Laura was less restrictive than my old therapist and I have enjoyed our sessions so much. She is more my age and its a less intense and more relaxing atmosphere. As most of you know by now its impossible to not have transference in therapy and she feels like an older sister to me or a really good friend. of course I would never devulge these feeling as that would run the risk of therapy being terminated.
Today Laura announced that starting next month she would be starting school again and would be leaving the clinic. We have 3 sessions left and she said she would be introducing me to my next therapist who would take over. All I told her was its "frustrating to always start over witha new therapist". I left and walked down the canal to the back of the office towards the mall talking to myself, asking the usuall "why?" over and over again.
I just want to know if anyone has been through a change similar to this and if they think its best to start over at a new clinic because the old one reminds them of the old therapist.