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I wanted to write about my session with T today but first I wanted to ask if any of you have ever asked your T to color with you, to read you a story or to play a board game??

I know some of you, (thinking of Yaku here) have done the coloring or drawing. I guess it would be helpful to know how you handled this and went about it. Did you color on the floor or a table? Did you play a board game? How did that go? Did you ask T to read a story and who picked it and can you give some suggestions for a children's story that is not too long?? I would appreciate hearing of any experiences in this area. I am thinking it would be a way to get to that inner kid that is so scared of T and who he wants to meet and reach to integrate. The problem is that I'm so angry from her she is sort of split off from the rest of me and I try to make believe she does not exist. The problem is that she is my emotional personality and she takes over and has me doing things that are not healthy. Yet she is the one who holds the pain and the early trauma... and even the trauma from oldT. Part of why she is so scared of T now... history is not good with T's.

So... today. When I got there his door was open and he was out so I went in and made myself comfortable. Got my blanket, checked that my candle was on and closed the blind on the far window that he has me close. He closes the other two and he never forgets, bless him. Then I sat to wait for him. He came in and we made some small talk for a minute and then he asked me where I wanted to start today.

I told him I wanted/needed to go back to our session on thursday because it was so intense. I talked about how angry I was that oldT got those credits w/o staying for the class. And then we spoke about how I felt seeing him again suddenly. It still hurts that he ran away from me and that his actions had me feeling like I was some horrible monster that was too scary to talk to. Of course my T reminded me that it was HIS issues that sent him running from me not who I am. He said any other T would have come out and shook my hand said, nice to see you again, how are you? are you enjoying the seminar? See you around bye. Just the act of being cordial would have made things so much easier for all of us. But my T said he is obviously unraveling due to some issues that are his and not your fault. I think it was how he looked... like a homeless person... that had me so shocked. He did not look like a mentally balanced person. My T said he always lives up to what we believe about him... that he has serious issues. It's just hard now to rid myself of the image of him holding up his hand to me as if to say stay away and then running up the stairs. The previous last image was easier to live with when he left me with some kind words in my T's office in August. Was he lying then?

He also spoke about how he didn't understand why oldT couldn't appreciate what a great client I was. That I am the kind of patient they advertise for... smart, psychologically minded, kind, articulate and hard working. He said that I may be a bit challenging for a new T in that I know a lot but that a T with some experience would love having me for a patient. Of course, I squirm when he says anything good about me but I'm trying to look serious here.

We then went on to talk about the letter I gave him from inner kid. I told him that when I gave it to him he looked like I handed him diamonds. He said he was happy to get the letter. I asked him why. He said it was because it was the first time I really acknowledged the hurt inner kid and he was so pleased.

I told him Thursday was a really important session for me because I really felt his empathy. That his expression when he looked at me really touched me inside and I felt it. He smiled and looked up and I cracked "yes, that is the angels singing". He laughed and said "there really is a God...she is accusing me now of having empathy!" That was a good moment.

I then told him that I was afraid to let inner kid into the room because she is SO demanding and she wants so much that he will want to get rid of me. He said she has some needs that were never met and so she's needy. It's not a terrible thing. So I asked him if he really meant it when he said we could sit on the floor and color. He told me he never says anything he does not mean and why would I question that? I told him that it's because maybe he didn't realize what he said or that I somehow tricked him into agreeing to do that. He laughed and said that would not be possible. Then he looked at me and said, the problem may be in getting down and then getting back up again. which I can totally relate to! He said it was easier in his 30's and in the 50's things get a bit tricky. I laughed because I was thinking of that and I told him maybe instead of the floor we could use a table. Then he asked me why I thought he wouldn't do that (the coloring) and I said... well because I don't know what I'm allowed to do in here and sometimes I think you are ..... rigid. He thought that was funny and then began to tell me the ways he was NOT rigid etc. Okay... well that is good to know. But I chickened out of asking for other things I'd like such as the story or a hug. That inner kid really wants a hug and that will be really hard to ask for. I do think he would realize it was a nurturing desire and nothing sexual or romantic.

