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H gets an email from work just now that they're changing his health insurance provider. As far as I can tell, there is now no mental/behavioral health coverage and if there is, my T is definitely not in network. Asked H to email and ask, but he's like, "Whatever, it's four months away, just don't think about it right now." F---ing freaking out now. I'm kind of sick of being jerked around like a yo-yo.
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I can't believe that insurance wont cover mental health/therapy. I think it's so awful how horribly neglectful these providers are of mental health issues.

I am sorry that you have to go through this. I completely understand the stress you are feeling right now. I was pregnant and they decided to switch up things and I was so scared I'd lose my OB. I had quite the attachment to her, as well.

I'm praying for you that things get resolved, and somehow you will be okay with your insurance situation. ((HUGS))
Yaku ... this is awful... all this uncertainty with regard to insurance. I just also read Liese's thread and need to go back to respond to her too.

It's that time of year when companies are putting together new health benefit packages and of course they are all cutting back on benefits as much as they can get away with... despite the fact that we, as employees, pay an arm and leg for the coverage itself. And in the end it's always the mental health coverage that gets cut because... well there is not a lot of support for keeping it. No lobbies out there and mental health issues are mostly "invisible". When I was struggling with the PtSD after my abandonment by oldT everyone just expected me to work flawlessly and to just "get over it" and move on. My wounds were not visible and so no one cared. If I had showed up with two broken ankles or two broken arms I would have been given help and understanding.

My own company just sent out a "notification" letter telling us that this year we do not have a choice of plans any longer. From what they say about this new, weird plan they are offering... it does not sound good at all but we have to wait until October for details.

currently, I am covered under my dh's plan and his company's plan has very good mental health benefits so I am fortunate and very lucky that my new T is in the Plan. Old T was not and I had to get the exception for him. I am hoping and praying that dh's company does not switch plans in October and I'm holding my breath on this. If I have to pay the full fee for my T I will have to reduce it to once a week sessions because even that would be a financial hardship at this point... especially since I got my pay cut thanks to oldT.

It's sad that we have to fight on SO many fronts just to get healthy from what was done to us as kids.

I hope it all works out for you Yaku.


I'm sorry to hear this. After all of that work that you and T did. I hate insurance companies. I hope that everything will still work out even if it doesn't seem like it right now.

As I've mentioned I will find out in October what is changing when we get kicked to a new carrier as well. I'm very nervous about it because it has the potential to seriously impact my therapy.


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