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I'm trying to work this one out for myself because I feel that I have this kind of sexual pathology that doesn't quite fit right with the normal eye to eye view of sex.

There's nothing at all explicit in this. No triggers etc.

So basically for a little while now, I've noticed that sexuality for me is nothing to do with emotions. It's to do with power and seduction. It's nothing to do with malice or cruel intentions. For me its to do with a sense of protection as well as power.

Yesterday, I was thinking about T and there was a lot of sexual desire there. I wanted to hug and kiss her, to seduce and protect her.

One thing I know about myself is that I'm an expert at seeing people's vulnerabilities. They needn't mention it, I can see it in they're behaviour. I knew that T had gone through a lot in her life. She never mentioned it until last session when I was crying and she said 'I know what you've been through, I've been through it. It does get better'.

I know that T has been through a lot because she shows it in her bahaviour. I instantly spot stuff like this.

...and I'm a) confused about my feelings toward T because I'm a gay woman and I find T attractive and b) There is a likeness between us that I'm very intrigued by. She's read the books I have read. She thinks deeply. She analyzes. She's more of an introvert.

And though I don't want this to happen, I find myself attracted and compelled by her. I want to know more, more.

But a pathology I notice in myself is that with sex, I don't link it with emotions. It is to do with catching vulnerability and protection and power. I have this very annoying need that's come up recently with T in where I want to protect her and I'm not sure whether its because I spot what she is like and have a desire, a seemingly natural desire (though I know its not) to seduce and protect her by being quite egotistic.

I know that for me vulnerability is something I keep well locked down. I would feel ashamed and very small to expose myself, my body, to the person I love. Indeed I never have. It feels too intense, too scary and too intimidating.

With T, I'm compelled to play a power game, which is not the way therapy should go. I want to go into session, be confident, be clever, be smart, be with it, be strong in order to seduce her into my world.

It has happened a few of times before with other girls that I have been attracted to.

But in my lifetime, unfortunately, I've always got only so close and then they leave or nothing happens of it.

I'm not quite sure how to handle this.

Because for me, vulnerability and sexuality goes hand in hand and knowing that my T has been vulnerable and feels so strongly like she still can be really jolts it out of the loop for me. My attention becomes skewed. I want to do all in my power to seduce her sexually, egotistically and 'catch' her. Make her mine.

Yet I'm uncertain as to if I am actually attracted to her or not. I do find her very attractive and her behaviour even more so.

It's just confusing all of this.

It feels like a sort of regression into infancy where, according to Freud, its to do with sexual jealousy or whatnot, I'm not sure.

I'm not sure whether I really have normal feelings for her or whether its a deep, infant yearning for her to be my Mother and for her to actually nurture my vulnerabilities.

Can regression get that far? I spoke to a friend who goes through a lot and she's sometimes regressed very far into infancy. She's told me that a few times, she actually feels like a baby wanting to be nurtured.

One thing I know about sexuality for me is that when I'm with a woman I am attracted to, I become dominant and empowered. I become 'male'. Is it because I don't want to be exposed for how small and unprotected I really feel? However, I could be classed as so-called bisexual, because men do not disgust me and I would enjoy sex with a man, however I am to make sure that he is the dominant one and I am the submissive.

I used to think that this was to do with getting in touch with my feminine and masculine traits. Now, I'm not so sure. Now it feels like it is something to do with masking vulnerability. Why is it that I want to be so submissive to a man but so dominant with a woman. I find it hard to understand if this is a part of my sexuality, a part of vulnerability and exposing/not exposing vulnerability or whatnot.

I yearn a LOT for intimacy. Its a desperation. I dream about it. I love lust. Lust and sexuality is something I yearn because I've never had it. I yearn to feel such strong feelings for another person in that way but then again, is it because I missed out on a mother or is it just simply sexual yearning?

Any shedding light on this or opinions would be nice.

P.s. perhaps in order to fully understand my confusion, its good for you to know that my Mum left me when I was 1 years old and I was cared for by quite an emotionally uncaring stepmother. I was sent to my Grandparents for 11 months at aged 3 and then returned to my stepmother and father. There were lots of conflicts and arguments around the house from day 1 of birth and my Mum suffered major depression when she gave birth to me so she was not emotionally available. Perhaps this has something to do with the way I see sex etc.

Last session I felt my vulnerability with T. She was speaking really softly to me, like I was a child and I didn't mind it. But usually, I hate it. I hate being spoken soft to in the way that she does. Breaking down some barriers did help me connect with my vulnerable side. I felt like a child again. Perhaps quite a hurt child.