On the way out he shook my hand twice. Once when I got up and then again after I put my blanket away and was standing by the door. He looks at me so kindly when he shakes hands and most times in the past I could not take this in because I was so activated at leaving him. It's getting better these days. After he told me I did good work today he smiled and said "I really did love that letter". That made me so happy and took away any worry and shame I might be feeling about giving it to him. I wished him a good week and left.

It's so curious to me how my feelings of attachment and love for him have been building slowly and strongly over the past 13 months. It's so different from the way it was with oldT which was a fast and furious kind of attachment and love. This is slow and steady and built upon a strong, steady foundation that will bear the weight of my needs and the relationship. It's truly a better and healthier relationship than I had with oldT which was never steady or solid and kept rocking. Now that much of the intense trauma and grief have passed, I can see things much clearer and it feels really good.

Thanks for listening and I would be really appreciative to hear of any experiences regarding play in therapy.

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I'm so glad to hear that you are starting to feel the love and attachment to your T as safe and solid. Your T sounds wonderful and I'm glad he is willing to try different things to help connect with your inner child. I am on my way to bed so I'll be brief now and maybe expand later.

I played a game with my T today in my session. It was funny because I had to teach my T the game first and then he was so busy concentrating on the game he didn't talk much. I can usually play and talk at the same time but I didn't want to start talking because I wasn't sure he could pay attention to the game and the conversation. It was a pretty relaxed 20 minutes for me and I felt less scared and more like myself than I usually do during a session. Afterwards we talked a little bit about what games and playing meant to me in my childhood and family and in the present.

I look forward to hearing more from other people about playing in therapy.
incognito... that is absolutely wonderful that you went back and bravely asked to play the game with your T after last time. I am so happy for you. Glad you were feeling relaxed about it. It sounds like it was really therapeutic for you.

But tell me.... did you sit at a table or on the couch or did you play on the floor? Just curious about the logistics LOL.


I have once or twice coloured in sessions, but my T encourages me to do so out of sessions too - and writing that way too, anything in fact to get it said. Yep it feels a bit odd at first handing anything over at the start of next session Wink, but I have found it is a really helpful thing to do. Maybe you are one step on from me TN, and the doing it in session will get easier in time for me too. Oh and T will sit on the chair, right next to me, on the floor - wherever it is right and feels safest for me....

I loved to hear about your session TN, your T is ARE doing great work!

The logistics were difficult. There is no table in his office but he has a round leather ottoman that he puts his feet up on that was big enough to hold the board and cards. So he leaned forward on his chair and I sat on the edge of the couch with the board between us. I thought it might be uncomfortable but time flew by (at least for me). I'd like to sit on the floor but I'm not sure how he would feel because he is older (in his 50s) and I so younger am overweight and in terrible shape so I'm afraid of how awkward I would look.

Next time I'll see. I am feeling a lot better today so I think even though I didn't talk about the really difficult things yesterday the session really helped me see that my T is willing to try different things to help me and that is good.
Hi TN,

As you know, I've sat on the floor and colored with my T. He is 61, but I guess pretty spry, because he will get up and down over and over again (makes me anxious) to adjust any little thing in the room if it will help a part. Like, if the lights aren't dim enough for her, he'll jump up and move the lamp or cover it a bit, or switch sides if that feels better. It gets to the point where I don't even want to share what the discomforts are, because he is so accommodating and I'd like to be able to communicate them without him friggin' being nice to me and fixing it, that bastard. Roll Eyes

We have never played a game, but he has tried to get me into the toy room a few times when I have my late sessions that start after pretty much all other Ts and clients are gone (or maybe there is one T and client in session, but they won't see me. I just can't. I get paralyzed. It's like I don't know how to play, which is ridiculous, because I can do it with my daughter, but the little ones get frozen. I will update about my session in my own thread, because I don't want to take over this one.

