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Brain went into a learning phase as apposed to an emotional one. I asked a lot of questions relating to therapy, and realised there will have to be some minor adjustments needed in some of my posts. If there had of been an exam about therapy pre session I think I would have just scraped through.

By the time the lesson was over and I threw my pretend apple the teachers way, I had a zillion new questions to ask.

And since I wasn’t edubickated enough in my schooling to understand complicated stuff I resorted to simplifying the lesson while driving 'home'.

The Trip of Life.

AT the beginning of my trip the aim was to get to my destination safely and survive. On the way there I was aware of my thoughts in the here and now (cognition.) It was an uneventful trip which made me feel calm ( sexem.) On one occasion, Mr Red cut in front of me and made me feel a little anxious (anxem.) When he honked his horn at me I felt angry ( aggrem.)

Lets say Sexem, anxem, and aggrem *are* the only 3 emotional states we feel. Sexem being all the good feelings we feel like, sex, eating, looking at nature, eating, love,etc. Aggrem is our aggressive, motivational, hostile, angry etc emotional state, and anxem is a mixture of mainly fear and a tad anger.

Too easy!

And all three emotional states intertwined during cognition (thought) whilst I drove. At that time I remembered what it was like when I first learnt to drive. I was full of aggrem and found it very difficult to concentrate. I felt no sexem. Later, after I was taught how to drive I felt more confident, and could enjoy the feeling of driving( sexem.) When I had an accident I was in a state of anxem, and then after I was aware it was not my fault, aggrem

What can go wrong with these 3 normal emotional states?

Big bugger semi trailers can threaten me and make me feel too much angxem. I certainly wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the road if one sat on my tail. I would start to feel unsafe, and become fearful that I might not make my trip home safely. To survive I would have to pull over off the road. I would then become stuck on the side of the road having to depend on another to get me back on the road and feel safe enough to continue on with my journey alone.

Compared to emotion knowledge matters not!

“Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
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