on for the next while is figuring out ways I can feel safe but in other parts of the house. Something that gets me vertical and hopefully out of bed. Bed is suppose to be for sleeping and when you're sick...need to try and change the message my brain is getting during these episodes. Again, much easier said than done. Baby steps, I guess.

My challenge this long Canadian Thanksgiving weekend is to try and not stay under the covers all three days. Hmmm...

Anyway, just want to also say thanks so much for everyone's kind words, comments and feedback.

My family as I knew it no longer exists, so it's just me and now li'l one trying to crawl our way thru this minefield. As long as we can keep coming and sharing here with what we're now starting to consider our PsychCafe family, I think we'll be okay...hopefully.


The Kid and li'l one
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