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Being imaginative or creative in any way was a 'no no' in that family, and I perceived it as another wrong about me. When I painted pictures in primary school and the teachers told me to take them home to show my family I thought, "Why should I subject myself to that ridicule? What were those teachers thinking?" High school was no different. When I was told to hold up my paintings in class I died a thousands deaths of embarrassment. All art found a bin before entering that house.

When Lassie dog on telly got lost, tears gave away my weakness. I was stared at by my family like some freak of a sorts. Ma told me to go and have a shower after our family dog was run over. She said it would make me feel better. My tears were muffled by the sound of running water, and I did feel a little better.

I felt for my brother when he was terrified of the wardrobe boogie man. His nightmare resulted in him crying out for mum and sleep walking to get away from the man with the gun. And I didn’t mind going on a diet when ever big sis wanted to. She was concerned about her weight so all us gals ate were diet biscuits and low calorie stuff which I cant come at eating today.

English teachers were more into a comma,,,,,,,, and CAPITAL letters than content. At times I found arithmetic difficult in primary school too. I was an average student with a need to conquer and perform as well as the rest. I cheated arithmetic in forth year elementary class, because I wanted to know what it felt like to be brainy. I sat with the 'elite' for two days before Mr Rogers caught me out.

It seems my family convinced me all that was good about me was wrong, and all that was bad about them was normal.

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How very confusing for a child!
My brother and I were banned from watching lassie because we cried!
Fortunately for me primary school was my salvation, although everything went bottom up in all girls high school ...I wasn't quite the young lady they wanted at school or home!!
Are you and your siblings supportive of each other?
I live in a crazy making world of a brother who says everything was rosy as a child...despite the act he was a runaway and suffered with the worst eczema I have ever seen...I wonder where his anger went.
I remain the family scapegoat, and we now have no contact.
G'day Crootie, Yes, very confusing. It does go against the grain when we are taught to not be ourselves. It can take years in therapy to undo those lessons our family taught us. In that respect therapy is an unlearning of a sorts.

No my sibs were not supportive in any way.

I am a firm believer that our emotions can effect our body, including the skin.

Why deal with people we have nothing in common with? My whole family became estranged too.


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