But if this is true, that I have this range of vulnerability and that I cower from it by exhibiting narcissistic traits of egotistical sexual behavior, how deep exactly, does the pain run? :S

My father was a big narcissist. He used to seduce women all the time. My stepmother was a manipulating person. And I believe that I have inherited some traits of seduction and need for power from my father but instead of letting myself go and following through, I do not because I insist of having a conscience to weed out what is wrong from right and how damaging narcissism is. It is so difficult for me to withdraw from the need to seduce and be egotistic sometimes, especially when there is a threat of loss or whatnot. I feel I've done a 360 with T and now because I got so scared and panicked of her leaving, I'm turning into this person I don't want to be. This sort of, egotistic seducer. I have to work VERY hard not to give it to this kind of behaviour because I know from one previous experience that it is very damaging.

Because of this, I often feel that I have two sides to me. I have the vulnerable side of my childlike ways and I have quite a narcissistic side. I am always battling between the two. it is very exhausting. Sometimes I have the compulsion to be egotistic and glib and charming. And to deny that sort of behaviour when it wants to come around takes a lot of effort and a lot of work on mentallly balancing myself. Usually I'm wavering in between the two. Almost all of the time, there is a personality fragmentation within me. There is never any certainty. And I only ever reach my true pain when there is the threat of loss, like recently when T said that sessions were capped. Immediate self-harm, suicide idealization, the lot.

I wonder what kind of therapist I need to help me through such feats?

Its annoying because I requested a mental health assessment from my Doctor. He only took me seriously when I said I was self-harming and suicidal. Its like I felt I wasnt' being taken seriously up until that moment. I have real major personality issues and I just want to get extra help. I feel that I have to feign the amount of times I'm supposedly suicidal in order to be psychiatrically assessed.

Sorry for the length of this!
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Vulnerability can be pretty sexy. I think that's because if a person can be vulnerable it shows that they have a capacity for emotional intimacy, and most of us have a longing for emotional intimacy to be a component of our sexual experience. I think that's a pretty basic and healthy desire.

Maybe the whole masculine-dominant/feminine-submissive dynamic is a codification, stereotype, and sometimes distortion of that fundamental longing. Perhaps the impulse to act out one or the other of those roles is indicative of needs that are closer to the core of one's being. . .

I know in my marriage, I tend to be submissive, but I don't think my husband and I have obtained a very high degree of emotional intimacy, either. I believe (and to some extent have experienced) that the more one's capacity for emotional intimacy increases, the less rigid those roles become and the more fluidity one has in expressing oneself, sexually and otherwise.

I don't know if this helps at all or applies to your feelings for and fantasies about your T. These are just some thoughts that I had and decided to throw out there. Smiler
FMN, I sympathize with how confusing all of this is to you.

At the same time, I'm really not sure it's pathological what you're experiencing.

The way I look at it, sexuality can be a vehicle for exploring so many different things. Just like in a therapeutic relationship, where you can bring in all kinds of transference and dynamics and play with them and look at and process them, very much the same can happen in sexuality, and if it's all dealt with lovingly it can be profoundly healing. So you can try out and switch off power roles, you can have angry or sad or happy sex, you can have rough or gentle sex, you can practice holding boundaries and saying no or asking for things, and in the end you are still safe and loved and connected. To me that is the beauty of a really healthy and stable sexual relationship, and I hope that in time you get to experience that, too.

Hi Forgetmenot,

it's funny, you talk about being confused, but in reading your post, I didn't find anything confusing at all. On the contrary, everything you've said actually makes a lot of sense, and is incredibly insightful. You seem to have a pretty good idea about 'what is going on with you' Smiler

I wonder if the emotional state of confusion is masking something, if it's working as some kind of defense. If you weren't confused, what would you be feeling?

By the way, I hope this doesn't make you feel like you're 'back in the chair'. It was just an idea I had reading your post.

Be that as it may... I am sending you massive hugs as you sort through all this...
Hey Everyone. *hugs to all*. Thanks for the well wishes.

Last session was okay but I think I've managed to really, really cut off from her. The emotions I'd been feeling about two weeks ago were so scary that it might have put me in my shell again. I'm really not sure if I'm dissociating or I've worked through a hurdle. I don't think I could have worked through a hurdle that quickly...

I missed T about 20 minutes after I left, I was crying on the train. Frowner But staying at a friends house for the weekend did help a lot but I am concerned that it helped in only shoving the feelings down and not dealing with them properly.

T reckons that I locked them away.

I can't feel such strong emotions with no one around me. They seemed to make me panic and fret, almost for my life.

