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I had a little success today and wanted to share, as well as see what other small successes the rest of you have had. Maybe it will help us all move along a bit. Smiler

I normally just roll over and accept anything, and I never want to have an opinion since that seems so scary and threatening. Well, today in one of my classes, I got a quiz back and I didn't agree with a question that was marked wrong. So, I took a deep breath (actually, I think I held my breath), and I talked to my professor about it. I explained why I thought I shouldn't have gotten it wrong...and she actually gave me all of the points back! It's such a small thing, but I was literally shaking afterward because I had been so scared. It kind of gets my stomach churning just thinking about it. A large part of me feels ridiculous that it was that big of a deal for just one question.

Anyway, that's my success for the day (week, month, year...Big Grin). What are some of yours?
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Hooray, Kashley! that is really positive, and great to read. Thank you so much for sharing. Overcoming fear and self-doubt is a real victory and I applaud you!

Let me see- I shared this on here before, but I recently was able to tell a friend that I did not want to discuss my problems and depression, because her take on it was to reject my pain, have me read a self-help book or two, and above all, take a pill. So I just said "this discussion is not helpful for me, can we talk of other things?" It was very hard to believe in what I personally believe and stand up for it. Something my T told me to do with people who are unable to hear our pain, but I was never able to accomplish before. So that was my victory! remembering to implement it instead of dissociating from the conversation. Now I have a tool in my arsenal that will make it possible, if I can continue with this- to interact, albeit superficially, with people.

Thanks for giving us a place to share our successes, Kashley!


Well done, Kashley! No matter how small a succes it may seem in the grand scheme of things, it is actually huge, because you stood up for yourself and believed in yourself.

My small succes was yesterday when I got home after my first day at a new job, and whereas usually being tired and stressed would evoke all sorts of destructive behaviours, I got on my bike and rode for 1,5 hours until I was physically tired as well as mentally. I was very pleased that I didn't give in to the lurking self-destructive behaviours.

Yay Kashley! being an advocate for yourself is something that is really hard, and really good to do too, and it's super cool you did it! yay!!!

a small success I had today...
I didn't cancel going out for frozen yogurt with a friend even though I have had a really crappy day and wanted to hide from everyone and was worried I'd get teary over nothing. The time with my friend, and the fro yo, was good.
Thanks everyone!

Mayflower - that is so incredible that you were able to do something so effective to keep yourself safe and healthy. And extra kudos for doing it after your first day at a new job. Wow!

Jane - that's so hard, making yourself be social when you really, really don't want to. You're brave for going out anyway, and I'm so glad that you had a nice time.

Thanks for sharing your experiences...all of it helps me focus on the baby steps I'm trying to take, and I'm sure it helps others, too. Anyway, gotta run.

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