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So, some of you might remember that I thought I ended with my T (Art-T) - I told her about three months ago (after a couple of run-ups) that it wasn't working for me and I wanted to see someone else, so she put me on the waiting list with another guy (Manatee). I didn't hear anything for a couple of months, during which time things went better with us, and then she said he had a spot, did I still want to try him. I still knew she wasn't right for me so I said things were going better between her and I but I did want to. And then I was really happy that she seemed comfortable for me to do that and offered to leave it open between us if I wanted to come back.

She said try it out over the Christmas period and we'll see how it goes - which I thought meant that we were basically finishing, as long as everything went well. But we didn't do any of the goodbye stuff in that session, so when I left I said umm, maybe we should make another appointment to finish up (which was today's).

But when I saw Manatee he started out by saying 'So, I know this is only temporary...' and I had to tell him a couple of times that Art-T wasn't a good match for me, and that I didn't know how it would go between he and I but I wanted to try it for a few sessions and if it was okay to switch to him. Because he was confused I realised that she must have thought something different to what I thought - that actually I was just going to see him for a few sessions and go back to her.

And then today SHE said that he was confused (even though I am sure that I was really clear with him), and did I want to switch over or not. Frowner I said AGAIN what I wanted... but felt like I mustn't have been clear with anyone. Even my husband's T said she was confused when I explained what I wanted in our couples session a while back. It doesn't seem that fricking hard to me!!! Am I speaking gobbledygook? Am I just trying to cushion it too much because I don't want to say "Art-T sucks, I want to see Manatee, but Manatee might suck too so I'm leaving my options open". I guess it's leaving my options open that's the problem.

Anyway, so once we'd cleared up that I really did want to switch, she started doing the ending stuff. It was yuck. She asked me to tell her what I'd got from working with her, whether I was any different, what I thought I'd get from Manatee (unsaid: that I wasn't getting from her). I said I didn't feel like anything was really different for me after working with her but I rattled off a few things I'd liked about our sessions. I said I didn't know if it would work with him any better because I didn't know him but I wanted to try. She said "I'm not sure you'll be able to find what you want with anyone else if it doesn't work with Manatee. At some point *you* have to take responsibility and do the work."

Now I want to stomp all over her stupid head. I did my fricking best to work with her and the whole time, even today, it just felt like playing tennis with myself. I'd dredge up what I thought was significant in whatever we were talking about and she would just nod and then half the time go back to something irrelevant from earlier. There was no structure to the sessions, no curiosity, no connection from week to week and no attempt to use any kind of techniques to help me except basic reflection and a couple of weeks of art work at the beginning. I KNOW there is better therapy out there than this. And I tried to end it without blaming her or dissing her style, just accepting it wasn't for me and saying that, and now I just feel like she *had* to dump on me at the end so I knew it was my fault not hers.

And now I have to wait another #(*%& 2 weeks to start properly with Manatee, Friday of next week, and I am HEARTILY SICK OF WAITING!
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((((((((((Jones)))))))))) I am SO sorry to hear of the confusion over what you said. IMO it sounds like the confusion was all coming from HER because she didn't want to face what you were really saying. I'd like to join you in stomping on her head over the arrogant comment she made, which I'm not even going to quote because it torques me off so much. But it is just more evidence of her cluelessness that she doesn't see that you are someone who is heartily willing to do "the work"...WITH A T WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO THEIR JOB. Mad

I DO wish you could send her that last paragraph which explains so well what she did wrong (the rest of it after you said you wanted to stomp on her head). But it probably wouldn't get through and would just cause more difficulty for you later. Grrr.

I'm sorry you have to wait two more weeks. That is bogus. ((((((Jones))))))

(((((((SG))))))) Thank you!!! I'm ropable.... I just sat there and went 'Sure, of course' because, you know, of course people have to do the work and take responsibility, that makes sense. But I also felt like she was secretly angry at me, so I was being super-peaceable. And then afterwards I just went WTF? What is it that she thinks I should have done that I haven't done? In what way am I dodging responsibility - by looking at our work and seriously coming to the decision that I need a different approach, and looking for someone who can provide it?

She also told me that Manatee has a more goal-oriented approach, and had I thought about that, was I ready for it, what was I going to work on? I said that he hadn't discussed that with me yet, so no, I hadn't set any goals but I thought that approach would work for me. In fact I realized afterwards he did ask me very clearly and specifically what I wanted out of working together, and I told him very clearly and specifically (to get to a place with my creative work where it's integrated into my daily life, and I feel confident and productive). But when she asked I felt like she was saying 'look what you're getting yourself in for - now you're going to get your just desserts!'

