The confusion comes when your brain knows the therapist is not like them, but the feelings and thoughts, and their facial expressions, etc. line up with what you feel.
How come you can't just STOP projecting? Just tell yourself, "Stop it" and therapy is a success, quickly.
I took everything he had ever given me, a book, a letter, lavender (for something to hold during the week) and left it in his office and told him I had to go...there is nothing worse than viewing someone as you see your abuser/s. I can't think of anything worse I could ever do to anyone.
I am trying to wrap my brain around this whole projection issue...the more I try, the more confused I get. It seems simple to say to someone "You are projecting," yet, it is not simple for the person who is doing it to just stop it.
You know what is really bad? Think about this...for anyone that has been abused: You project because of the atmosphere you grew up in...always scanning the terrain looking for danger, you are supported, through experience, in not trusting anyone...and then, the way you see things has been constructed through the abuse...over and over again...and then somehow, you are supposed to undo the projection, even though it very much feels like reality.
You feel that you are bad, you are wrong. All that constructs you is based on the reality of then, not now. But, it is still your reality. A bruised reality. A reality that was shaped by very real moments. A reality strictly designed for protection.
He knows. That is the worst part. He knows I see him this way, he told me so last week. I was trying to at least hide it. I wanted to hide it because he doesn't deserve to be seen in this manner. To even place someone on that same level is something I don't want to do. This is another reason why I am confused. If you know someone doesn't deserve to be seen in a certain manner, why does one continue to do the very thing they wish not to do?
I keep telling myself if I can wrap my brain around this, I can get a better grasp on what is happening and why. To no avail, it is not working. How can I expect him to understand this when I do not even understand?
My brain feels's as if I am trying to look at one a focused way, but I am seeing three of the same image out of one image...blurred, can't get them to line up...
I am trying.