What else have I done? Obviously, I bring a fairly large monkey and my Wolfie to sessions for Little Yaku to have there. T sits next to me or nearby and will read a story (it has happened twice now). T will give hugs and hold hands, but I still have times when I can't let those requests through at all. He would play catch if I could bring myself to do it, but I can't. We did finger painting together once with Boo's Color Wonder paints that couldn't stain anything in his office. We shared the same page and painted it together. That was better than coloring, actually, because no one inside felt it had to look like anything at all.
Hi starfishy! Thank you for sharing your coloring experiences with T. It's good to hear from you. I'm glad you are finding the coloring helpful and that your T is flexible enough to go with it. really have fun and playful T's. You always make your regular T sound so rigid and strict and formal. I'm glad you are taking some chances to find out what kind of people they really are and allowing yourself to get closer to them. I think a lot of what makes the games and coloring and reading sound so good is that is allows more physical proximity and makes things more relaxing. Therapy is hard work and if we can do something different once in a while I think it's great. I agree that I hate asking for fear of hearing NO. That scares me silly. Like it will signal the end of the relationship even though I tell myself it won't and things will be okay and survive. But you see... that didn't happen with oldT so those tapes play in my mind. There is also the fear of him saying yes and then taking it back and telling me I was out of bounds (also oldT tapes).

incognito... I appreciate you sharing the logistics of the game playing. That was a really good strategy to use the ottoman. I too worry about the getting up and down from the floor (as my T mentioned). Neither of us is that young or in shape to move around like that. In fact, my son knows not to ask me to get on the floor too much. I do try but we usually end up playing games on the couch or table. My T has a small end table in his office that we could put between us or we could sit together on the couch. Thanks for giving me some ideas. Bottom line is the child needs/yearns to play and to have more physical closeness.


Awwww, your session made me all warm and mushy inside. Thank you for sharing. It made me smile in so many places. I'm so happy for you that you are building that connection and trust. It sounds like your T really does want to meet you where you need to be met. I know how hard it is to ask for things though when you aren't sure of the answer. I love that he mentioned the letter again on the way out. As far as his comments about OldT. He is right. That man is seriously unraveling and it is HIS issue and not yours. Unfortunately that doesn't help your pain, but it is definitely not you!

I have colored with T, read stories with her many times and played multiple board games. In fact, I laughed because we had to teach her how to play Go Fish. She said she had never played it. I was dumbfounded!! Seriously?! Anyway, we've also built forts, laid on pillows in the floor together, listened to songs and she has sung to me (when I say me this is usually all young parts though every now and then I stick around). Pretty much anything is okay as long as it is safe and workable. We just asked her to record another story for us to listen to. We haven't done it yet, but hopefully we will soon. We have one recorded which is called "The Invisible String" which T reworded to change the names to my name and her name. We've read a book that I still have from my childhood that got me through many rough times as well as many others. If you do have him read and it is one you really like you might consider asking him if you can record it. It really does help when that little part needs a connection.

Anyway, I'm glad you are exploring these areas with T and I hope that your little part can come out to play and have her needs met. She needs and deserves that. Smiler
Wow STRM, you have certainly done a lot of different things with your T. I looked at the book you mentioned on Amazon, The Invisible String and it looks like such a wonderful story... even for attachment injured adults who struggle with object constancy.

I love the idea of playing a game with my T for reasons I mentioned. I just have to get past the thought (or projections as he calls them Big Grin) that he will think I'm silly and ridiculous for wanting to do that. I know I called him rigid in the session but that is not really the word I was looking for to describe how I think of him.... more like formal or traditional maybe. His office looks like a business office and is honestly sort of cold and austere, not homey like OldT's was. He is always dressed impeccably in business clothes and we do the same thing every session. So it's really really hard to imagine him being willing to do the child-like activities and not think it's plain crazy. Yet he took offense (in a nice way) when I called him rigid. I could just be that I don't know what he is happily willing to do and I won't know until I get past my fear of asking for what I think I need in that regard.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences. It helps to hear about others doing this and how that all played out.

