When I came in, we made some small talk. Then, she asked me what I wanted to focus the session on. I didn't know. She asked me what I thought about on the way to therapy. I told her that I thought about how I didn't want to be going to therapy. She said that this was "my" therapy and I didn't have to stay, that I could leave if I would rather be somewhere else.
After that, I just stopped talking. I didn't know what I wanted to stay. It is the first time I have ever just...not talked. It felt gratifying somehow to not have to say anything, to not even try to go through the motions. In my head, I kept thinking about how I'd been in the same situation before with a different T, and I had actually left that time. When that happened, I was totally dysfunctional and depressed. I felt different during the session with my current T--stronger, I guess--and like, if I did decide to walk out the door, it would be different this time around.
T asked me if I thought she had implied that she wanted wanted me to leave. I didn't totally respond to the question--just changed the topic for a moment, then went quiet again. Then, I told her that my mom used to always tell me, if I don't have something nice to say than I shouldn't say anything. I told T that talking to her, and talking to her office staff, made made me feel stressed, and that I never knew what to say to her when she asked what I wanted to talk about. That I was always just flustered and making shallow conversation because I felt overwhelmed. I said that I felt like I was failing therapy, like there was some secret key I didn't have. I said I couldn't believe I was still having this conversation.
We've had similar conversations before about therapy not working, and I know they frustrate my T. They are frustrating for me, too.
T kept asking me what she could do to make it better, but I didn't know what to say. I couldn't see any realistic solutions. I told her that I didn't know how to fix it, and she said that she wasn't asking me to, that she wanted to know what she could do to help.
I still don't know why I was acting the way that I did. I've never sat stubbornly in silence for half of a session before--that's 20-30 minutes. I felt very small, very young almost, and yet very "in the moment." I am a little embarrassed about it all.
Anyway, it was a really weird, really different kind of session. I don't know what to say next time. I want to apologize, but at the same time I don't. When I think about it too much, I really hate myself for it. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish or change by acting this way. I'm curious what T will say next week. I wonder if this is all a sign that I'm just not in a place to really engage in therapy right now. I wonder if (or, more like, when) T will tell me that.