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Tomorrow will mark six months that I am with my new and current T. In some ways I’m amazed that I have not given up or run from therapy. Actually, I’m amazed that I am still sane! But honestly, it’s been a very long and hard struggle to find my way to a place of some stability and the beginnings of hope. So much was taken away from me and crushed in the abandonment by my oldT. I think the biggest obstacle remaining is that I still cannot think about the person I was becoming while in therapy with oldT. Most especially in the last 9 months, before he started acting so crazy, I was happy, I was really growing and overcoming so many of my fears, I was trying new things and succeeding, I was looking towards the future with optimism and hope and some new fragile confidence in myself to handle things. I have lost that feeling of hope and optimism. Right now I’m in survival mode. I am not happy. I don’t know what that feels like anymore. I just don’t feel much of anything except sad. But I am more stable and I hope one day I will feel that feeling again of joy and that I will smile and really mean it. The most I can accomplish right now is an even keel numbness that keeps the depressive emotions under control. When I feel okay I’m not UNHAPPY, just not feeling any joy.

The reason for this post is that I met with my T yesterday and gave him a gift to recognize the six months we have been together and also to somehow … in some tangible way … let him know what he means to me and how I see him in my life. I gave him a pretty flameless (battery) candle in a small hurricane lamp. I chose this because I always tell him that he is my light in the dark places when all other lights have gone out. For those of you who are familiar with the Lord of the Rings book, this would be Galadriel’s light. It has been a theme with him and it helped me to relate to him in a safe way until I could trust that the relationship we were building was real. When I would get scared I would tell him that I was afraid the light had gone out and he would remind me that, no it had not, it was shining even more brightly because of the work we were doing together. So now he has a real light, a real representation of the light that he is in my life, sitting there in his office. He has discouraged me from giving him gifts but I took a chance. I was really scared and he knew it and he teased me a bit but accepted the gift very graciously. He was very kind. I included a card with some quotes about “the light” which were appropriate. He seemed to really like it and thanked me and told me he would find a good place for it on his bookshelf. He also told me that he has some gifts from clients going back 20 years or so and he still thinks of those clients with fondness. He has a very eclectic collection of stuff and now I have added something. But beyond that, he told me he really liked the symbolism of the light and the fact that we were “celebrating” a milestone for me and that made the gift okay and very appropriate.

I also told him that I had given myself 3 months to decide if I could work with him at all and 3 additional months to decide if I could stay with him beyond the grief work over losing my oldT. I was so confused and as you all may remember… I was struggling with therapy now being a “do-over” or a “rerun” of something that had failed. That it felt like I was basically giving him my oldT’s old worn clothing. It didn’t seem right or fair and I didn’t know how to do it all over again. He listened very carefully and then told me… and I’ll never forget this… he said that well maybe he is a master tailor and he will take those old clothes and make a beautiful suit from them. That was the perfect answer. It made me cry.

He has truly been a wonderful T. We have had some issues but much of that was because of the damage my oldT left behind. We have had a lot to work through. He always commends me on my courage in coming to see him and in sticking out those first really difficult weeks. He said I looked so scared the first time we met that he was really afraid I would not come back. That made me feel good, that he cared whether or not I would return to him. I think it’s because he really believed he could help me but he needed the time and the opportunity to try. I had to be willing to give him a chance. We talked about how much more comfortable I am in his office. How yesterday I turned off one lamp. He saw that as a very good thing.

We also talked about the differences in the therapy we are doing vs. what I had with oldT. I told him how old T would give me compliments but they didn’t stick. I just could not take them in. But for some reason when HE tells me good things I seem to accept them better. He told me that’s because my oldT did not “hang” the compliments on anything or to anything like he does. When he says I’m smart he relates it to something I did or some discussion we had. If he tells me I’m brave, he tells me that in context of something I did, some challenge I faced down. It makes much more sense when he tells me things and I’m starting to “feel” what he says.

I think the biggest thing has been his absolute consistency and his non-defensiveness. He has been a rock for me. I’m starting to really understand and appreciate how he has “shown” me that he is trustworthy because just telling me this would not have made any difference. I had to SEE it and EXPERIENCE it. This is where the feeling of being safe originates from. Being able to depend and to experience the consistency. This is where my oldT really would screw up. He could be consistent for a little bit and I would start to trust him and then he’d do something that would scare me to death or upset me and we would be back to square one. And the non-defensiveness… he has that down to a science LOL. I have gotten angry with him, challenged his ideas and thoughts and told him off and he has always met my feelings with complete acceptance. And he apologizes so nicely too. With oldT if I challenged him he got defensive and if I told him that his defensiveness was upsetting me he would get defensive about being defensive!!

He thanked me again on my way out and he patted my arm, shook my hand and then squeezed my shoulder. I had to stop myself from hugging him. But it was okay. He makes me feel so safe and held and I take his warmth with me back into the real world.

