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I have spent the past hour 'happily' responding to other peoples posts but knowing that I am kind of avoiding posting myself.

I wanted to share that I told my T something yesterday that was INCREDIBLY difficult. I told him that I have sexual fantasies that are all muddled up, sometimes involving him, but mostly nameless people. I gave details. I did all this by typing it all out and pretending that I would NEVER let ANYONE read it. [I carried that printed three pages around with me since Feb 22nd, and lived in fear of dropping it somewhere in my 'normal' life and having to pretend it was not mine. I felt like I was carrying a bomb. (or I could have said "oh, that is a short story I am writing, thanks " and looked nonchalant!)]

In the end, yesterday, I just gave him the bomb. I was so tired of carrying it around.

He read it aloud so at least I knew where he was at, and we had to stop several times, whilst I calmed down from
1. sobbing
2. wailing
3. shaking
4. teeth chattering
5. gripping his hand so hard I was nearly stopping the circulation

and other various emotional states.

But we got to the end.

I feel liberated. I feel unburdened. I don't feel (YET?) that he will walk away from me for having these feelings/thoughts/ images/fantasies

He gently said that it is not surprising that I have the sexual, emotional and other levels tangling up, considering the abuse and trauma I went through at a very young age. He said he was really pleased I had the amazing courage to tell him. He thinks it is important. I think so too. I can't believe that something that I find so upsetting, distressing, difficult and shameful is now KNOWN. I wish he had been there when I was little, I so needed to talk to someone then.

He was utterly kind to me. We even laughed at some things. At one point I said "I am so glad I chose to tell you as you are so steady and sensible.... sometimes." He laughed at my 'sometimes'. But he is. He is the first person I have dared to speak this to. I have tried before but it always backfired on me.

I just wanted to post this because I suspect we all carry really difficult stuff inside that we are too ashamed to tell our T's. And we know in theory that those are the things we should be sharing. I knew that. But I was hoping it would 'go away' in my head, as therapy progressed. But every time I felt he did not care, it came back in full force.

I feel humbled but not humiliated. I feel humbled that I am just like all other human beings, complicated and with potential to tangle up different bits from a painful childhood and then they re emerge as an adult, in a strange but understandable way.

I ended the session say that although I climb very high mountains, over 18,000ft sometimes, this session required more courage and guts than any mountain I have climbed and I have climbed some very difficult ones. He agreed.

Now I have to tackle the difficulty of auditioning for a very famous renowned choir on Sunday. i don't think I will get in, but I want to very much. But I hope I will cope if I don't.

It has just struck me that if he reads this, he will know it is me. Arghhh. fortunately he gives strong clues that he is not really into computers and internet etc.

Does this make sense and do you understand this process of self disclosure that is so agonizing?
What have you disclosed that felt agonizing in this way? You don't have to answer but you could post saying that you too have gone through this. And did you also feel relieved?
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I climb very high mountains, over 18,000ft sometimes,

I climbed my first over 13,000 last summer. but being from sea level, I had difficulty with the altitude, even though I followed many guidelines. Perhaps not enough time spent at a higher altitude before the climb.
18,000- my dream someday!

Not ready to share the other stuff yet.
Okay Mayo - I shall come clean, I was living at 5,000 ft at the time and then acclimatised at 10,000 ft for three days. I still got pulmonary edema and nearly died.

So - feel free to be impressed, but even at my last climb at 14,5000 ft, I suffered the early stages of altitude sickness very badly.

Still, it is easy compared to therapy!
I feel HUMBLED reading your incredibly brave post. What you managed to do was amazing. I had to laugh when you said you had carried around the paper since Feb - that is SO me. I still have something i want to present to T and i did it 10 months ago. If anyone goes near my diary - i sprint to take it off them.

Your T was so respectful to you! I am glad that he reacted in a positive way and that you managed to get through it and feel less burdened.

Amazing courage.
Ahhh Sadly... thank you for that. I will be happy with a 14,000 for my next effort, then. Truly altitude sickness is nasty, but easily rectifyed- just decend... therapy- as you said - much harder and no easy solutions.

Truly though, I am impressed with your sense of adventure. Love that!

Currently I have a greeting card locked in my desk for T (nothing written in it). Inside it- several flashcards with stuff to tell T. Will I send it? Probably not. The circular file is near by. I usually tear these things up and disperse the bits into several garbage cans around the school. This practice of mine is very common. You are the first person I've told. Embarrassed
Thanks SomeDays. I do remember muttering to myself under my breath at some point as i cried and felt sick :'S, you are Brilliant, You are doing BRILIANTLY!' and T repeated that back at me. I do feel courageous.

Mayo: You would have laughed if you had seen what actually happened. I showed him the print out, I waved it under his nose (literally) I made to light it and burn it, I made to shred it, I hugged it to my chest in fear, and then I dangled it before us both, and said:

Big Grinarn it! Read the damn thing! Go on! READ IT! I am daring myself to do this, so JUST TAKE IT READ IT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND! And hurry up!"