Hi TN,

I've had my T read poetry to me a couple times. The first time it happened was once when she accidentally triggered me rather badly during a session. It wasn't anything she did wrong exactly, but we delved rather deeply into some issues that we both thought I was ready to explore, but apparently I wasn't as able to handle it as we had assumed. At the end of the session (I was her last appointment for the day) she commented that I "looked really thoughtful" and I told her how I was feeling-- really scared, like everything was meaningless, and frightened of going home. She seemed worried and encouraged me to stay and keep talking "a bit longer". Well, she spent about half an hour trying to stabilize me until I said, "You know, this isn't working, I just need to go home and try to calm myself down."

She asked if there was anything I could think of that we could do to make me feel better before I left, and I said, "I don't think so. . . well, do you know any poetry?" (I have a friend that reads poetry aloud with me and I often find it very soothing, in addition to just enjoying it on a literary level.)

She laughed and said she didn't have any memorized but she had read some recently that she liked and saved it on her computer. She opened up her computer and asked if I wanted to read it to myself or for her to read it out loud. "Oh, you read to me." I said quickly.

Once she began reading (and it was really very beautiful poetry, plus she has an a amazing voice-- gentle, but strong and expressive) I could literally *feel* my tension evaporating and my fears subsiding. It was an amazing experience. I was able to leave shortly after she finished and I think we were both relieved. Smiler

This was a few months ago and I often wished since then to hear her read poetry to me again, but I've never "needed" it and so have never asked. However, learning on this forum about people who read, color, and play games with their Ts inspired me to bring it up at my last session. We had just wrapped up a topic we had been discussing when she told me there were 15 minutes left and asked what else I would like to talk about. I said, literally out of nowhere, "We could read poetry."

She was surprised and laughed and asked "What?"

"It's very therapeutic."
"Yes, it is, but I don't have any with me right now." (She had just moved her office and her computer wasn't set up yet and the books were still in boxes.)
"That's okay. *I* have poetry with me."
"Oh! All right."

I had stashed away a book of T.S. Eliot and some Edgar Allen Poe in my purse, and I pulled them out. She said she loved poetry and that T.S. Eliot was one of her favorites. So, she read a couple of my favorite poems in the time we had left. It was very connecting and felt healing in a way that is hard to describe. Her voice was just as perfect as I remembered. She seemed to enjoy the reading as well.

I also believe experiencing poems that are meaningful to me with her will help me access some more difficult emotions when we do processing in session. Maybe it's the right brain connection thing? Anyway, it went really well for me and I definitely plan on bringing poetry to therapy again.

Sorry this got so very long. I'm better at rambling than condensing. Smiler I hope things go well for you as you work on finding activities that will increase your right brain connection with your T. Please don't forget to update! I love reading your posts and hearing about your therapy. It has been very interesting for me and inspiring.

All the best,

I feel the same way about my T's office because it is very much like you described your T's office. And I read into it like you do, that he is rigid. I still haven't had the courage to bring in a blanket, even though I know it would make me feel more comfortable. I don't do it because I'm worried that he will think what you think your T will think about you, that I'm silly and ridiculous. There is so much starkness but maybe that's the blank slate thing going on there.

You've been so brave in so many respects, even after your experience with OldT. You brought in the blanket. You've brought him gifts. You asked him about coloring. You've really done a great job.

I am probably the most rigid person and before therapy might have scoffed at coloring with a T. But I do think you (or at least I do) have to reach a certain level of intimacy with a T before something like that could be productive. And I also think it might foster intimacy, which you have to be ready for.

