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I just had an encounter on the roads that has left me feeling really shaky, I know this is probably quite common but its amazing what people can get away with.

At some lights the car in front of me was at a stand still even though the lights had turned green; I along with several cars behind beeped him, instead of moving he gestured rudely with his hands at me in the rear view mirror. He finally moved, all the time gesturing at me. Once through he stopped his car, got out and marched up to my window saying I couldn’t f***ing drive and was being generally abusive towards me, there was traffic both sides so I couldn’t move, he then got back in his car drove a bit further then got out and did the same thing again, even though I had been keeping my distance. I locked my doors as I was feeing really scared. He then went back to his car and drove a bit further before getting out once again, holding everyone up and made a big deal about taking down my number plate. He then proceeded to drive at a snail pace before we hit standstill again, I decided to change into the other lane to get away from him so I indicated and as I pulled out he swerved his car in front of me causing me to slam on...obviously wanting me to hit him. He then let me go and followed me on my bumper all the time beeping.

I feel really shaken by this...I have experienced road rage before but never to this extent. I know I have probably just been really lucky that I hadn’t before now as I think it is quite common so I may be overreacting. Has anyone else had anything like this happen?

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OMG!!! What a nutjob!! I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that. I would have been scared as well and if I had been able to think clearly I think I would have phoned police from my car and given them HIS license plate #. I know it is hard to think of things like this in the heat of the moment so please don't think I'm criticizing you for how you handled it. I think you did everything that you could and anyone would be shaken by that.

Yikes!!!! what a scary person...!!!!!
I am so glad that you are safe! He didn't follow you all the way home did he? I would not want someone that disturbed to know where you live. no I have never had something that extreme happen to me, in fact, you could probably press charges for harrassment, if you got *his* licence plate. You didn;t do anything wrong...WTF???

I had a situation one time where a guy was walking out in front of a car at a shopping center, and the car almost hit him. (He was not watching where he was going) He was so enraged at attention being called to his own mistake (like your lovely fellow) that he slammed the car with his fist and began swearing loudly at them! they drove off,instead of checking to make sure he was alright. I got triggered and yelled at the guy, who was clearly not injured, for using such abusive (really bad) language in front of my kids...and he became really threatening and abusive to me, using a lot of very bad language at me and so on. In front of my kids and my H. Actually now that I remember clearly, I didn't yell at him, I quite reasonably asked him to to settle down, that there were kids nearby... but it felt like I yelled at him (!!!)

I was shaking and crying for hours afterwards, and my H could not calm me down. It was so scary.

((((flutterby)))) you did nothing just happened to cross paths with somebody who hasn't done *any* work on themselves at all. I'm sorry it was so scary. Are you ok?

No you are *not* overreacting.

Butterfly, most people would be shaken to have experienced this. It just is not the kind of aggressive, threatening behavior one expects to encounter. It sounds like it was very upsetting, especially since you were probably alone.

I have encountered road rage that has definitely left me panicked, shocked, and angry. One experience was similar to yours, where, seemingly unprovoked, another driver began screaming & swearing, accompanied by rude gestures, proceeded to pass us and then slammed on his brakes right in front of us as we exited the freeway in an attempt to get us to rear-end him. Then he got out of his vehicle and approached us to verbally assault us further. I was afraid he was going to knock out a window and attack us. But he stormed back to his vehicle and sped off. We never even knew what we had done to piss him off.

I have also encountered the fear of being a passenger inside the same vehicle as an out-of-control driver, which is another way to recklessly endanger innocent lives.

Your adrenaline has been surging, and its not likely to be an event you will forget. It will probably be hard to concentrate for awhile. Try to do something caring and calming for yourself to settle your nerves, if you can.
Thank you STRM, BB and MH...I am so glad it's not just me that would be so shaken in this situation as I wondered if I was just overreacting.

STRM, you are right it didn't even occur to me to call the police...all my concentration was going on his every wasn't sure it was serious enough. Luckily I memorised his license plate and wrote it down when I got in.

No BB...He didn't follow me home but I really thought he might as he changed lanes to stay with me and I was preparing to go a different route. I am so sorry you have experienced threatening behaviour really is very scary. I am ok now thank you, just feeling a bit shaky still.

MH, I am sorry you too have experienced road rage..and also been a passenger in an out of control vehicle...thank god you are ok. Thank you for sharing and for validating my feelings.

I just let the police know as it was really getting to me and they will pass out the information amongst themselves....they said if I wanted to make a formal allegation I would have to go to the station...I am just happy that they will be on the look out.

Sounds like this guy has begun his day with unconsious feelings of powerlessness and needed to project all his fear out into the world/you around him. He wants someone else to carry his feelings of fear! Not that is any comfort to you at this moment, why dont people have real courage and take time to look at their feelings of fear and terror instead of acting out on others! Glad you spoke to the police, next time if your not to scared, mimic the guys actions and start taking their number plate details as they take yours and hold a phone to your ear, that way they are faced with their own fears being given back to them.
DF, FFOTW and SG thank you so much for the reassurance.

Yes DF I have been back in my car as I do long journeys every day and luckily I am quite a confident driver...thought I did come across an absolute moron on the road yesterday and refrained from doing anything so as not to provoke anyone else. Think I will be more careful about beeping others in future. I am sorry you have had to experience being a passenger with wreckless drivers is incredibly scary.

FFOTW he may well have been projecting his fear onto the world. I think if I had mimicked him this could have provoked him further and most likely have made me no better than him.

SG thank you for your kind words, though I am not sure how much I kept my cool at the time.

Thank you all for your support over this.


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