Then he took it and opened it up and looked at the first paragraph and I squealed "noooooo! Stop! No! " and nearly grabbed it off him. He just sat there not looking at it, waiting to see what I would do next. I sat and writhed with the awfulness of it all, and then whispered " look, just ignore me, start reading it and if I say STOP immediately STOP!"

I never did say STOP but I did interrupt a lot.

I am telling you this, Mayo, because both you and I are natural adventurers and so we dare ourselves to go further, dare ourselves up high mountains, daring is what we do. So I dare myself to give him 'awful' stuff and it ALWAYS feels exhilerating afterwards, like I have got to the summit of a high mountain and I feel enormous relief and sense of achievement. So maybe, I suggest tentatively, you dare yourself to write something truly straight, in that card and hand it over with the flashcards, (I tell you, it feels like handing over a bomb) then sit back and shake - but at the end it is SO much better. The world doesn't stop - the T doesn't run out of the room screaming in horror - (nope, he didn't - he just sat there normal as ever) and the ceiling did not fall on my head. Nope. None of those.

For leap year we could all send our t's the bits we have never dared tell them.

What a challenge. LOL

Then we could all come on here and fall apart together. Smiler with mutual support
Sadly, it is amazing that you were able to go through with sharing that with your T!

Does this make sense and do you understand this process of self disclosure that is so agonizing? And did you also feel relieved?

It does make some sense to me. I had something I kept bringing up in my journal, that kept hanging over me, that I felt like I HAD to tell T or I would feel like I could never talk to her if she didn't know this certain thing about me...and, finally, several weeks ago I did tell her (20 months after starting therapy)...I told her I had something to tell her, and then went off on a tangent about something else after I had said I couldn't tell her, and then all of a sudden just started telling her. At the end, she asked me, "How did you feel talking about that?" I had warned her that I thought it was going to be impossible to talk about but I needed to. I answered her, "I don't know." And, to this day, I don't. I was like, okay, I told her. It's over. Now, what was so important about it and why did I have to tell her in the first p,lace? I guess that's where I am at with it right now. I still think it fits into something that I am trying to figure out about my life, but in the end, I guess I did feel relieved.
Ninn, thank you for sharing that. I find there are layers to it, and sometimes it takes telling to get to the other layers. something I told in September and then never again mentioned, led to this recent revelation, and in September I was not really sure why I had to tell all that and felt a little awkward but relieved but also puzzled that I needed my T to know THAT. But it links to this recent stuff and who knows, maybe in a few months, another layer will reveal itself, or something else will feel like it needs to be shared.

It is a funny old process, indeed.
I am telling you this, Mayo, because both you and I are natural adventurers and so we dare ourselves to go further, dare ourselves up high mountains, daring is what we do. So I dare myself to give him 'awful' stuff and it ALWAYS feels exhilerating afterwards, like I have got to the summit of a high mountain and I feel enormous relief and sense of achievement. So maybe, I suggest tentatively, you dare yourself to write something truly straight, in that card

Hey Sadly- yes to that! but currently we are trying to mend fences. He left me outside alone stuck in the EMDR world of a long hospital stay that was torture ( does not compare to what you went through, but awful- none the less.) I am left with little trust with him, and even more doubt about the whole EMDR thing - for me. (It is on my EMDR thread) but yea, I would love to believe (and at one time did believe) that my T would sail through the worst of my shit, but now I have my doubts. "Mark's magic" as I used to refer to it, has greatly diminished- don't know if that light will ever shine so brightly again.
Kind of have similar feelings as TN- but for very different reasons- full of doubt about his competence, at this point. We are willing to repair- but it may be beyond that point- at least to do any deep work. I can trust him to deal with present day circumstances, but the only current proble in my life right now is... "where do I ski!!!" so yea... doing ok in the here and now. I don't know if it is worth it to continue to go deep, when things are good... no decision made yet.

Did you make the choir?
All my best to you! Hug two
Sadly, hi. How are you today? I'm sorry you didn't make the choir.

Still feels heavy

Is the heaviness disappointment?

There are so many things in life that I still think about doing, that I don't because of fear. I know I'd feel better about myself, in general, if I just did it. I have regrets from my past. For instance, I graduated with a degree in engineering and finally found a job 6 months later in structural engineering and loved it. But, after 5 years of working, I was ready to take the professional exam to become licensed, and I did all the paperwork, paid, but didn't go to take the tests!

I don't think you failed.

I'm thinking about you.
Thanks Niin. That was helpful to hear. Yes, i have really tried and that was brave and courageous of me. I could have not turned up, (tempting) but I was pretty buzzed about doing it. If I do it again, i will polish everything much much more.

My t talked to me on the phone today and he was saying how he is incredibly impressed with me, that I am tackling things that I know carry a risk of setting me back if I don't succeed but I am still tackling them. which is true.

I had another audition tonight for a solo part, and I did not get that either, but it was an easy audition and I just wanted to try it to see. That is the way to do it, keep doing whatever it is that is nerve wracking until it feels easier.