But, it also seems like such a great way just to lighten things a little and share without everything being under the spotlight and so direct. I remember reading about this Mom who would play beauty parlor with her daughter. And her daughter would tell her things while the Mom was behind her, doing her hair.

My T sees a lot of kids and I know for a fact that he plays games with them. But the games are all hidden away and you'd never know it he plays games at all. I can't help but wonder if he does all that on purpose.

Everytime you or I take a step and ask for something that might make us feel more comfortable relating to T, the closer we get to experiencing our real selves and becoming more comfortable with ourselves. And even to be okay needing something that our T's say no T. That would be a real accomplishment.

Keep us posted!


i like reading about your T. he seems i like that he never forgets to close the blinds. and how he shook your hand 2 times. it wouldnt surprise me if he was willing to show more affection but he is waiting until you are strong enough to risk it and initiate it. i dont know about whether you have written about this before, but did you ever ask him about a hug policy? or was it too scary to ask? i think its way cool he says he wouldnt be tricked into agreeing into anything and means what he says. my T says that too. but i still need reassurance.

i colored once during session but my T didnt color with me. she just watched me do it. but i didnt ask her to. long time ago i asked if she would play games and she said she would. but then i never followed through and i guess i forgot about it. maybe i will try to do that. not sure if i like 2-person games though. and what if she tried to lose on purpose because she thought i couldnt handle losing? she probably wouldnt do that but im not positive. oh sorry for rambling. you dont need to rite back to this okay. just want to tell you that i liked what you wrote about your session.
HIC that must have been a lovely experience having T read poetry to you. Very handy to have TS Elliot stashed in your purse! But truly, it's these kinds of things that engage the limbic system and help to heal us in the indefineable way. It's so hard to put the feeling into words but you know it when it's happening.

Hi Liese.... I think you should ask T about bringing in a small blanket. It really helps me at times and it also acts as leaving a part of me there with him. It makes me feel good to do that. I remember when you gave your T that Christmas ornament and he hung it in his office. I saw that as a very good thing but I know it upset you. I think he did that so you would know that a part of you was there with him and when he looked at it he would think of you.

I like the story of playing beauty parlor and the mom and daughter having a talk. I don't have a girl so.... barber shop??

Cipher thanks for your comments. I never did ask him about a hug policy or a touch policy. I often wonder if he is waiting for ME to bring it up because he does use some touch, the handshake and the pat on my arm or shoulder when I leave. Sometimes it would just feel right to give him a quick safe hug when I leave him. I'd also like to be able to take his hand at times, or sit closer or side by side. He did that once when we looked at some pictures. It felt good and scary at the same time. I still have difficulty in being too physically close to him, or anyone for that matter. I wonder if being able to tolerate and settle down in that proximity would help me in my efforts to talk to him on a deeper more emotional level. Thanks for making me think about this more.

I like the sound of your T. Sounds very open to things.

My T is not like that I think and so I would probably never ask for anything at all, not even a glass of water if I was choking. It is bad enough having to ask to use the bathroom.

I have however taken my teddy bear in and he seemed to like him. He held him, gave him a good look over, smiled and made a nice comment and then I sat teddy next to me for support.

I think bringing teddy will be as far as it goes with mine.

those moments sound so incredible to me. I haven't been able to be nearly that playful or free with my T (I can't imagine the freedom of feeling like your ego disappears). I played a board game with my T for the first time this week and brought in a jigsaw puzzle for us to work on together. I wish I could move around more and be physically closer to my T.

I hope that you you can figure out what happened to your playfulness and find it again if you want to.

Hi all....

I want to get back to this thread but I am totally swamped with homework (mine and helping my son), and preparing for the painter to come tomorrow. So PLEASE I ask that you all not get PAD or posting regrets and leave the posts here so I can get back to them when I have a clear head.

I also have to prepare my head for a therapy session tomorrow that I think will be really important. Not sure, depends on if I can muster up some courage.

I'll be back when I can, hopefully soon.

Thanks for understanding,

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