So when I see him on Thursday we will be starting our second six months, knowing we have both committed to this for as long as it takes. I trust him on that too. I am really looking forward to seeing where this relationship will go. And I’m looking forward to seeing my candle burning brightly on the shelf in his office, yet knowing that, he, my T, is the real light and that he will always burn brightly for me.

Thanks for reading,
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Thank you so much for sharing this milestone with all of us. It really is so beautiful to read about how your T lights the way for you and the healing you are experiencing. I wish I had paid attention to when I started with my T, so I could mark our anniversaries, but I thought I was "just going to help H," so I didn't think I'd be there more than a few weeks! Red Face Eight months later (and probably several years to go)... Wink

Thank you so much for sharing your session and your wonderful progress. I can't believe it has been six months already, but the changes I've seen in you have been remarkable. I'm so happy that you've found a place you are comfortable and that you can feel safe in working with your T. That is priceless! Loved the gift by the way, so glad you gave it and he was so gracious.

So glad to read this. Last year when you were going through all you did with your oldT, I had such a hard time even clicking on your posts because of the state you were in and how sad it made me feel to know what you were going through. Now I enjoy your posts because things are so much better for you, and you sound like there is hope, not just doom and gloom. Smiler This new T is really a great guy, and I enjoy reading about your experiences with him. I think you two will do some really great work together.

Thanks again for sharing this with us!
Wow six months already! TN I am SO pleased you are feeling so positive both about your T and how things are now progressing. I remember how you had reservations about him and also how impenetrable your grief and hopelessness were when you first started with him. It’s wonderful to hear that you now trust him and have the opportunity to compare the difference between him (good therapy) and OldT (dubious therapy).

Wanted to say that though your T sounds wonderful and truly good for you, it’s down to your determination and hard work that you’ve gotten to this point – you chose him, you stuck with him despite your fears and reservations and grief, you have been able to open up to him and trust him – I think you should give yourself a gift to celebrate that!

I am sad though that you feel you’ve lost that sense of the person you were becoming whilst with OldT. I think though that that TN is still there, and that when she starts to emerge again it will be with really solid foundations – real and true, so that not only could an OldT scenario not happen again, but that NOTHING will threaten those foundations again. To coin a bit of a cliché, OldT was giving you foundations of sand, NewT is helping you build a strong and positive sense of self on foundations of rock. (Lol I just reread your post and see that you call him your rock anyway – subliminal or what!)

It is truly heartwarming to read your post TN, and to know that the horror of your abandonment by OldT is now becoming something that happened in the past and is no longer as overwhelmingly unbearable as it has been.

I am really pleased for you. Smiler

Thank you everyone for your comments and for celebrating with me. It has been difficult getting to this point and I needed to recognize it and acknowledge it in some way.

Morgs.... thank you for the happy anniversary wish. I do believe that my T will help me find the whole me in time.

AG... you were there walking with me through most of this and when I didn't have enough courage or belief that I could ever find my way out of the darkness I borrowed yours. You always believed I could do this, even when I was telling you that it was impossible Big Grin. Thank you for never giving up on me.

Yaku...thanks for the hugs. When I began seeing my T I was so grief stricken that I could not remember dates or when I saw him or what we said. I was so depressed I truly didn't even WANT to remember. I could not imagine it would ever become important for me to remember anything about this new T. I so carefully journaled all my sessions with oldT and I just didn't have the heart to do the same thing with another T. I couldn't even accept I WAS seeing another T in the beginning. I could barely even look at him in session. I was so terrified that I would realize he was someone I didn't know or trust. What I did was post here though and I emailed with two friends and with this new T and so I went back and pieced together dates and thoughts and finally put a new journal together. I knew the date I started from the monthly receipt my T gives me. I'm glad I did this now because it does help to go back and see the absolute mess I was in October last year and how far our relationship has developed in six months.

incognito... how are you? Thanks for your thoughts. It seemed important to me that I could symbolize him in some way. I think it made him feel closer to me and less scary.

STRM... thank you for commenting on the changes you have noticed in me. That makes all the hard work worthwhile. You were one of the members who hung in with me through some really hellish moments (and posts) and I really appreciated it.

seablue.... I'm sorry my posts made your heart hurt but thank you for saying I am an inspiration. If I can do this then I truly believe you can too. I will be here to support you in whatever you need. Maybe I needed to experience this in order to help others survive T transitions but I would hope no one else will ever have to be terminated and abandoned in the very damaging way that I was. It's been a long, bumpy road and I have learned a lot about myself and others along the way.

LG...yes I am in much better, safer hands now. My heart was severely wounded on August 12 and then smashed to pieces on August 13 when I got that termination email which left me devastated with no where to go and no one to turn to. This forum was truly a life line for me.

