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do you ever get physically sick from being really upset / in conflict / hating yourself etc?
sometimes the intensity of my self hatred and inner conflict makes me feel like i'm coming down with a bad flu, and then i end up having the flu or a bad cold. i think i just hold too many toxic feelings inside without release and they physically make me sick. it makes me feel like the self hate is so intense i can actually punish myself by making myself sick.
or maybe its also a way of crying out that something is wrong and my body can't take anymore.

thank you for reading.

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thank you cat, irishspirit, kmay!
it meant so much to read your replies this morning and i allowed myself to take a day off work (although i have been feeling full of shame about it as i'm afraid its becoming a pattern and people at work will say something)

i want to come back and write when i can think a bit more clearly, but just wanted to say thank you first.

thanks for sharing that. i also don't look after myself very well, but i felt that it was more than that. i hadn't thought about the adrenalin though, its a really valid point. thanks Smiler

thank you for listening! i haven't really spoken to my T about this, maybe its time i face my demons... i tend to minimize when i talk to her about my self hatred, i feel like i'm exagerating.

i have been pretty depressed lately, more in a repressed anger sort of way - and i think that has been a toxic combination.

thank you and my friends

p.s. been feeling better today, made it to work although it was a struggle. i think its gonna be up and down for the next few days, but i really need to start looking after myself better, otherwise i won't get out of this dark hole, even if physically i will get better.

thank you irish! i tend to get back to functioning because i worry too much that other people will see what is really inside me, and that scares me. it is a good thing i guess, but sometimes i feel like i cant even fall apart properly... it is exhausting....
so my falling apart is generally for the weekend, and sometimes it spills over a bit.

sorry for the rant... i really appreciate you checking in on me Smiler


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