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This is going to be so hard to post. Please be careful both reading it and responding to it. As you can imagine, I bleed both speaking about it and thinking about it.

In the previous session with P i handed him a list of things the last male therapist had done to me. My P knew I had been abused in therapy, but I think I had only said the usual phrase "my previous male therapist sexually assaulted me and I had to have him struck off."

Well, this list of things that happened is graphic. I did not explain HOW they came to happen, just wrote the worst.

Then I go back for the next session. And sweetP is visibly steadier, stronger and more like a rock than he has ever been. Usually he lets me take charge of sessions but in this one he goes straight to this topic and tells me that when he read it he wept. That he could visualize me being weak and vulnerable and unable to protect myself and no one else there to protect me and it was so sad to know that it happened to me.

I was moved that he could care so much.

but I was very quiet. this topic/experience is extremely painful to go near, for me.

He eventually coaxed me to talk. I quietly explained how I felt to blame. Still. Even though I fought the ex t and got him struck off, even though after three months of the ex T denying it, the ex T eventually admitted that not only had he done all the things that he had done to me, but that he had spent six months planning it.

But I still feel to blame.

And I want to tell you all what I have not (yet) been able to tell my sweetP. I want to tell you why it was TRULY my fault.

I need someone to hear.

I need you to hear. I need to forgive myself too.

This is hurting me so much to carry.


After two years of working and trusting this ex T, (FalseFinder is my name for him) I bagan to hit really LITTLE me feelings. Very small and very scared. I hated these feelings. I fought to be not small but would feel so little in sessions. I was also simultaneously experiencing erotic transference onto the ex T, as my not yet fully grown side was beginning to experience being sexual and feeling more like a grown woman. Ex T encouraged me to talk about that and I know that it is appropriate, if embarrassing in therapy, to talk about these things.
But I wanted more intimacy with him. I did not want sex, and kept saying so, but I wanted to feel intimate/close/loved.
I persuaded this FF to allow me to be naked in a session and feel safe. He argued against it but he could see that it was helpful to me. I then argued that I wanted him to be naked too and he told me that this was inappropriate. So I would be naked sometimes in a session. He then touched my genitals. I was so upset. I told him . He apologised. He then suggested he too become naked and we hold each other, that it would heal me. I liked that. I felt so safe. This kind of level of meeting continued for a few sessions. ( I was so naive)

then I argued that I had ended therapy and wanted to meet him as two adults exploring what non sexual intimacy meant and he disagreed that I was ready. then he eventually agreed and I fought my corner and I got what I wanted Frowner
Then things got really messy, as he just manipulated me to do what he wanted, (he later admitted that he has a sex addiction) and that he could get me, as an abuse survivor - to do what he wanted so easily as I could never express the no that was screaming in my head and I also wanted to appear grown up with him - as he was my daddy figure and I wanted to be respected and met NOT as a little girl anymore.

I cannot write anymore now, this is too difficult. I have risked a lot putting this here. I find that at the momment it is eating away at me that my sweetP does not know most of the worst stuff happened after i had prematurely ended being client, and we all know that the ex T should not have allowed me to end and should not have agreed to meet me but



But as most of you will understand, I was meeting him as a very strong small child who wanted her daddy to love her and be safe for her but was trying to pretend that she is such a big girl now. And like my own father and all the other father figures, he could not help abusing me and I felt unable to do and be anything but the child I was when I was abused.


This is so difficult.

I have to tell sweetP that I MADE the ex T do those things by asking to be more in an equal position with him. But I never asked the ex T to touch me in those ways, etc. I always always asked him NOT to make is sexual. And he would tell me that intercourse and kissing was sexual but what he was doing was not. And of course I had been told that also years ago, so was just in the old past scenes all over again.
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And it wasn't your fault either. I get how it feels that way, but what FF did to you is reprehensible. In therapy, we say and ask for what we need and want, and it is up to our T. to hold the boundary firm. To not allow anything damaging into the frame. And your T. blew that. I don't care how much a client begs, you say "no" to naked sessions.

Sadly, I agree with Blanket Girl. Those of us who have already been abused before we come to the therapist will be vulnerable, and quite unconsciously, to re-enactment of the trauma. Therapists know this and have been trained for it. He handled all it wrong (to put it mildly!) and used you, the trusting client, to his own selfish gratification because he knew how. Of course you look to blame yourself. Guess what, he knew that would happen too and was probably banking on it. I think it shows amazing resiliency that you are able to be in a therapeutic relationship with your male P right now. I am so glad he has shown such steadiness. They are not all like that last male T. So sad that a few are. Hugs to you, Sadly.
It is not your fault. It was FF's job to make you safe, but rather than honor your vulnerability and demonstrate what healthy care is, he purposefully reenacted abuse on you. (((((((Sadly))))))) I am so glad you have the compassion of SweetP in your healing process. I'm sure even if you gave him every detail, he would say the same thing...that it is NOT your fault.

You are NOT to blame, I am so sorry this happened. As others have already said it was for him as the therapist to keep to the boundaries no matter how hard you may have persuaded him. Instead he abused your trust and took advantage of your vulnerabilty. I am so glad that you have sweet P to work this through with.