MTF... I know you struggled with reading my posts and I knew how triggering they were for you and probably many others as well. Termination is a terrifying topic for those of us with attachment injury and I truly understand. But you did support me and I did appreciate it. I am truly blessed to have this T in my life, he IS a great guy and I wish there were more like him out there. And no one is more pleased than I am that I can write more hopeful and less dark posts these days!

Sadly... thanks for checking in from India. Hope your travels are going well. We were both going through this hell at the same time. I am thrilled that we both landed on our feet with wonderful, empathic and caring new T/P. But we did put a lot of thought and effort into finding them and we were strong enough to keep looking for what we needed.

Draggers! ...... hugs to you. You were there with me and we were both going through some horrible times last summer. Having your support was very helpful and meaningful for me, knowing that you could understand exactly how I was feeling and what I was thinking. Thank you, dear friend.

LL.....again, it's so wonderful to see you here posting and sharing again. Thank you for being pleased for me. My grief really was inpenetrable when I started this new therapy. My T knew that and he knew exactly what he had to do and be for me. And I do understand what you are saying in giving myself some credit for this. My T tells me that he is amazed by my strength and courage to keep going, working my way through 5 therapists until I settled in with him. He assures me that not everyone could do that after being so badly wounded. He teases me that I have a steel rod running through me but thankfully for him it's encased in nice soft leather.

And LL... I haven't forgotten that you were there with me through this too and you were struggling with trying to find your own T and then having that experience with the T who suddenly had no room in his schedule. You had your own rejection and frustration to work through and look at you now.. .you have also found a T you can work with and are making progress with.

I think anniversaries are good opportunties to look back and see how far one has come but it's also good to turn and look towards the future and to try to see and imagine the possibilities that are out there for us.

Hugs to all
I loved the fact that you had bought him that lamp. I know how much he means to you after the HELL you were going through. I did not realise I met my sweetP before you met your T - so just wanted to explain that without messing up your thread. I met sweetP by a self referral in June via my GP - did not know what I psychologist did really but knew my ex C was beginning to show signs of being out of her depth. Then i forgot about the referral request and just as the hell with the ex C was in full swing got this letter saying I had an appointment with a P. How? could not remember! So turned up just out of politeness (so nearly did not go) and met sweetP for the first time and he said two weeks ago when I was telling him about the criminal T, that in that first meeting he could not understand why I was so defensive. Now he can! I found him so sweet and gentle and kind on that first meeting and so attuned to me and then blow me but he offers to ring me the following week to see how I am doing!!!!
He just over came my fear with his solid unremitting gentle kindness.
We did not actually start officially working together until the ex C's last session which was actually mid November but even by then I had had several sessions with him.

You know, TN - I told sweetP that I think he might be a grown up. Smiler

Might be.

but it means that I am meeting a man for the first time who truly knows what it is like to put me first- to have my best interests at heart and to be careful. When I asked him if I could take a photo of him to take with me to india, he said, aloud: "Is this in the client's best interests, is this therapeutically beneficial for S?"

He continued musing aloud, saying "well, if I had written a book - which I haven't - you could find a photo of me online, so I guess it must be okay. fine, I am fine with that. "

And his photo helps me so much.

Also, he gave me his main personal work number (he works at a university) and his mobile number so I can ring him from India. I came clean and corrected him on both numbers, revealing that I already have them Wink and he just laughed at that. He just LAUGHED. Not cross, just amused by me in a nice way,

He also said that he found it helpful for me to actually write in a card what I found helpful in him as he felt he had made mistakes sometimes like not saying the right thing, or saying somthing that could be misunderstood easily or some times not saying anything when I needed something said. I found it so sweet that he is willing to look at his mistakes and I just said that I find his mistakes very recoverable from.

Do you worry about losing your T? My P has said he will see me to the end of this year and then we review, but the more I cherish him the more it is hurting that I will lose him. I cannot work with him until I am ready to end, he is pushed by NHS constraints to finish ASAP as there are always other people on the waiting list. I find that it hurts to think of losing him.

Yes, we both worked hard to find someone good after the awful hell we went through, and I even said to sweetP - " sometimes I think you cannot be as good as you seem to be, it just isn't possible surely!" and he laughed and said he makes many mistakes, I am just very forgiving.

I feel like my littlest self has slipped her hand into his, and feels steadied and safe and cared for, even though he won't hold me.

Do you feel the deep care your T has of you? do you get that feeling or warmth and glow inside after a session where they are so caring and gentle to our disclosed hurts and rawness and he is so kind and gentle in his listening. I have never had this kind of deep listening and being there for me, since First Finder, in 1989. 22 years of waiting for this. Phew.

sorry - this should be a pm but I am losing internet access in seconds so forgive me for posting here. Where did he put the lamp? on the bookcase? BEt he loves it and bet he loves you too, TN, how could he not, you sweet courageous woman.

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