I think I've gotten through and understand the sexual element to all this which is good. I also think that I am, unfortunately, quite sexually charged. On my blog, a girl who I subscribe to is BPD and she was mentioning how she always wants to seduce the people around her. She reckoned it was to do with the lonely aspect of her personality and I think it is the same with me too. I want to seduce T in order for her to get closer to me in the way that I want her to get closer.

And I think on realizing that she won't get closer then I want her to, perhaps I'm cutting myself off because it seems to be all or nothing.

I have this emotional belief that if I am not physically close to a person then they are not going to help me, even close friends.

I'd like to balance out. I might start looking for a T up here soon because I can get low cost counselling in my city. I don't want to move T's. In fact I'm avoiding it as best as I can. That's probably another thing I'm pushing to the back of my mind too. Frowner
Hi Forgetmenot,
I may be off the mark, but this is how I read it anyway. (Sometimes we over-analyse and it may be worth just clearing out all the junk and getting back to the very basics)

You are replaying your parents roles, because in essence you are looking for love and this is how you saw them "achieving" love, if I can say that. Whether we like it or not they were our 'role models' when it comes to life experience - and that includes love.

Your father was dominant and as you said a "narcissist", you therefore play that part when with a woman including the seduction etc., because that is how he seemed to achieve love as you saw it. Clearly as you state you have a conscience and so you may not be as extreme, yet it is underlying.

Your stepmother was submissive and therefore when you are with a man you play the submissive role, once again in an effort to achieve love and acceptance, and that is how she did it.

Both of these roles that your 'parents' played achieve the same result in a manner of speaking. This is learned behaviour.

Perhaps you don't like the vulnerable side of yourself (or at least exposing it) because it reminds you of your stepmother in that submissive situation. Ultimately you don't want history to repeat itself as such and you want to be strong enough to stand up to a man, because in essence you hated that about your father, which is why you are probably struggling with your feelings of wanting to dominate, since you don't think it is the right thing to do, and that seems to fall into his shadow. Also you have seen people being hurt (and have been hurt yourself no doubt) when they have been vulnerable, so just the thought of exposing your vulnerability to a person becomes scary. The barrier and your hardened shell that you put on is your defence mechanism.

Your need for intamacy is completely normal, it is how you are going about trying to achieve it that needs to be looked at. In order to be intimate with someone we need to break down our barriers and trust (like a child almost) - expose our vulnerability as such, but you never had that experience as a child. Your experience of love was tainted, through no fault of your own.

If we are to fall in love like children we would fall in love wholeheartedly. We would trust and enjoy the experience, we would never for one moment question that this person that we were in love with was going to hurt us. Unfortunately your inner child has been hurt and the only way it knows how to deal with the situation and achieve its needs is to re-enact what it saw.

Seems so simplistic. That is my view anyway. If I have over simplified this please know that I am just giving my opinion - I'm not a psychologist and I don't pretend to be. I only wish the best for you. If I am wrong well please forgive me.

I really hope you can work through this, because we all deserve love. Love helps us heal.

Oh I nearly forgot to say something...
maybe the reason why you like/love your T is because that is the one person who you have exposed your vulnerability to and so therefore intimacy seems more attainable, but because she is a woman you feel the need to seduce (dominate)?

Your thoughts on what I have said in this and the above message would be appreciated.
Hey borntowrite: Your insight was really great! Thankyou so much. It made a whole lot of sense, yes.

I don't really know what else to say. You're right about the vulnerability in session. Last session was where we touched on my vulnerabilities most. It was really difficult. I dissociated and at one point I found it quite hard to stay in reality. I think I derealized. For a moment, everything seemed so fuzzy and unreal. Her words sounded like a foreign language.

I hated the silence after she talked and after she saw that I was dissociating. She asked where I was. Then she kept silent and watched me. It felt so uncomfortable. It felt so uncomfortable that I started chuckling and trying to change the subject. She has realized that I change the subject when it comes to moments of awkwardness where I don't want to be seen in that vulnerable position.

It sort of disgusts me inside. It feels that she should not be seeing that part of me.

I must be really closed off. *sigh*. But at least I'm getting somewhere I think..

Thanks so much again for you input. It really does make a lot of sense. All examples of attachment and love that I had when I was younger was flawed in some way or another.
Hi Forgetmenot,
I am glad it made sense to you! Anyway what I want to say now is try and stop complicating your analysis of yourself - give yourself a break from that. We can't change our history but we can change our futures. To people who have not been really hurt as such, vulnerability is not a weakness. You are not weak, you are human, and part of being human is being vulnerable sometimes. Think about what you really really want and dare to dream! All the best!

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