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**AH** I'm really glad you made it to your session. Sounds like you really are going through a lot of crap right now. Your T sounds like she is right there with you, and really in tune and caring about you. Its great to know that she is positively looking out for you. "BE GENTLE" WITH YOURSELF, YOU ARE IMPORTANT....
She told me that I'd spent more than enough time walking in exT's door and going 0-100, only to leave in shattered pieces. And that we need to tend to stopping the active bleeding on some of these emotional wounds before we go rolling in salt again. I liked that visual, because that's exactly how it feels!!

Hi AH... this really resonated with me. I, too, would go 0-100 with oldT and then leave him in an uncontained state and be a mess for days. By the time I got to my current T I was a hemoraging traumatized disaster. We spent a full year doing nothing but talking about what happened with oldT and developing our new relationship. I could not even SEE my T for months after meeting him. He was just this hazy voice in the fog of trauma. I hated his office, hated that he didn't hug me, hated that he didn't have a dog (I adored oldT's therapy dog)and felt totally out of place in his office. He was basically doing triage work with me to stop the bleeding and patch up some wounds before we could do anything. I had left oldT in the middle of discussing some pretty heavy trauma stuff and it was just left "hanging" out there in space for literally YEARS. I have still not been able to go back to those issues with current T. There is/was so much work we had to do first before we could go there.

It is difficult but you have to have some patience with yourself and take this slowly. Your T is aware that you have to slow down and not add to the trauma you are already experiencing. I would say that the first things to tackle are (re-) establishing your relationship with T and to process what happened with exT and if that means talking about it over and over and over again for months, then that is what you have to do. That is how you release the trauma feelings. Eventually you will stop crying and it will hurt less and the relationshp with exT will become less significant. There will be scars but you will get much better. I'm not just saying this, I've been through it.

I'm glad to see your T is looking out for you as a good T should.

Sorry late getting back... I'm trying to keep myself stitched together at the seams right now Frowner I had an interaction with a family member that triggered me to no end, and I've come smack into admitting that all the stress of the past few months has caused some ED behaviors to resurface big time

I kept telling myself I had it under control, but I guess I'm in the quicksand after all, and have to get my act together before ALL the progress I'd made is gone. *sigh* well, as the thread says... baby steps.

(((ninna))) thank you, I hope so too! Frowner That is a fitting song reminder Smiler

(((A))) Thank you A, I appreciate it! Hope things go well with your T too!

(((eme))) Your comforting words mean a lot to me, and thank you too for reminder to be gentle Hug two

(((TN))) It really does help me to hear that this pain will lessen, and you've seen the process yourself. I really hope you will be able to get back to the original trauma you'd started working on, it's so unfair that old T got things so off track for you too Frowner

I think you're right about the trust being first and processing exT. I feel like I got so used to just diving off cliffs every appointment with him and he never cared if I had my parachute on or not! I'm thankful newT isn't letting me get in worse shape. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me and all the help you've been through this
Hug two

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