Argh, a pox on her head. Mad

Jones, i understnad very well why your ennoyed and angry at T for all this. And that your fed up with waiting. 2 weeks is a long time when you`ve already waited for months.. I must admit i think your T`s comment about you needing to take responsibility- and you maybe not being able to find what you want- (crap) was REALLY Bull***. Thats NOT the way to finish with a client, IMO. You have every right (of course you are) to finish with this T, when you dont get what you need from her. Sometimes its just not working, DESPITE that you`ve tried hard and worked hard. Obviously she doesnt mach your ambisions, and its great that you take yourself seriously enough, to act upon the frustration and stribe for better therapy. Because, YES, there are great T`s out there, that will be good for you. FWIW: I saw a female T once too, for 6 months, i REALLY worked hard in that therapy too, but i was never happy with her, and when i finally gathered my bravery and told her (with great guilty feelings) i wanted to see a new T (male), she said pretty much the same thing as yours: That she didnt think it would help me see a maleT and that (unsaid) i did a mistake finishing with her. Well, i did end anyway, despite her warnings- and its the BEST CHOICE i have ever made! (and i found current T whom i`ve seen for 2 years now, and which you all know i love!) So, Jones, - my point is,(if any, sorry) sometimes T`s says (stupid) stuff like this, both out of concern i assume, but also because THEY do get a little hurtet when a patient "leaves them" for someone "better". I geuss your T was also a little shocked about the news that you didnt wanted to see her again, since she obviously thought you were going back after christmas. About the confuision regard to what you wanted: Sometimtes being clear is really the hardest task in therapy, espesically when it comes to express stuff that directly touches the "quality" of T. You wanting to end with your T, (but not wanting to hurt her feelings)is a dilemma, which puts you on a hard spot! No wonder why you would talk a little vague, if so..? And also being unclear/unspesific would leave your opotions open, as you said, aslo. Or maybe you was clear, but your T just couldnt believe what she heard.. (you know, somemites we tend to hear the things we wanna hear!) Its hard to say..
Jones, i am sorry your last session was so hard. Nothings like a hard break-up session. Hope the two weeks goes super fast for you! And i really really hope new T makes you feel that you did the right decition ending with Art-T, and hat you`ll feel it was worth all the waiting... And thanks for posting, i`ve been wondering about you.
Dear Froglet, thank you kindly. I just feel like I'm reaching the end of my tether with the waiting thing - and I hate that I let it be strung out *another* 2 weeks. It's interesting that your female T had that reaction too. I guess it does hurt them to be 'dumped', and I was so relieved last time that she seemed to be ok with it. But I've been trying to stave off imagining what it's like for her, because otherwise I'd be a bit paralyzed and that would just make it worse. Sometimes I think I should have been more specific about what wasn't working for me - but really, there has to be a level where you know it's just not going anywhere no matter what you say. I never felt like she was offering insights that I hadn't already seen; I often felt like her questions and observations flattened my experience, deadened it or took me away from it, instead of opening it up. And I can't see how any feedback from me could possibly change that.

Anyway, onwards.... I've not been posting much partly because I don't even feel like I'm in the therapy process, and partly because it's just too frustrating to get impatient with the wait when I can't do anything about it. But now I have to admit I am impatient! I want to get going already, wish I could start the process somehow and have something to work on to get me through. Frowner
Thanks my dear Deepfried, my dear Draggers. (((((((hugs both o you))))))

She doesn't sound like she was all there

You know, I think this is exactly right. A couple of times - and especially yesterday - I've looked at her and felt sure she was lightly dissociating/tuned out - eyes glazed, quite still, not quite connecting stuff. I know she had a traumatic family background (she was quick to volunteer stuff about herself) - so I wonder if she was getting triggered. Or I was just boring the crap out of her!! Big Grin

I'm not taking it on too much - I know I'm doing the right thing in moving on, whether it works out or not, and now at least I know I'm not going back to her whatever happens.

It just pisses me off to be still stuck! And I wonder what she's like with clients who might be in harder positions than me, experiencing transference with her or whatever. Ugh.

I'm also pissed off because she made some quite accurate comments about my situation yesterday - that I'm wandering around in the confusion and dark about everything, looking for someone who can offer guidance - but something about the way she says that stuff makes me feel worse, rather than better. I don't feel understood, just judged.

Hmph, good riddance.
Hi Jones
I'm so sorry this is happening but I think your current T's behaviour is definitely firming up your resolve to leave her behind - something is clearly wrong Eeker
I would like to say to you that your posts/insights/care/concern/knowledge of the therapy process and CLEAR thinking with good *old common sense* are so constantly obvious Big Grin Big Grin So clearly IMHO there is something wrong with the other person in this *relationship* Roll Eyes
so I wonder if she was getting triggered. Or I was just boring the crap out of her!!

Given what you know of her background - yes she's triggered and not coping and that's the last thing you need while dealing with you own stuff (for want of a better word Roll Eyes)

I'm also pissed off because she made some quite accurate comments about my situation yesterday - that I'm wandering around in the confusion and dark about everything, looking for someone who can offer guidance

This would be a bit confusing if you recognise that some comments were on the button - but given what I know of you, I think she's projecting her stuff on to you Eeker Roll Eyes
Take some deep breaths ((Jones)) it really does seem like you need to move away OR maybe have a good old knock down drag em out bunfight with nothing held back and see what happens????? Nothing to lose really but WDIK, tell me to piss off if I'm way off track Roll Eyes

Hey Morgs!

Thank you for the lovely compliments - of course, it's not as easy to be clear thinking about one's *own* stuff as with others, and with two people in the mix it's always a bit hard to tell exactly what belongs to who. But I do know she doesn't work for me, so I'm glad at this point to let her go. Knock-down brawl sounds like fun, but I just don't have it in me, I don't think - not when I feel like someone is probably not very capable of much more, know what I mean? So I'm just going to let it go and hope like hell the next one works better for me....

Great big elasticised hug back to you! Smiler

Well Jones! - what can anyone say? You're right - there are two people in this *relationship* with so many dynamics in play Wink. However if, after talking this out in your head (cognitively) and no doubt busting your gut feeling it out heaps (emotionally) and sussing it our here in our community!!! you still feel it doesn't work for you - move on my friend (but leave a tiny door open, just in case Roll Eyes)

Go gently with yourself ((Jones))

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