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OK, so EVERYTHING is triggering me right now. Example: we had two sets of friends over for dinner and one couple's nine-year-old girl ended up kissing the other's seven-year-old boy or something, while her little brother ran and tattled on them (they were all playing video games while the adults chatted). Anyway, I got super-triggered and freaked out about some stuff that happened between a boy and I when I was about five that seems super-creepy now, but might be totally normal. I have had some people say the stuff (no details here, you're safe) that happened was normal and other people say that it was very much not normal and way young for that stuff to happen. Pretty much getting triggered left and right by different things all day every day, especially with my sister living with me and taking care of my nephew the way I used to for my younger siblings.

ANYWAY, so I get a text from my mom tonight, asking if I want to meet her at the park Tuesday afternoon, so she can have a little time with me and my daughter. I don't know what to say. On the one hand, it's a nice gesture. It's the first time in almost a year that she has offered to come over for any reason other than needing my help with something regarding her houses, legal stuff, computer stuff she has no clue on. I am not in any danger from her, because as soon as I cut all financial ties with her, the absence of dependency made me more-or-less safe. However, I am having a lot of memories surface from early childhood that seem sketchy to me. A lot of extreme neglect, later abuse, and putting me in vulnerable situations that allowed others to abuse me. I am afraid seeing her right now will trigger me into an extreme depression. Also, she has a habit of talking behind everyone's back and telling me how horrible other people are and I don't want to be caught in family drama. Last, I am SO pissed about her not taking care of my baby brother in the way he deserves, I'm not sure I can even stand to see her. If I confront her, I *WILL* be in danger for some emotional abuse and even as an adult woman, I'm not sure I can take it.

So, while she probably has harmless intentions, this woman is toxic to me when I'm not dissociating past memories and feelings. I can easily make an excuse, because she usually only has 30-60 minute windows once few months unless she needs something. I can avoid seeing her privately, where we have to talk, and maybe take my daughter and H to one of her earlier gigs, so she can "see" us, but I don't have to interact with her individually, without support. But that feels like such a chicken move and not fair to her, if she really is trying to be a good mom/grandma. Then, another part of me says that even if she IS trying, she always ends up failing, acting abusive or at least completely inconsiderate of my feelings. So, I am going back and forth between what I think is "right" (to give her a chance) and what feels "safe" (to keep distance while I am so activated on all this past stuff).

What do I do?
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Hi Yaku,

You know, even if your mother has harmless intentions, and even if she is trying to be a good mom/grandma, that doesn't necessarily make it the right time for you to see her. What makes it the right or wrong time for you to see her is not her intentions, but your situation, your circumstances, your feelings. You know what those are. You are feeling overloaded, angry, at risk and you don't want to see her alone. So do what is safe, and see what it feels like to make that choice.

Take care,
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions. I don't have a problem with her taking my daughter on a walk or something like that in theory, but that's not something she's going to want to do. She has never visited for longer than an hour and only that long when she needs something. Usually if she offers it's between gigs (when she has one nearby), she comes and uses my bathroom to get ready, spends about 30 minutes talking at us, and then leaves. She's like a hit and run accident. Even holidays and birthdays (if she attends), she usually shows up late, stays 30-60 minutes, takes a plate to go and heads off to a gig. She's a pianist, if I haven't mentioned. Often, she will leave random boyfriend of the week behind. She did it at my 30th birthday. She showed up, actually ate there (wow, a first) and tried to leave without saying goodbye, leaving her boyfriend there with a bunch of people who just met him. He was a bit creepy, handing out mistletoe to everyone at the table (well, my birthday IS in December, so maybe he was trying to be nice?) She had only been dating him a week, but wanted "the family to meet him," so used my birthday for that. I stopped her to give her a hug and get a picture (nearly impossible to get photos with her). I was talking to my pastor about my upbringing weeks later and he said, "I didn't want to say anything at the time, but the way things went at your birthday were really strange." He said the way she tried to leave without saying goodbye and how she looked when I stopped her for the hug and picture were very strange, like she was pushing me away. He said he's never seen a mother act like that. Frowner Anyway, wow, I don't know why that's coming up for me, because it's totally off-topic. All I'm saying is, she's not someone who really is going to want to take care of my kid and despite her competence at keeping six kids physically safe, her ability to "care for" children is quite compromised. Ugh, if I can't even write all this without feeling ill and having memories pop up, I probably ought not to see her right now. I probably will just make an excuse about being busy or too exhausted, both things that she considers "valid" reasons for not seeing her, because she uses them constantly, so it's not like she can argue. Maybe I will make plans with a friend that afternoon, so it doesn't have to be a lie.
Hi Yaku... I can certainly see the predicament you find yourself in with this. I'm sorry it has to be so hard just trying to figure out if you can bear to be with your mom for an hour. And I know you would like things to be "normal" and for her to enjoy your daughter.

What my T is trying to teach me is to listen to my instincts and my intuition and to value my own feelings and pay attention to them. He tells me this will help to keep me safe. I tend to ignore the warning bells and to go ahead and do what I think is better for the other person or what I think others would feel was the "right" thing to do.

And so what I guess I'm telling you is to listen to your inner feelings. I am getting from what you wrote that it would not be safe for you to have this meeing with your mom right now. You are easily triggered and are trying to process a lot of hard memories and feelings. Add to that feeling angry with her about what is happening with your younger brother. I don't see how this can be a pleasant get-together. And if your gut is telling you not to leave her with your daughter then listen to it.

Tell her that unfortunately that day/time does not work for you because you have plans with a friend or a doctor's appointment or whatever... Yes you will feel a bit of remorse but that is better than being thrown into feeling unsafe or becoming destablized by meeting with her. Listen to what your feelings are telling you and not to what you think "should" be the thing to do. I think that is where you will find your answer.

Church sermon had several things in it today that made me think I am making the wrong decision here. But I can't tell if that's really the case or just a matter of the teaching pastor (NOT the guy who I have been talking stuff over with, but a younger pastor who teaches on occasion) not connecting with me. This particular guy, though a friend since I was about 20, tends to put me off with the way he teaches and the things he said, so maybe I'll just pray about it and stick with my gut...

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