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I feel like I am constantly starting topics lately.

Today, I shared a poem with my T. It went in conjunction with a gift I gave her in my prior session - I've never given her something before.

It took until the very end of session (as in, once I was done it was immediately time to wrap up just in time - I left still shaking but it wasn't in a bad way) and after a period of attempting to bargain with my T about half sharing, or giving it to her and running I started from the beginning of the 2 page poem all the way to the end. From the first word to the last!

It was rushed, imperfect, I cracked a little near the end and when I was finished immediately folded it and handed it to her.

What was the most distressing but also the best was her reaction, or should I say non-reaction. Her entire focus and mine was on me sharing - getting it out. She didn't interrupt it with her own feelings. She was grateful, said she was honored, enjoyed it but wasn't moved. Not that I should expect her to be but it was different than a personal exchange you'd have with any normal relationship.

A smart friend of mine suggested I ask her and I think next session I will and see if she can tell me a bit of her experience so I can relate it to mine and ask some general life questions I have about sharing myself. I know she will tell me only as much as she is willing and I can handle. So while on one hand I feel completely robbed of a reaction - I didn't get to know what she felt - I do now (after a few hours, finally) feel like... wow I got to share and it was about ME. I wrote a poem for my T but about MY feelings and that was all that mattered and so if I think about it... it wasn't less, it was just concentrated. I'd have immediately tuned in to her and reacted (even if positively or more emotionally) and she wanted the experience to be my own.

That's a lot of sacrifice. She was appreciative but very reserved. She's a T who tries to be very "real" but is very careful and she knows I spook easily. I've constantly found her meeting me where I am and have experienced asking for things and getting them because it meant I was ready (either for no, or yes). I think if I ask she might tell me a bit more - I definitely think seeing her reaction could be helpful but in the right context - today wasn't the right place for it because it was really unnatural and scary for me.

At the time, and shortly after I didn't really appreciate it but reflecting on it. Wow! I've not really had someone I've cast in the authority role, aside from T2 but I have a different flavor of relationship with her, accept something I gave them as an expression of ME rather than an expression of them. And honor my experience more, or even as much as their own (I've had a tendency in my love relationships, and with my parents obviously to be involved with very self-focused people who allow me to take care of them so I can avoid my own feelings and they can get their maladaptive things met also).

I wanted to give a positive example of reserve and restraint, so here it is Smiler
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Hi Cat,

Not much to say in reply, but wanted to comment that I enjoyed reading this and am happy that you had a positive experience sharing your poem with T.

Reading poetry with T is one of the things that has proven most helpful and meaningful in my therapy. It's something we've done four or five times now. I've yet to bring anything I've written, though. . .
Cat... it was really nice to read about your session. Thanks for sharing it with us. I think your have a very good T and she was wise in allowing you to feel your own feelings and have that special experience of sharing this poem with her and how that felt to you to do so. It seems that she did not want to impact your own experience with her reactions. I think this was good on her part and it did really help you to have this experience. You say she was appreciative but not moved... but you really don't know that. She may have been very moved but was not allowing those feelings to be obvious to you. I think it was an important milestone for you to be able to share the poem with her about YOUR experience and to read it all the way through and stay present afterwards.

You are really growing!


Sometimes I find it disquieting when my T doesn't emote. Who am I kidding? Sometimes? Often!!! But I'm starting to see value in that as you did too. She was making it all about you and what you wanted to say and feel without her feelings getting caught up in the middle of it all. You are so brave to go in and share that with her.


That is really interesting Cat. I think if it were me I would be VERY focused on the other person's reaction. Did you like it? Did you think it was good? Were you bored? Etc. It would be pretty hard for me to accept that the other person could be interested in it just as a way of getting to know me and my experience.

My session today was an avoidant attachment from hell session. T2.. I have something really horrible going on right now and I told her eventually but would not let her take care of me. To the point of really getting stern about it. I pushed her away so hard just to hurt myself, because I feel like I needed to cast away any care today because of a major issue going on. I emailed and got a short response that we were okay - to avoid triggering me I assume - she didn't say much else (one of the shortest emails on record from her). Frowner I have to wait until next Thursday to reconnect and let her in again. She takes such amazing care of me and I think because of that my pushing away was very strong. Frowner I'm hoping we'll be back to normal next week. I just have to make it until Monday to see T1 first. I hate that I did this to myself today but I'm sure another wave of self-loathing is on its way. It's so hard to be gentle with myself right now while I have so much going on.

((HIC)) good to hear from you. I am so glad poetry has been meaningful and effective in your therapy Smiler I hope you can bring in something YOU have written too but poetry in itself is therapeutic.

