My T has a pretty restrictive contact policy. He has an email address, but he doesn't correspond with clients. No texts, either. It's either call or see him in session. He explained his reasoning behind this policy and I respect it, but as someone who instinctively reaches out through writing, I'm finding it REALLY hard to take. Add to this that I recently had to reduce the frequency of my visits due to financial reasons, and I'm a borderline shrieking mess.
(Maybe it's just the typical paranoia of a traumatized mind, but I think the reduced contact may be affecting our relationship.)
I saw my T today and intended to discuss attachment issues with him. However, I just couldn't bring myself to start that conversation, so we talked about other (albeit, important) things. I realized later that I'm probably never going to get these particular words to come out of my mouth, so I'm writing a letter to him in my journal. I want him to read it, but I think it would be beneficial if he had some time to process it before we discuss it in session.
So my question is, should I take the risk of emailing it to him with the express statement that I only want him to read it...or should I just respect the boundaries, wait, and give it to him in session? I'm such a knot of emotions right now, I'm not sure I can think rationally.