I am sorry about you not managing to get to the tests, it is so hard when there is a lot of strain in ones life that makes these things harder. I just am determined to fight my desire to hide under my duvet or not do thiings. I want to have a life ...I want to have fun ... and I am STILL glad I did that audition on Sunday, I am still pleased with myself that I gave it a go.
Oh Heck, Friday I see T again and after the last session I am feeling MEGA embarrassed. I know he will be fine about it all, but I just find it so hard that I REVEALED all that.

But then there is the other side of it, the little me feelings. I am so GLAD he knows. I am so glad that at last I have someone to talk to. I am so glad that I have someone there who will listen.

anyway, he is a good man, he will handle the whole thing with great care, as always. that is why I trust him with these things.
UPDATE: 8th March.
I just cannot see how on earth I can see him tomorrow. I feel sick with anxiety and fear at the same time I miss him terribly. this is an awful state to be in.
Last edited by sadly
Okay - tiny baby steps here.

I go today feeling SICK with dread. He reassures me instantly - as soon as I sit down. He could see my face. "You told me some really difficult and exposing stuff last session - most people would find this terribly difficult." He said that most people would be torn between wanting to run a mile from this [ I said " 372 actually!"] and yet would want somebody else to know because it has never been known or 'held' by anyone else. It would be very difficult for anyone to feel comfortable with feeling so exposed. He reassured me that anyone talking about what arouses them, how it might link to past trauma etc - it would make ANYONE feel excrutiatingly exposed. He said he deeply admires me for my courage in doing this work and at last sharing my most scary things with another person. I gave him some more written stuff that I had written during the week. He read it. He then said, 'How would it be if we talk about all this now?" and I went under the desk and curled up in a very tight ball with my bear. Safest place LOL. and so we talked with me feeling a bit safer under the table and him sitting on a cushion on the floor so that he can see me.

Oh god, I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to be able to talk about the unmentionable stuff in my head. I can't tell you what a relief it is to hear him say things that I would never think I could tolerate another person saying in front of me. Every now and again I would pause and wait for me to start howling and shutting down, but no, I was listening intently and so glad that for the first time in my whole fifty years I have another person knowing and he is helping me sort this really difficult yukky stuff out.

What a blessed relief. Oh yes, i wince. I sob now and again. I curl up with sheer embarrassment a lot. I sometimes go mute with shock. I also curl my toes with shame. I do all that but I also keep going and keep talking and asking and answering and this is pure liberation. And of course, he doesn't bat an eyelid and remains as steady as a rock. God, that man is good.

If you overheard the discussion we got into you would be cheering me on. We talked about stuff like:

  • what arouses people
  • how we can get tangled because of abuse and trauma and muddling up care with fear and arousal and why.
  • why we feel shame about such things
  • how most people have some kind of arousing images in their sexual images arsenal that they would not be very comfortable revealing to others
  • how compulsiveness can kick in and how to handle the repercussions of that
  • what to do with strong sexual urges and images that are upsetting you
  • how you can indulge stuff or repress stuff on the sexual fantasy spectrum and how as an adult you can these days indulge all sorts of things but maybe you don't really want to go there and so make a choice not to go further with it whereas some people make it their whole lifestyle
  • are some erotically charged images/ideas hard wired for life or can you change them if you want to.

all fascinating stuff.
I am learning loads about human sexuality and how it can tangle up! LOL

but oh god, I squirm with embarrassment at frequent intervals and yet I also feel tremendous relief.

I don't know whether you reading this have some strange stuff in your head, but for me, all my life some strange image has been so arousing for me, and yet upsetting too, so I am obviously seriously judging it. and yet it is powerfully erotically charged. Usually I don't think about it. But when I feel really hurting, it comes back. So, now my t knows this. (ARGHHHHH)

He suggested if I want to, that I get some parental authority going to the little me that is curious but hugely out of her depth and acting compulsively, so that I can regulate it.

[Am I REALLY telling you all this?!?!?!?]

This is a good idea.
Sadly - It was really brave to share with your T and brave to share here in public too. I have some really disturbing/shameful stuff around this same area that has gotten all tangled, because of abuse to a point that I can't really explain on the OF or at least wouldn't feel comfortable doing even generally outside of the intimate section. I've always known and been confused about these internal experiences, which literally make me physically ill from shame and pain, but am just learning how they came to be. Like yours, my T has been SO steady whenever I have revealed bits and pieces to him. I thought it would drive him away, disgust him, no more hugs, etc. He just wants to be there for and comfort the kids who are still stuck in those experiences and didn't have any other way to deal with them. I'm so glad your P is so good to you and also walking you through the variety of experiences people can have to normalize it a bit. It's easy to feel "nucking futs" as my H would say over this stuff. (((hugs)))
Oh shoot, now I am suffering the repurcussions:
1. Mortified
2. embarrassed big time
3. loads of uncomfortable shame
4. did I say " mortified'?
5. want to curl up in a ball and not come out
6. I did say 'mortified' didn't I?

I know I just have to keep going on this one - but oh how I wish someone could wave a magic wand and make it ALL go away.

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