I had different thoughts and feelings over it during the weekend.
My therapist (whom I love above all and the relationship was perfect and made me feel safe and strong and it really worked) announced that our sessions are going to last 50 minutes (not 60 as it was so far).
I feel hurt. I feel he has done damage to this relationship. I never thought he would make such a change. This is such a big deal for me.
I feel so angry and hurt. I feel that I hate him and part of me is convinced he doesn't deserve my trust anymore. He doesn't deserve to be my therapist anymore.
The thought of leaving him over this is unbearable but on the other hand I feel like I'm not able to express my anger. It is in me but I don't know what to do wth it. There is nothing I can do to make him feel my anger and feel how much it did hurt me. Part of me says that he is a crap therapist and I should leave him and that will be the only way to hurt him and show him how I feel.
Other part of me wants to work this out and see that this can get repaired and we could still be in this relationship and that it is perhaps not such a big issue.
Yet another part is just afraid and needy and doesn't want to get abanoned. Wants to ask questions and be assured that it is alright, that he will not leave me.
Any thoughts on this? Any opinions?
I have my session tomorrow and I think the best way to punish and hurt him would be not to show up at all. But that would hurt me so much more. My reason tells me that probably the way to deal with it is to go there and pour all my hatred and pain and anger at him, tell him how he failed me, how much of a failure is he. Keep hating him and try to punish him by being mean and nasty and be so till I'll feel it's enough.
I know that the other way would be to stop being his client. Just disappear and make him helpless, because he could do nothing to get me back. He would not get his 2 hours a week, get his fee paid. He would loose somebody he knows and likes probably as well. He would feel like he failed as a therapist. Would that not be a lovely revange?