((TN)) I do have a very good T! It was good on her part and yea saying she was 'unmoved' I didn't mean maybe she wasn't on the inside I just meant... on the outside I'd describe her that way. I hope she will share her feelings if I ask - who knows! Thanks for seeing my growth Smiler

((Liese)) I do find it disquieting also! I still wish she would have Smiler But giving on it's own not just to immerse yourself in the experience of the person you're giving stuff to I've found feels pretty good too. I'm glad you are seeing the value in your own experiences also!

((BLT)) I think most people, when they give, are focused on the other person's reaction. I mean... to me that's the best part! But I've never got to practice the other part so it's not really been an 'about me AND them' experience like most of my relationships it's an 'about them' thing. I mean... how amazing would it be if you gave someone something and let's say it really moved them and then they asked 'What was it like for you to give this to me?' and I don't mean in a T way but I mean... someone including your feelings equally in the exchange? That's kind of cool. It was outside of my comfort zone, so i'm not going to say I liked it - I appreciate it and honor it now but at the time and immediately after I felt like "that sucked, maybe she didn't care [even though she did SAY some good things]". I'd do it again. I wasn't bored at all because I was the one reading it. I had a ton of my own feelings to contend with and she was holding them with me. In my work this is a huge thing - my attachment style is avoidant for the most part (a devaluing of relationships) - these types of things in the past have had almost next to no value and/or when they did it would be solely about the other person because I wouldn't really engage or 'be in' the relationship. Someone could reject something and I'd probably be like 'okay, whatever' but this meant something because I was actually afraid of rejection, being vulnerable, etc. which and my T reminded me, I've never had practice with. She seemed to imply I'd never been loved because we had a conversation about that - how of course I wouldn't know what to do, etc that was kind of scary to hear but I wasn't loved unconditionally I think was her point - lots of us weren't. I also haven't healthfully loved others because I'd devalue the relationship to the point it was basically obligation, or just a thing I had to or should do that I didn't want to. Anyway right now I care about the relationship and I think as practicing sharing we have to address me first, then... how to interact with 'them'. Baby baby baby steps because if there is every ANY opportunity for me to focus elsewhere.. I totally will Frowner Anyway - you may not have these same issues but it might be interesting to examine how you give stuff etc w/ your T because the other person's reaction shouldn't is just as valuable as yours.
(((((Cat))))) I'm sorry for what you're going through and that your reaction is your need to push your T away. But it's totally understandable. You didn't just wake up one morning and decide "hey, I want to hold people at arm's length." You experienced having to do that in order to ensure your survival. And it makes sense that when you are stressed and feeling threatened, you're going to fall back on that behavior because it's what kept you safe before. Remember, our brain doesn't care if we're happy, it just wants us alive.

I think you're showing a really courageous amount of self-reflection and an awareness of what is yours in this situation rather than focusing on your Ts behavior and that's what will get you through. I know it can be incredibly frustrating how very slowly this goes and the three steps forward, two steps back nature of the process but I have seen so much growth in you. Try and think of yourself as someone else, a friend going through what you are going through, and show yourself the same compassion I know you would show them.

Hug two

((AG)) Thank you, you always have such grounding words and I really, really appreciate your insight when I'm in a crazy place especially.

((BB)) thank you for your gentle support Smiler It is very VERY hard to tolerate restraint sometimes.

Cloud Nine

Things have really gotten better.

I thought I couldn't' write T2 but... after writing her an email and saying I didn't need a reply (because I was very upset about losing my pet, but triggered by telling her) wrote back asking for one and it was very compassionate and sweet and I could take it in. So I feel more confident about Thursday.

I went to my mailbox today... and I had a card in there (I don't get much mail in the form of cards) so, I was sort of excited. I looked at the return address and it was my T's office address. I thought... hmm... about a year ago I did give my acupuncturist my T's information for referrals maybe someone actually went to see her or something (so I was getting a referral thank you). NO... it was MUCH better than that.

My T thanked me for the gift I'd brought/made her on Monday as well as the poem I read her. My reactions went something like: Eeker Embarrassed

She also wrote some... extremely sweet and complimentary stuff about me and working with me and that she was moved by my poem and stuff. Like... one part of me is like... my T probably sends a lot of thank you notes because that's just her but also... I feel... really loved and well taken care of right now because it was such a personal note not a generic "Hey thanks for the _____."

Anyway... I had to share. It was really heartfelt and meaningful for me and... even though it was restrained in session so we could focus on my sharing, a few days later I got to feel a little more about it when the intensity wasn't quite as high.

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