I am still reeling really from having posted this - but glad i did too. I am going to have to keep reading your posts back to me as I find it very hard to undo the feeling to blame bit in me. but I also read what you say and agree with you all, so maybe each time I re read it will get stronger. I find it so hard that I was not safe and that I was manipulated deliberately - that he had his own agenda.
the therapist was struck off for four years but that meant that he started practicing again in 1999. He also had to repay all my fees and pay for the mediation costs.

I also told sweetP today that i am sorry for being so suspicious of him for the first few months, but he said it is understandable. I know sweetP would never harm me on purpose or abuse me on purpose, and I also suspect that he would not abuse me at all, he is so thoughtful kind professional and considered in all he says and does. So I feel safe. Maybe because I feel safe enough, I am able to tell him about what happened. He said he had no idea how bad it was.

Thank you for your support. I shall try to tell sweetP about how I messed up. I shall 'fess up to that, I need to. I need him to know the whole 360 degrees of the picture. I need him to know where I went wrong.
Sadly of course you are not to blame for any of this. A T is there to keep you safe and hold the boundaries. He should never have given in but instead talked to you about what you wanted/needed. He clearly had his own agenda and because you were so vulnerable he was able to satisfy his own needs at your expense. He took complete advantage of you. That was abuse.

I'm glad you have sweetP to talk to and to help you process this trauma. He does sound very safe and caring and just what you need.

Thinking of you
Thank you each of you, I am sorry i am not replying to each person in turn. It does not mean that I am not helped by each of your posts.
BG- you are right, I can tell little bits at a time, slowly. I can only manage a little bit of this at a time anyway, it is so upsetting. I liked what you said

Until I told him that part, it was impossible to believe him when he said it wasn't my fault.

You really understand. Thank you.
Liese, yes, I feel I have to be brave here. This is so hard to tell him, him being a t too, really. SweetP is the best T I have ever worked with, and he must be my 8th - though I only worked deeply and for more than a few months with four. He is safe enough to tell.
Megan - thank you - to hear it is heart breaking instead of to be judged is helpful.
TN - again thank you for not judging me, and for joining all the others in pointing out it was abuse. My adult self knows this, the younger feeling more vulnerable and hurt parts of me still feel full of shame and guilt and blame. But sweetP knows this and is pointing that out too.

SweetP also said that FF had his own agenda. He did. It was a mess.
BF and Yaku: thanks for the hugs and the clarity,

JaneDoe, your post was so helpful, I am still re reading it. I shall print this thread out and put it in my journal whilst I work through this. I had a huge part of me expecting to be railed at by you all, and I felt like I was going to be shot - and what I have got is posts about how you understand how vulnerable and fragile I was and how that was used against me. I am sorry it triggered you but it was helpful to me in that you STRONGLY felt what you said, I could hear it all the way over here in England!
I don't think I will be able to convince sweetP it WAS my fault but I still need to tell him all the reasons why I think it was - I need to tell him. I need him to hear all that and like BG said, THEN, maybe I can believe it when he might STILL say it was not my fault.

I do find it hard though that I told him in the written two pages I gave him, the details of the abuse from my grandfather, father, guru in India, boy and his adult brother when I was 8 and then this FF, and he only focussed on the T who abused me, like he doesn't really think the others are awful. Some of the others are more awful to me. Maybe it is because he is a T and this was a T. I shall have to say that to him.
So glad that he was able to reassure you. I hope some day you will believe him. I know it is hard. I have had several experiences where I feel like I practically invited violation...not nearly the level you experienced. But, I also feel it is all my fault. It's so hard to let go of blaming yourself, because it easier than the hurt of the "Why" and "How could he?" questions...and not having an answer for them.
I told sweetP how the T wanted to breast feed from me. and that I was so upset by that. I was breast feeding my daughter at the time and I tried to understand why the false Therapist (FF) might want to do that. He said it would heal so much for him. I felt that he had helped me heal so much so it felt awful to refuse. I tried to think that maybe I could be in 'Mother of ALL" mode and see him as a child who needed that nurturing, but i did not want it to happen. In the end, I let him but as I told sweetP, I felt more violated by that - than I have done by the rapes in my life. And even as I told him, and I don't think I had told anyone before of this particular abuse/violation, I started retching and feeling sick and sweetP found me a bin to be sick into. Frowner
(((((((((((((((((Sadly))))))))))))))))))) I am hurting for you. What a violation of both your child and adult aspects. It isn't enough to revisit the trauma of being an abused child? He had to take the safety of motherhood away too? I am sick and angry for you...actually crying, wow. And don't be sorry about triggering. It's just an empathy thing. I'm glad SweetP was able to make you feel safe enough to share that and thank you for trusting us all enough to share it here as well.
I find this really hard, yaku - but I am tentatively telling him little bits at a time.I have been greatly helped by the support on this site. If this site had existed 15 years ago, I would not have gone through what I did, as we would have spotted that the T had gone very wrong. So I am glad this site exists now - it is great getting feedback and help from here. My sweetP knows I am talking on 'a forum' and he knows how helpful it is to me.
I already feel better for both writing it here and also for beginning to tell him. It was awful for me and it was impossible to get help at the time, so I buried it deep in my mind. I just had to. I got him struck off for four years.He is practicing now in the UK Frowner

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