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I was reading the article on this site about transference the part about a reaction to a shop clerk, yes I had that this yr too and that makes sense that the underlying message I have hearing is, "you must take care of me", I think thats why this christmas break I have been thinking about T being with whomever she is with and this same silent message has been playing in my head, I feel so angry with her that I want to see her explode, but then I realise I will loose the good that I get too from her, but I can't seem to balance the too, but have too, because I she explodes then I loose everything, but if I submit and she doesn't explode I feel as if I am back to be a slave to her again, oh wait is this more transference? am I describing what my life was like growing up, that the hand that fed me also hurt me and I couldnt blow her up because I needed to be fed.

Ambilvalance, but how can just talking about this with T when we return heal it? yes she will listen and empaphise, but I still get left when she goes away, I still dont get what I want, but what is that I want? Is this very young feelings, a time before words? when I go to put into words what I want I can't it becomes just a giant longing, it becomes almost a desperate desire to be one with "the mother", the phantasy mother, do I want T to stand up, walk toward me and we disappear into each other? Oh how can talking heal this!!
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I don't know a lot about transference but I do know that after I acknowledged positive transference to my T, it didn't seem to have as powerful a hold on me. And, also, that I was able to spot the negative transference happening a lot faster since I acknowledged the positive transference. No, you won't be able to get what you think you want. But the powerful hold might lesson just by verbalizing it. I don't know why but verbalizing things seems to have tremendous healing powers!!!!

Hope this helps!!! I totally understand where you are coming from on this and how torturous it can be!!!

yes she will listen and empaphise, but I still get left when she goes away, I still dont get what I want,

This is such a painful feeling and you have described it beautifully. I feel really envious that at the end of the day they go home to their happy sane family and I am left feeling unhappy and insane and desperately longing for more.

When I said that to my P he said how do I know that they go home to a happy and sane family or that they are happy at all? Maybe, judging by all the Ts and Ps on this board that have stuffed up, they aren't as happy as I think.
Also, I think the talking heals it when you talk it and talk it and talk it and your T or P does not give up on you or turn their back on you or end or show any negative emotion. When they validate and welcome your feelings and aren't scared of your feelings I think that is when the healing starts.

When I used to tell my P that I was obsessing about him he would tell me every time that nothing was every going to happen. I told him that made me feel really rejected and he said he wouldn't say that anymore. The next time he said he was glad he was still on my list - I don't think he knew what else to say lol.
Mad Hatter, feel free to describe your own feelings regarding this subject!

I want to say its good to not feel so alone with this, but then I'm sorry so many others experience it too.

I know at times like this T would say that I am having a one way conversation with her, coming up with my own ending and solutions, and that when I talk to her I then get a real response rather then just head talk with myself.

I go back wednesday after the christmas break and right now I feel I will just charge at her and punch her (I doubt I ever would and proberbly when I actually see her that feeling won't feel so intense), but I also want to scream these feelings at her and have her hold me and rock me as I cry and punch and kick, perhaps its just a great big longing to be held and I know she would if I asked, but I dont want to really and want to talk about being held with her but dont' want her to think I want it in reality.
Well it was nothing like I was afraid it would be, my return to therapy. I talked openly and honestly about my feelings during the break then as I spoke I stopped myself and said "Oh, oh, I'm not just talking about you and missing you am I", T said "go on", and then I begun to talk about my early abandoment days, and couldnt believe I had gone back into one of those flashback places again and not been aware of it, it feels so real at the time, It felt like the realness of seeing T again crashed into the fantasy world I get triggered into. Of course T hadn't abandoned me, of course she wasn't going to be her absence permanent, how could I have thought these things?" But I do and I guess its keep talking and talking about it until one day I believe it and am able to pull myself out of the flashbacks I enter when triggered.

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